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Creating a REST API with Python and Flask Miguel Grinberg @miguelgrinberg

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About Me OpenStack Engineer @ Rackspace Author of the O’Reilly book “Flask Web Development” Author of Flask-SocketIO, Flask-Migrate, Flask- HTTPAuth and a few more Flask extensions My blog:

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What is an API?

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API A set of rules and protocols by which two components agree to communicate.

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Fat Server API Model Client ● User interaction Server ● Application logic ● Rendering ● User input handling ● Data management

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Fat Client API Model Client ● User interaction ● Application logic ● Rendering ● User input handling Server ● Data management

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What is REST?

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REST An architectural style for highly scalable networked applications that typically run on top of the HTTP protocol.

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The Six REST Principles ● Client-Server ● Uniform Interface ○ Identification of Resources ○ Manipulation of Resources Through Representations ○ Self-Descriptive Messages ○ Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) ● Stateless ● Layered System ● Cacheable ● Code-on-Demand (optional) Watch my PyCon 2015 talk “Is your REST API RESTful?” to learn what these are.

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Resources ● Resources represent the entities in the application’s domain ○ Customers, Invoices, Products, Players, Games, etc. ○ Can also represent physical objects: Garage doors, cameras, sensors, etc. ● Each resource or collection of resources has a unique URL ○ ○ ○ ● Clients work with resource representations ○ JSON {“first”: “Susan”, “last”: “Smith”, “phone”: “503-111-2222”} ○ XML SusanSmith503-111-2222

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● The client sends a HTTP request to the server ○ The request method specifies the action to perform. Examples: GET(read), POST(create), PUT(edit), DELETE ○ The URL specifies the target resource ○ The request body specifies a resource representation (POST and PUT only) ○ The request headers contain metadata (content types, caching details, etc.) ● The server sends a HTTP response back to the client ○ The status code specifies the result of the operation 200 (OK), 201 (Created), 202 (Accepted), 400 (Bad Request), 404 (Not Found), etc. ○ The response body specifies a resource representation ○ The response headers contain metadata Requests and Responses

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Why Flask?

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What Would you rather Have? I take the tub, thank you very much!

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What’s in the (Flask) Box? ● Built in development server and debugger ● Integrated unit testing support ● RESTful request dispatching ● Uses Jinja2 templating ● Support for secure cookies (client side sessions) ● 100% WSGI 1.0 compliant ● Unicode based ● Extensively documented ● Built in development server and debugger ● Integrated unit testing support ● RESTful request dispatching ● Uses Jinja2 templating ● Support for secure cookies (client side sessions) ● 100% WSGI 1.0 compliant ● Unicode based ● Extensively documented

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@app.route('/customers', methods=['GET']) def a_function(): pass RESTful Request Dispatching @app.route('/customers', methods=['POST']) def another_function(): pass @app.route('/customers', methods=['GET']) @app.route('/customers', methods=['GET']) @app.route('/customers/', methods=['DELETE']) def yet_another_function(id): pass

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Creating REST APIs with Flask

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The 90-90 Rule The first 90% of the code accounts for 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

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● Use Flask’s native dispatching to implement your base API endpoints ● Manage the actual resources: the choice is yours! ○ Database resources: SQLAlchemy, Peewee, direct DB access, etc. ○ Physical devices: Use the appropriate Python package to control the device ● Handle resource representations ○ Manually through dictionaries and the native JSON/XML packages ○ Using more sophisticated third party packages: Flask-RESTful, Marshmallow, etc. ● Add token based authentication ○ Flask-HTTPAuth wraps authentication at the HTTP protocol level ● Return appropriate error responses ● Encapsulate resources in Python modules to keep things organized The First 90%

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● Filtering ● Sorting ● Pagination ● Asynchronous requests ● Caching ● Rate Limiting ● Hypermedia ● … WTF??? None of these things are directly related to specific resources in your application, so they should not clutter your resources! The Other 90%

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@api.route('/customers//invoices', methods=['GET']) @etag @json @collection(Invoice) def get_customer_invoices(id): return Customer.query.get_or_404(id).invoices Decorators To The Rescue! @api.route('/cameras//movies', methods=['POST']) @async def capture_movie(id): camera = get_camera_from_id(id) movie_id = camera.start_recording() return url_for('get_movie', id=movie_id)

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Questions? Miguel Grinberg @miguelgrinberg