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Design From The Realm of Open-Source Open Source Is the New Sauce - Abati Adewale Shodipo Ayomide | Open Source Initiative - State of the Source Conference 2020

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I DO OPEN SOURCE @developerayo

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Developer Advocate and Community Evangelist unStack Africa Developers Circles Lagos from Facebook React.js Lagos Open Source Community Africa AfricaHacks

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Let’s get cooking

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Designers can’t get less creative, the more you produce design assets the more creative you get overtime #experience

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The Problem

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It’s quite hard to find a single designer who contribute to open- source efficiently.

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Perception of designers not needed in open-source, but just make it work ideology

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The Solution

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Resources: tailored towards how to contribute to open-source as a designer. Thanks to Open Source Design, Open Source Initiative and others creating design related content in relation to Open Source for Designers.

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Getting started with OSS

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Open-Source in a nutshell is a free software built by the community for the community with improvements shared across different technical talents.

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The Web has been open- source since `View Page Source`

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Crappy things some engineers say about design.

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Design is an ideology not a professional profession.

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if the end product is quality software, why can't designers code?

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Start Writing Documentations for other designers to see and follow along It’s a trend someone has to start

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Someone didn’t start because they believed someone else would, at the end, no one end’s up starting until a couple of years later. @developerayo Screenshot & Tweet This:

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Some Resources

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Thank You Question? Ask & Follow me on Twitter and GitHub @developerayo Shodipo Ayomide | Open Source Initiative - State of the Source Conference 2020