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Google confidential │ Do not distribute The W’s of Diversity Julia Ferraioli Senior Developer Advocate Tuesday, July 1, 14

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The A Way Forward 1 2 3 4 Setting the Stage Some Stats of Today(ish) The W’s Tuesday, July 1, 14

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The A Way Forward 1 2 3 4 Setting the Stage Some Stats of Today(ish) The W’s Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Setting the Stage Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Motivation Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Creative Commons image courtesy of Niki Odolphie It’s a maze There’s a desire to help, but fear of causing harm. Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Creative Commons image courtesy of Don Miller I have hope We know things can get better, because we’ve seen better. Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Why I care Tuesday, July 1, 14

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NYTimes: Bucking the trend at women’s colleges Educated at a women’s college: • Focused on learning • Treated as an intellectual equal • Equal participation in group projects Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Creative Commons image courtesy of Tony Werman From my first experiences in industry, I was: • Assumed to be nontechnical • Assumed to be a diversity hire • Witness to derogatory remarks about my gender Tuesday, July 1, 14

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The A Way Forward 1 2 3 4 Setting the Stage Some Stats of Today(ish) The W’s Tuesday, July 1, 14

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In higher education Tuesday, July 1, 14

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1984 2010 2012 37.1 18.2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 CS degrees awarded to women 2002 2004 2006 2008 27.5 25.1 20.7 17.7 18.2 Source: NSF report from 2012 % Tuesday, July 1, 14

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American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Black White 0 15,000 30,000 27,067 4,847 4,210 3,964 231 Source: NSF report from 2012 CS degrees broken down by race or ethnicity Tuesday, July 1, 14

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...broken down by sex American Indian or Alaska Native Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Black White 0 15,000 30,000 3,986 1,460 791 874 50 23,081 3,387 3,419 3,090 181 Male Female Source: NSF report from 2012 Tuesday, July 1, 14

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In industry Creative Commons image courtesy of Andrew Horne Tuesday, July 1, 14

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0 500,000 1,000,000 998,000 4,000 85,000 46,000 215,000 4,000 Source: NSF report from 2010 Employed broken down by sex Male Female American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Source: HBR report from 2010 Attrition of Women in Technology Tuesday, July 1, 14

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The A Way Forward 1 2 3 4 Setting the Stage Some Stats of Today(ish) The W’s Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Problems faced the what Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity. - Wikipedia on gaslighting Google confidential │ Do not distribute “Are you sure that’s what actually happened?” - Creative Commons image courtesy of Mike GL Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Unequal opportunity Can feel like jealousy and is easily (and wrongfully) dismissed as such. Creative Commons image courtesy of ESO/S. Brunier Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Google confidential │ Do not distribute Creative Commons image courtesy of Tanya Harassment & assault • Insults based on minority status • Broad generalization of groups, framed as “poking fun” • Violation of consent Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Lack of mentorship • Mentor population reflects industry population • Mentors more likely to select mentees that mirror themselves • Lack of mentor diversity makes it harder to raise issues of discrimination & bias Creative Commons image courtesy of daveynin Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Current timelines the when Tuesday, July 1, 14

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During the formative period Isolation Pursuit of other paths Excitement Curiosity Diverse Start of attrition Start of bias Pre-secondary Secondary Undergraduate Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Early stage career Developing coping mechanisms First encounter with HR Eager Enthusiastic Creative Switched teams Found allies Entering workforce First performance review First promotion Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Mid to late stage career Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Environments that host them the where Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Language the implications of “culture fit” Creative Commons image courtesy of Brenda Gottsabend Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Public fora • Online threats • In person dismissal of expertise • Assumption of role • Inappropriate questions Creative Commons image courtesy of Robert Lowe Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Long and short-term effects the why Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Short term can increase frequency of impostor syndrome Creative Commons image courtesy of JE Theriot Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Creative Commons image courtesy of Tim Green Long term people leave Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Not pictured here the who Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Unfamiliar voices the people you don’t know...and who don’t know you Creative Commons image courtesy of Loren Kerns Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Unexpected sources the people you know...and trust, and respect Creative Commons image courtesy of Maria Keays Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Google confidential │ Do not distribute Creative Commons image courtesy of Paul Keller Exclusion from one group does not prevent you from participation of excluding behaviors of another. MVC: Not a Tech Bro, but Not a Tech Lady Tuesday, July 1, 14

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The A Way Forward 1 2 3 4 Setting the Stage Some Stats of Today(ish) The W’s Tuesday, July 1, 14

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The A Way Forward Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Google confidential │ Do not distribute Creative Commons image courtesy of Evan Bench Educate • Understand the scope of the problem • Listen actively to others • Examine behaviors • Research approaches that have worked Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Google confidential │ Do not distribute Creative Commons image courtesy of Matthew Keefe Speak up • Correct harmful language • Call out inappropriate behavior • Address problems with how people are treated Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Google confidential │ Do not distribute Creative Commons image courtesy of LadyDragonflyCC Act • Become a mentor • Open a dialogue • Volunteer with youth programs • Focus on creating a welcoming newcomer experience Tuesday, July 1, 14

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Resources • Report on Hispanics in STEM: K-16 • NSF data on women, minorities, and persons with disabilities • Reversing the brain drain: Harvard Business Review • Human Rights Campaign corporate equality index • How the Boston Python User Group grew to 1700 people and 15+% women • Unconscious Bias test Tuesday, July 1, 14