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SUSTAINABLE BDD Matt Parker Robbie Clutton Software Engineers, Pivotal Labs

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WTF BDD 1. Brittle Tests 2. Dev-written Acceptance Criteria 3. Unreadable Tests 4. Flickering Tests 5. Slow Tests

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HISTORY In the beginning... there was the unit test. And lo it was good.

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HISTORY sUnit -> xUnit

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HISTORY And then there was Dan North.

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example.

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. "User opens app for the first time, provides their email, desired username, and desired password, and is immediately logged in and allowed to start using the application."

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password • Blank username, email, or password

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password • Blank username, email, or password • Non-matching Password

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password • Blank username, email, or password • Non-matching Password • Password too weak

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password • Blank username, email, or password • Non-matching Password • Password too weak • Email address invalid

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password • Blank username, email, or password • Non-matching Password • Password too weak • Email address invalid • Username unavailable

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FEATURE: ACCOUNT RECOVERY Background: User forgot password • User remembers email • User remembers username • User forgot everything

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FEATURE: SIGN UP Give me an example. • Valid username, email, password • Blank username, email, or password • Non-matching Password • Password too weak • Email address invalid • Username unavailable • User provides someone else’s email

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FEATURE: EMAIL VERIFICATION Give me an example. • Verification link followed • Fraud link followed • No links ever followed

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FEATURE: SIGN IN Give me an example. • Existing username / password • Unknown username • Wrong password

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HIDDEN COMPLEXITY 1 sentence => 4 features => 17 scenarios

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HISTORY Business Value Feature Scenario

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HISTORY Story Runner / RSpec

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HISTORY Cucumber

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WHY GHERKIN? 1. State Diagrams for the Masses

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APP AS STATE MACHINE Every feature of your application is a state transition. GIVEN (start state) WHEN (event) THEN (state transition)

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WHY GHERKIN? 1. State Diagrams for the Masses 2. Copy/Paste from Tracker to editor

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WHY GHERKIN? 1. State Diagrams for the Masses 2. Copy/Paste from Tracker to editor 3. Living / Executable Documentation

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HISTORY Spinach, Turnip, Steak, Bacon, Filet, Lemon, ......................

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HISTORY 10 build shiny new tool 20 make same mistakes 30 goto 10

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BRITTLE A single change in the application causes many tests to break

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BRITTLE A single change in the application causes many tests to break, and you are forced to visit each and every test and fix each one individually.

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Brittle tests typically don’t reveal intent.

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Feature: Tweet Scenario: Valid Tweet #.... Scenario: Overlong Tweet #.... Scenario: Duplicate tweet #....

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Scenario: Valid Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Your tweet was submitted" When I visit "/bob" Then I should see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." When I click "Log out" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "alice" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" Then I should see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters."

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Scenario: Valid Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Your tweet was submitted" When I visit "/bob" Then I should see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." When I click "Log out" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "alice" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" Then I should see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." Login

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Scenario: Valid Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Your tweet was submitted" When I visit "/bob" Then I should see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." When I click "Log out" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "alice" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" Then I should see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." Tweet

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Scenario: Overlong Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise OH NOEZ IM TOO LONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Tweet too long"

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Scenario: Overlong Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise OH NOEZ IM TOO LONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Tweet too long" Tweet

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Scenario: Overlong Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise OH NOEZ IM TOO LONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Tweet too long" Login

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Scenario: Duplicate Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Your tweet was submitted" When I visit "/" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see “Your tweet is a duplicate” When I visit "/bob" Then I should not see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise OH NOEZ IM TOO LONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" When I visit "/bob" Then I should not see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters."

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Scenario: Duplicate Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Your tweet was submitted" When I visit "/" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see “Your tweet is a duplicate” When I visit "/bob" Then I should not see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise OH NOEZ IM TOO LONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" When I visit "/bob" Then I should not see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." Login

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Scenario: Duplicate Tweet Given there is a user "bob" with password "password" And there is a user "alice" with password "password" that follows "bob" And I visit "/" And I fill in "username" with "bob" And I fill in "password" with "password" And I click "Log in" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click "Submit" Then I should see "Your tweet was submitted" When I visit "/" When I fill in "Tweet" with "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." And I click “Submit” Then I should see “Your tweet is a duplicate” When I visit "/bob" Then I should not see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise OH NOEZ IM TOO LONG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" When I visit "/bob" Then I should not see "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." Tweet

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feature “Tweet” do scenario "valid tweet" do create :user, username: "bob", password: "password" create :user, username: "alice", password: "password" visit "/" fill_in "Username", with: "bob" fill_in "Password", with: "password" click_button "Log In" fill_in "Tweet", with: "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." click_button "Submit" page.should have_content "Your tweet was submitted" visit "/bob" page.should have_content "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." click_link "Log out" visit "/" fill_in "Username", with: "alice" fill_in "Password", with: "password" click_button "Log in" page.should have_content "this is a test tweet noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise noise haha I'm less than 140 characters." end end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS click_button "Tweet"

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS click_button "Tweet" click_link_or_button "Tweet"

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS click_button "Tweet" click_link_or_button "Tweet" click_on "Tweet"

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS click_button "Tweet" click_link_or_button "Tweet" click_on "Tweet" click_on "#tweet"

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS click_button "Tweet" click_link_or_button "Tweet" click_on "Tweet" click_on "#tweet" find("#tweet").click

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS click_button "Tweet" click_link_or_button "Tweet" click_on "Tweet" click_on "#tweet" find("#tweet").click page.execute_script("$('#tweet').click()")

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS “Now, whenever you tweet, pop up a modal that forces the user to enter a CAPTCHA.”

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS module WebHelpers def tweet(message) fill_in “Message”, with: message click_on “Tweet” end end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS #rspec RSpec.configure do |c| c.include WebHelpers, type: :request end #cucumber World WebHelpers

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Feature: Tweet Scenario: Valid Tweet Given Bob has authenticated When Bob submits a valid tweet Then Alice can see Bob’s tweet And Bob should see that tweet in his timeline Scenario: Overlong Tweet #.... Scenario: Duplicate tweet #....

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS Given /^Bob has authenticated$/ do visit “/” fill_in “Username”, with: “Bob” fill_in “Password”, with: “password” click_on “Sign In” end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS Given /^Bob has authenticated$/ do login bob end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS module WebHelpers #... def bob @bob ||= create :user, name: “Bob” end #... end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS When /^Bob submits a valid Tweet$/ do click_on “Tweet” within(“#submit_tweet_modal”) do fill_in “Captcha”, with: captcha click_on “Tweet” end end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS When /^Bob submits a valid Tweet$/ do tweet “Hello, world” end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS Then /^Alice can see Bob’s Tweet$/ do click_on “Sign Out” fill_in “Username”, with: “Alice” fill_in “Password”, with: “password” click_on “Sign In” visit “/alice” page.should have_content “Hello, world” end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS Then /^Alice can see Bob’s Tweet$/ do login alice alice.should see_tweet “Hello, world” end

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BIG RATS LEAVE BIG POOS feature “Tweet” do scenario “Valid Tweet” do login bob tweet “hello, world” login alice alice.should see “hello, world” end end

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Given I click on “Sign In” And I fill in “Username” with “Bob” And I fill in “Password” with “password” And I click on “Submit” #....

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Given Bob logged in

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NO ONE READS THE CUKES 1. They’re unreadable

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NO ONE READS THE CUKES 1. They’re unreadable 2. They’re not exposed anywhere

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$ cucumber -f html

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$ relish push myproj

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$ wally push \ $PROJ features/

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NO ONE READS THE CUKES 1. They’re unreadable 2. They’re not exposed anywhere 3. You haven’t needed documentation

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$ time rake

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$ time rake real 18m0.926s

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$ time rake real 18m0.926s imagined ETERNITY

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Slow tests find a way of getting run less often.

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$ time rake real 18m0.926s imagined ETERNITY visit root_path click_on “Some Link” sleep 10 page.should have_content “FOO”

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$ rake ..........F......... $ rake ................... $ rake ....F...........F.... $ rake ...................

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$ time rake real 18m0.926s imagined ETERNITY visit root_path click_on “Some Link” wait_for { page.has_selector? (“.foo_container”) } page.should have_content “Foo”

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$ time rake real 18m0.926s imagined ETERNITY visit root_path click_on “Some Link” wait_for { page.should have_selector(“.foo_container”) } page.should have_content “Foo” Whoops

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$ time rake real 18m0.926s imagined ETERNITY visit root_path click_on “Some Link” page.should have_content “Foo”

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Q IS FOR QUARANTINE @quarantine Scenario: Something flakey #....

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Q IS FOR QUARANTINE #regular ci build #!/bin/bash cucumber --tags ~@quarantine

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Q IS FOR QUARANTINE #quarantine ci build #!/bin/bash cucumber --tags @quarantine

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BUILD NANNY 1. Timebox 2. Rethink 3. Delete

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Photo by Kris Hicks

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$ time rake “You should not be afraid to delete tests that are no longer providing value, no matter whether you originally planned to keep them or not. We tend to treat tests as these holy creatures that live blameless, irreproachable lives once they have sprung into existence. Not so. The maintenance required to keep a test running weighs against its value in further development. Sometimes these lines cross, and the test simply becomes a burden on the project. Having the skill and experience to recognize a burdensome test is something we should be bringing to our clients, as well as the fortitude to rewrite it, rethink it, or delete it." - ADAM MILLIGAN

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$ time rake

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$ time rake real 9m0.926s

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$ time rake real 9m0.926s imagined ETERNITY

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Why are you testing the login functionality 50 times?

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1. Journey 2. Functional

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$ time rake real 9m0.926s imagined ETERNITY @authenticated Feature: Publishing Widgets Scenario: ....

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$ time rake real 9m0.926s imagined ETERNITY Before(“@authenticated”) do stub_authentication end

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$ time rake

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$ time rake real 4m0.926s

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$ time rake real 4m0.926s imagined ETERNITY

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$ time rake Feature: Sign Up Scenario: Valid username, email, password Scenario: Blank username, email, or password Scenario: Non-matching Password Scenario: Password too weak Scenario: Email address invalid Scenario: Username unavailable Scenario: User provides someone else’s email

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$ time rake Feature: Sign Up Scenario: Valid username, email, password Scenario: Blank username, email, password Scenario: Non-matching Password Scenario: Password too weak Scenario: Email address invalid Scenario: Username unavailable Scenario: User provides someone else’s email

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$ time rake Feature: Sign Up Scenario: Valid username, email, password Scenario: Blank username, email, password Scenario: Non-matching Password Scenario: Password too weak Scenario: Email address invalid Scenario: Username unavailable Scenario: User provides someone else’s email

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$ time rake Feature: Sign Up Scenario: Valid username, email, password Scenario: Blank username, email, password @ci Scenario: Non-matching Password ....

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$ time rake #.cucumber.yml default: --tags ~@ci

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$ time rake Feature: Sign Up Scenario: Valid username, email, password Scenario: Blank username, email, password @no-ui Scenario: Non-matching Password ....

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$ time rake Before “@no-ui” do extend DomainHelpers end

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$ time rake module DomainHelpers attr_reader :current_user def authenticate @current_user = create :user end def tweet(message) current_user.tweet message end #... end

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$ time rake

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$ time rake real 30.926s

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