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The Road to Success is paved with Small Improvements Daniel Schauenberg • [email protected] • @mrtazz

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The Monolith

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We deploy quite a lot

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How comfortable are you deploying a change right now

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MTTR trumps MTBF

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If this is your first day at Etsy you deploy the site

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The Dark Past

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Hindsight is 20/20 There would be no Etsy I wasn't around for this (the grain of salt disclaimer)

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dark less fun

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Architecture Overview Ubuntu Postgresql Lighttpd PHP/Python

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Single Big Database

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Business Logic in Stored Procedures

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Stored Procedure Routing Middleware

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"Now you don't have to touch the database"

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A software manifestation of silos

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Site uptime wasn't good

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<3 uptime

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Trust the people

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Horizontal Scaling (A single box only scales so far)

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Master-Master replicated MySQL Shards

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Flickr DNA

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Deploy != Release

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Feature Flags

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if Feature::isEnabled($feature) { // new hawtness } else { // nothing to see here }

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<3 Chef

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repo open to everyone everybody can make changes ~30 regular contributors

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knife-spork knife-flip knife-lastrun knife-preflight knife-wip chef-whitelist

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Feature Flags in Chef

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if node.is_in_whitelist? "apache_upgrade" # new hawtness else # boring old stuff end

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Confidence in Dev Environment

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Developer VMs Every engineer has one Chef’d with the Etsy Stack Different sizes and Chef roles

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Self Service

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Continuous Integration

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QA and Unit Staging Smoker Prod Smoker

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> 2000 tests

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Continuous Integration as the bottleneck of deployment

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How to keep it fast?

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Not Quite

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The Bobs (our builders) LXC Containers 1 Jenkins Agent per Container 4 containers per SSD

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> try

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The power of the CI Cluster The ease of your local environment

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Thanks Mozilla

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Simple Web Application

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Ganglia & Graphite

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StatsD "how do you know this works in production?"

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Statsd::increment("foo") Statsd::timing("bar", 10)

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Dashboard Framework

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$graph = new Graph_Graphite_Simple( [ 'title' => 'Packets Received (nodejs)', 'metrics' => 'stats.%s.packets_received', 'limit_y_axis' => true, 'stacked' => true, 'width' => $width, ] )

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Deploy Dashboard

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“Finding your soul metric can take time. But in the end, it boils down to what matters most to your users.” Mathias Meyer, CEO Travis CI

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Find the subset of metrics people should look at after a deploy

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Stick them on a central place

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Syslog works really well

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Decide on a log format

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Awesome Tools

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Empower the Individual

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Information Overload

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Tools need attention

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realtalk: things break

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New View

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Complex Socio-Technical Systems

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“Erkenntnis und Irrtum fließen aus denselben psychischen Quellen; nur der Erfolg vermag beide zu scheiden.” Ernst Mach, Erkenntnis und Irrtum (p. 116)

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Success and failure can only be determined a posteriori

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Things made sense at the time

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People don't come to work to do a bad job

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Nietzschean Anxiety

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So I always get off the hook whatever I do?

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“There is a difference between explaining and excusing human performance.” Sidney Dekker, The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error (p. 196)

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Blameless Postmortems

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Open Meeting

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Everybody is Invited

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What happened?

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Describe the past Don't excuse it away

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The Facilitator

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Guide the Discussion

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Look out for indicators of Old View thinking

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she should have if they just had if he would have you failed to

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Hindsight Bias Confirmation Bias Outcome Bias

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there are many more

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Who is in charge?

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Etsy School

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Taught Facilitator Course

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3 x 90 minutes

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Remediation Items

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incorporate learning and takeaways from the meeting

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turn surprises into known factors

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Near Miss

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"Hey all, I just ran rm -rf $DIR/ and since the variable was empty I deleted my whole VM. This would have been bad in production. Don't do that."

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Pre Mortem

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Architecture Reviews

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Operability Reviews

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“It is also worth pointing out that the bias towards investigating failures rather than success itself represents a trade-off.” Erik Hollnagel, The ETTO Principle: Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off

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Investigate Success

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Why did it work?

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Human Error is where you stopped looking

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Learning > Blaming

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How did we end up here?

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Overhauls & Iterations

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Culture & Tools (you can't really have one without the other)

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Humans are AWESOME

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Nobody comes to work to do a bad job

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Trust your Co-Workers

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There is a lot of knowledge in your engineering team

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Deploy (as often as it makes sense)

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Collaborate (even if you think you don't have to)

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Listen (to problems and experiences of your coworkers)

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Thank you!

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The Road to Success is paved with Small Improvements Daniel Schauenberg • [email protected] • @mrtazz