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Type-Safe i18n on RN Quipper Limited @hotchemi

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7/19 Thu 19:30~22:00

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react-native-i18n user?!

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• It’s OK, but... • key name can be long and nested • gotta move around definition and code • can’t detect an error in compile time • “missing [key name] translation”

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No content

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• quipper/react-native-i18n-ts • paired with TypeScript • inspired by mechanism • strong IDE support • compile time check

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• Under the hood • Generate d.ts file from definition • with TypeScript compiler API

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declare module "react-native-i18n" { var fallbacks: boolean; var translations: { [keys: string]: any; }; function t(key: "common.cancel", opts: { value: any; }): string; function t(key: "common.ok"): string; } // for json loading declare module "*.json" { const value: any; export default value; }

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• Installation • yarn add -D react-native-i18n-ts • set “model” and “outputDir” in package.json • tweak filesGlob in tsconfig.json • execute “yarn i18n-ts” command

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