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 Sustaining Wonder Carol Willing @WillingCarol JupyterCon Aug 23, 2018

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Learning @WillingCarol Business Academia Research

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Creating Wonder @WillingCarol

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Elegant Simplicity @WillingCarol Explore

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Interactive visualization @WillingCarol Engage

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Communication @WillingCarol Meaning

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Interactive computing is a tool of connection. —Prof. Lorena Barba @WillingCarol 2014

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@WillingCarol 2018 2013 2023 Wow!

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Vision for the Future @WillingCarol Business Academia Research

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If you dream it, you can build it. —Walt Disney @WillingCarol

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How? @WillingCarol

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Raise the BAR

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Sustain @WillingCarol

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Knowledge as a Commons Elinor Ostrom 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics @WillingCarol Sustaining without Tragedy

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 Complex systems Self organized communities Rules need to fit the socio-economic context @WillingCarol Conditions, Community, Rules

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Sustain the Foundation @WillingCarol Don't be a sucker.

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Create new products and services (Business) Improve lifelong learning for all (Academia) Prevent or cure Alzheimers (Research) @WillingCarol We must challenge ourselves Sustaining is not enough to...

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Open Innovation @WillingCarol

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win-win-win @WillingCarol Business Academia Research

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Value Creation

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@WillingCarol Sustain Innovate Computational Knowledge Consortiums

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Changing data into knowledge and actions @WillingCarol Computational Knowledge Consortiums

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Value propositions Individual Organization @WillingCarol Why join a consortium

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 @WillingCarol relentless integrity curiosity generosity Set a high BAR

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Wonder @WillingCarol creates value people connects

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Thank You

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@WillingCarol Recognition and Attributions "sky" flickr photo by is_kyoto_jp shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license "2010-04-22" flickr photo by bgottsab shared under a Creative Commons (BY- NC) license "Superhero" flickr photo by built4love.hain shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license "Brooklyn Bridge - NYC" flickr photo by Marcela McGreal shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license "2017 Golden Bear Open" flickr photo by Sangudo shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license © Holger Motzkau 2010 / Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0 Matplotlib documentation Carol Willing papers and photos Jupyter project logos music21 website Cyrille Rossant website Fernando Perez website JOSE website "Beware of Coils" flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using (CC0)

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@WillingCarol Recognition and Attributions %20Reference%20Manual%2030th%20Anniversary.pdf Opiniones de Apple DOS Special thanks to Ana Karen Dahlie Wendy Brian and Fernando Project Jupyter team nteract team My family

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