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Slide 1 text How to Patch 
 Image Classifiers Leszek Rybicki AI/SUM 2019.04.23

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Slide 2 text The Introduction Hello, my name is …

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Slide 3 text Who am I? ϨγΣοΫɾϦϏπΩ
 Leszek Rybicki Originally from Torun, Poland 2005 M.Sc. in Machine Learning,
 Nicolaus Copernicus University 2010 RIKEN Brain Science Institute 2016 Cookpad R&D

Slide 4

Slide 4 text Make Everyday Cooking Fun Established Oct 1st 1997 web, iOS, Android, 
 print magazines, Cookpad TV 
 OiCy, mart, Komerco 54 million monthly users in Japan
 over 5 million recipes worldwide 71 countries, 26 languages, 
 11 offshore offices

Slide 5

Slide 5 text Make Everyday Cooking Fun Established Oct 1st 1997 web, iOS, Android, 
 print magazines, Cookpad TV 
 OiCy, mart, Komerco 54 million monthly users in Japan
 over 5 million recipes worldwide 71 countries, 26 languages, 
 11 offshore offices

Slide 6

Slide 6 text Make Everyday Cooking Fun Established Oct 1st 1997 web, iOS, Android, 
 print magazines, Cookpad TV 
 OiCy, mart, Komerco 54 million monthly users in Japan
 over 5 million recipes worldwide 71 countries, 26 languages, 
 11 offshore offices

Slide 7

Slide 7 text Make Everyday Cooking Fun Established Oct 1st 1997 web, iOS, Android, 
 print magazines, Cookpad TV 
 OiCy, mart, Komerco 54 million monthly users in Japan
 over 5 million recipes worldwide 71 countries, 26 languages, 
 11 offshore offices

Slide 8

Slide 8 text Make Everyday Cooking Fun Established Oct 1st 1997 web, iOS, Android, 
 print magazines, Cookpad TV 
 OiCy, mart, Komerco 54 million monthly users in Japan
 over 5 million recipes worldwide 71 countries, 26 languages, 
 11 offshore offices

Slide 9

Slide 9 text Make Everyday Cooking Fun Established Oct 1st 1997 web, iOS, Android, 
 print magazines, Cookpad TV 
 OiCy, mart, Komerco 54 million monthly users in Japan
 over 5 million recipes worldwide 71 countries, 26 languages, 
 11 offshore offices

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Slide 10 text Cookpad R&D Researchers (NLP, CV), Engineers, Annotators and Project Managers Alexa skill in Japanese and Spanish Food image filtering Recipe similarity search Ingredient autocomplete

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Slide 11 text Cookpad R&D Researchers (NLP, CV), Engineers, Annotators and Project Managers Alexa skill in Japanese and Spanish Food image filtering Recipe similarity search Ingredient autocomplete

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Slide 12 text The Outline • The Concept • The Background • The Architecture • The Benefits • The Summary Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

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Slide 13 text The Concept What an AI can see in images

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Slide 14 text This is an image of food. There is food in this image. Classification Photo by Cayla1 on Unsplash

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Slide 15 text Object Detection There are two dishes. This is where they are.

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Slide 16 text Segmentation Here are the exact pixels,
 which belong to dishes.

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Slide 17 text Patched Classification These patches of the image are in varying degree 
 occupied by food dishes.

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Slide 18 text The Background We needed to filter out images of food…

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Slide 19 text FOOD

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Slide 20 text NOT FOOD

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Slide 21 text Binary Image Classifier We used an Inception v3 DCNN model, pre-trained on ImageNet We replaced the top layers with our own: • a fully connected layer • a softmax layer that outputs a one-hot vector DCNN global pooling fully connected RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector 2048 features food not

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Slide 22 text Threshold The model outputs fractions, we need a yes or no answer. We found a threshold ϑ=.81 which maximises the accuracy for our test dataset. •if the model’s output value is above the threshold, it’s food •otherwise, not food. global pooling fully connected one-hot class vector 2048 features food not ϑ

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Slide 24 text food / nonfood accuracy 96% precision: 0.97 recall: 0.89

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Slide 26 text 4% 96%

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Slide 28 text EXPECTATION

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Slide 29 text REALITY

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Slide 30 text Problem 1 Food that looks like Things Things that look like Food

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Slide 31 text twitter: @teenybiscuit

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Slide 32 text It happens quite a lot! Ωϟϥห❤ո౪άϧʔɺϛχΦϯห౰❤ ˑͪΌʙ͖ˑ ΦϜ͢ͼˑϐΧνϡ΢ͷΩϟϥห Έ΍͖ͬͪΜ ৭ʑόϦΤὑ؆୯εϥΠενʔζόϥͷՖ mew⁂mam

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Slide 33 text Problem 2 Food and Things together

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Slide 34 text On the Fence Food with other items Food with text Food, but small in the photo People with food Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

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Slide 35 text Food is Social We cook and eat with our family and friends Food is at the centre of important events When we use a binary classifier for food photos, aren’t we losing something? Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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Slide 36 text The Real Problem with our binary classifier is…

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Slide 37 text It is equally confused by these images. Photo by Petful on Flickr Photo by Charles on Unsplash

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Slide 38 text Threshold is not enough Our model can’t distinguish between these two kinds of images using threshold alone. Either both get accepted, 
 or both are rejected. food not ϑ

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Slide 39 text Rule of Thumb The image can be cropped to contain mostly food…
 and the cropped image is 30% or more of the original image surface. Photo by Kevin Wolf on Unsplash 30% 1 2 It’s an image of food if…

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Slide 40 text Solution Patch the Classifier!

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Slide 41 text food / nonfood accuracy 96% precision: 0.97 recall: 0.89

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Slide 42 text food / nonfood accuracy 96% precision: 0.97 recall: 0.89

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Slide 43 text 98% food / nonfood accuracy precision: 0.98 recall: 0.96

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Slide 44 text The Architecture How to build a Patched Classifier

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Slide 45 text Convolutional Layers • Convert from colour space to feature space • From red, green, blue to tomato, basil and blue cheese • Their output scales with image size DCNN global pooling fully connected RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector 2048 features food not

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Slide 46 text Pooling • Allows the network to focus on most important features • Reduces data size and computation time • Global Average Pooling removes all spatial information DCNN global pooling fully connected RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector 2048 features food not

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Slide 47 text Fully Connected Layers • The traditional neural network layers • Also called Dense Layers • Don’t scale with image size • Generate the classification DCNN global pooling fully connected RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector 2048 features food not

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Slide 48 text DCNN global pooling 1x1 conv. layer RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector food not DCNN global pooling fully connected RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector 2048 features food not

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Slide 49 text Convolutional Classifier • Fully convolutional • Scales with image size • Outputs a one-hot vector • Can be trained on a dataset designed for classification DCNN global pooling 1x1 conv. layer RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8 one-hot class vector food not

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Slide 50 text Patched 
 Classifier • Fully convolutional • Outputs a “Class Activation Map” or “Heat-map” • More interpretable than 
 a traditional classifier • Can implement our “30% area” rule, and more! DCNN 1x1 conv. layer RGB x 240 x 240 pixels 2048 features x 8 x 8

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Slide 51 text Train Patch Classifiers on non-ambiguous images in which the subject takes more than 80% space. You may want to add more than one 
 1x1 Convolutional Layer, or make it 3x3. Add 20% ~ 30% Dropout before Global Pooling,
 just for training to achieve smooth mapping. Use Patched Classifiers with caution, 
 they are very powerful! Fine Print

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Slide 52 text The Benefits What you can do with a Patched Classifier

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Slide 53 text Hot Dog or… Not Hot Dog We heard that detecting hot- dogs is in demand thanks to an American TV show called “Silicon Valley”.

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Slide 54 text Hot Dog Detector • MobileNet base • Image dataset from Kaggle • Trains in 2 hours on a laptop • Works with webcam stream

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Slide 55 text https:/ /

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Slide 56 text Smart Framing Crop, Resize or Reshape the image, while keeping the food item in the centre of attention. Dahl med kylling by Ingeborg Andersen

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Slide 60 text Multi-Class Classify more than one kind of thing at a time

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Slide 61 text CLASSIFY THIS!

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Slide 67 text ⏳

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Slide 68 text test images from https:/ /

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Slide 70 text The Summary The Last Slide

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Slide 71 text Today we Learned • Sometimes AI has to deal with data not easy to classify. • Especially food photos are a fun challenge! • Patched Classifiers work great in this case. • They are less “black-boxy” than normal classifiers, • Quick and easy to build and train (just flip some layers around), • And can be used for many things other than classification.

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