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Guzzle PHP! Makes HTTP Easy! by @jeremeamia • for @NomadPHP!

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Hi, I’m Jeremy.! @jeremeamia! Seattle PHP User Group! @seaphp! AWS SDK for PHP! @awsforphp!

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AWS SDK for PHP ! ! Built on Guzzle!!

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Guzzle! ! Thanks to! @mtdowling! for Guzzle!! #GuzzlePHP! !

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HTTP is Kinda Hard! •  URLs! •  Hosts! •  Headers! •  Query strings! •  GET/POST/PUT/etc.! •  Status codes! •  cURL! •  Proxies! •  Message Integrity! •  HTTPS! •  Post bodies! •  Ports! •  REST! •  Cookies! •  Hypermedia! •  Streams! •  RFCs! •  Caching!

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Guzzle! is…!

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…an open source PHP library!

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…a well-crafted PHP library! •  Follows good OOP patterns and practices! •  Follows PSRs 1–4! •  Uses good tools: Composer, Travis CI, PHPUnit, GitHub, make, sphinx! •  High test coverage! •  Good documentation! •  Extensible via DI, callbacks, and events!

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…an HTTP client! e.g.,!

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…an HTTP client! $client  =  new  GuzzleHttp\Client([          'base_url'  =>  ''   ]);   $response  =  $client-­‐>get('user',  [          'headers'  =>  [                  'Accept'  =>  'application/json'          ]   ]);   echo  $response-­‐>getStatusCode();   print_r($response-­‐>json());  

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…an HTTP client! $r  =  $client-­‐>METHOD('PATH',  [PARAMS]);    

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…an HTTP client! $r  =  $client-­‐>METHOD('PATH',  [PARAMS]);   $r  =  $client-­‐>get('PATH',  [PARAMS]);   $r  =  $client-­‐>post('PATH',  [PARAMS]);   $r  =  $client-­‐>put('PATH',  [PARAMS]);   $r  =  $client-­‐>delete('PATH',  [PARAMS]);   $r  =  $client-­‐>head('PATH',  [PARAMS]);   $r  =  $client-­‐>options('PATH',  [PARAM]);    

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…an HTTP client! $r  =  $client-­‐>METHOD('PATH',  [          'headers'  =>  […],          'body'        =>  […],          'query'      =>  […],          'cookies'  =>  […],          'timeout'  =>  […],          'proxy'      =>  […],      //  …   ]);    

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…an HTTP client! $r  =  $client-­‐>METHOD('PATH',  [PARAMS]);    

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…packed with features! •  Pluggable HTTP adapters! •  Can send requests serially or in parallel! •  Doesn't require cURL, but uses it by default! •  Streams data for both uploads & downloads! •  Provides event hooks & plugins for cookies, caching, logging, OAuth, mocks, etc.! •  Keep-Alive & connection pooling! •  SSL Verification & Connection timeouts!

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…a web service client framework! $s3  =  Aws\S3\S3Client::factory();   $result  =  $s3-­‐>listObjects([          'Bucket'  =>  $bucket   ]);   foreach  ($result['Contents']  as  $obj)  {          echo  $obj['Key'];   );  

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…popular! •  Over 3900 stars on GitHub! •  Used in many projects including! – Drupal 8! – Goutte! – AWS SDK for PHP! – Laravel Mail Component! – Tumblr Client! – Nearly 1000 other Packagist packages!

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And now! a story about Guzzle by! @phpbard!

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This is a story about an elePHPant named Guzzle.! She consumes lots of data. But how? It's no puzzle.!

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Armed with HTTP, she knows how to transport! Text and files of any size and sort.!

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From client to server, and from server to client,! Her requests and responses are RFC compliant.!

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And beyond the basics of just cookie and header.! There's much more to Guzzle that just makes her better:!

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From parallel requests, from events and plugins,! To web service descriptions. And this just begins…!

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To show you all that Guzzle can do! To help you consume your web services too.!

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! ! ♫ If more PHP poetry you think you can swallow,! ♫ On Twitter and Tumblr, @phpbard you should follow.!

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4! Guzzle! What's New?!

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What's New in Guzzle 4?! •  Improved performance! •  Simpler interfaces! •  Smaller core library! •  Easier event system! •  Requires PHP 5.4! •  No longer requires cURL! •  Custom service descriptions!

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Parallel Requests are Better!   $client-­‐>sendAll($requests,  [          'complete'  =>  function(CompleteEvent  $e)  {                  //  Do  something          },          'error'  =>  function(ErrorEvent  $e)  {                  //  Do  something          }   ]);  

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Parallel Requests are Better! V3! V4!

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Parallel Requests are Better! Rolling Queues   V3! V4!

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Guzzle Resources – V3 vs. V4! V3   V4   Namespace   Guzzle! GuzzleHttp! GitHub   guzzle/guzzle3! guzzle/guzzle! Package   guzzle/guzzle! guzzlehttp/guzzle! Docs!! This  allows  you  to  use  Guzzle  3  and  4  in  the  same  project.   (And  this  has  actually  happened,  too)  

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Guzzle 4 Packages! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle! •  guzzlehttp/streams! •  guzzlehttp/command! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle-services! •  guzzlehttp/retry-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/log-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/message-integrity-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/progress-subscriber!

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Guzzle 4 Packages! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle! •  guzzlehttp/streams! •  guzzlehttp/command! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle-services! •  guzzlehttp/retry-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/log-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/message-integrity-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/progress-subscriber! Guzzle HTTP Layer!

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Guzzle 4 Packages! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle! •  guzzlehttp/streams! •  guzzlehttp/command! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle-services! •  guzzlehttp/retry-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/log-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/message-integrity-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/progress-subscriber! Guzzle Service Layer!

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Guzzle 4 Packages! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle! •  guzzlehttp/streams! •  guzzlehttp/command! •  guzzlehttp/guzzle-services! •  guzzlehttp/retry-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/log-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/message-integrity-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/oauth-subscriber! •  guzzlehttp/progress-subscriber! Guzzle Plugins!

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5! Guzzle! What's New?!

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What's New in Guzzle 5?! •  Non-blocking "Future" responses! – Makes true async requests possible! – Compatible with things like ReactPHP! •  New guts based on guzzle/guzzle-ring! •  Retry subscriber no longer blocking! •  New "progress" event for tracking! upload/download progress.!

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Looking for a Guzzle Example?! Basic Twilio client implementation!!

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Guzzle PHP! Makes HTTP Easy! by @jeremeamia • for @NomadPHP!