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Slide 1 text Evaluating CSS Koji Ishimoto, Web Developer @Frontrend Final Conference on February 21, 2015

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• Why CSS is so difficult? • Evaluate your CSS • Conclusion Agenda

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Hi, I’m t32k! • Web Developer • Unemployment
 in Manila
 in Vancouver

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Why CSS is so difficult?

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Reading is dreaming with opening your eyes.

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div,%section%{% %%%%margin:%5px;% %%%%padding:%10px;% %%%%color:%red;% }

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div,%section%{% %%%%margin:%5px;% %%%%padding:%10px;% %%%%color:%red;% } Rule

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div,%section%{% %%%%margin:%5px;% %%%%padding:%10px;% %%%%color:%red;% } Rule Selector

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div,%section%{% %%%%margin:%5px;% %%%%padding:%10px;% %%%%color:%red;% } Rule Selector Declaration

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div,%section%{% %%%%margin:%5px;% %%%%padding:%10px;% %%%%color:%red;% } Rule Selector Declaration Property

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div,%section%{% %%%%margin:%5px;% %%%%padding:%10px;% %%%%color:%red;% } Rule Selector Declaration Property Value

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Super Easy!

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Super Difficult!?

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CSS Increase

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90,000 93,750 97,500 101,250 105,000 108,750 112,500 116,250 120,000 Byte app.css size per deploy 300 0 150 75 225

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90,000 93,750 97,500 101,250 105,000 108,750 112,500 116,250 120,000 Byte app.css size per deploy 300 0 150 75 225

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ʊਓਓਓਓਓਓਓਓʊ ʼɹ Sweet Deathɹʻ ʉY^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Yʉ

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Critical Rendering Path

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Up to your Design

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Web Design Layers Contents Presentation Behavior

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Visual Design Web Design Layers Contents Presentation Behavior

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Design pages Design systems! Jina Bolton, Senior Product Designer, Salesforce UX

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Design pages Design systems! Jina Bolton, Senior Product Designer, Salesforce UX

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Component Guide

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CSS Engineer!?

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An engineer is a professional practitioner of engineering Engineer - Wikipedia

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• Requirements, Design • Construction • Testing, Debugging • Deployment, Maintenance Software Development Process

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Evaluate your CSS

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StyleStats A npm package to collect CSS statistics.

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• Style Sheets • Style Elements • Size • Gzipped Size • Data URI Size • Ratio of Data URI Size • Simplicity • Rules • Selectors • Most Identifier • Most Identifier Selector • Lowest Cohesion • Lowest Cohesion • Selector • Total Unique Font Sizes • Unique Font Sizes • Total Unique Font Families • Unique Font Families • Total Unique Colors • Unique Colors • ID Selectors • Universal Selectors • Unqualified Attribute Selectors • JavaScript Specific Selectors • User Specified Selectors • Important Keywords • Float Properties • Media Queries • Properties Count Metrics StyleStats v5.0.0

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$%stylestats%<! %%Options:% %%%%% %%%%

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Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible. Jonathan Swift, Essayist, Poet

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No content

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CSS Dig(Chrome Extension)

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CSS Stats(Web)

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$%stylestats%path/to/app.css var%StyleStats%=%require('stylestats');% var%stats%=%new%StyleStats(‘path/to/app.css');% stats.parse(function%(error,%result)%{% %%console.log(JSON.stringify(result,%null,%2));% }); Command Line Way Programmatical Way

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Use StyleStats from… CLI Grunt Gulp GUI(Web)

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Slack Integration

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Who use it?

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Engineering Tools

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Continuous Integration

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Continuous integration (CI) is the practice, in software engineering, of merging all developer working copies with a shared mainline several times a day. Continuous integration - Wikipedia

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Continuous Integration Test Build Monitor Deploy

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Plot with Jenkins

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Plot with Jenkins

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Plot with moniteur

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{% %%"userSpecifiedSelectors":%% %“^\\.component\\<[a

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The number of components

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CSS Lint

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Disallow IDs in selectors

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{% %%"defaults":%{% %%%%"operation":%"<",% %%},% %%"results":%{% %%%%"size":%20000,% %%%%"idSelectors":%{% %%%%%%"min":%2,% %%%%%%"max":%8% %%%%}% %}% }% Test specs file specs.json

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Test on Travis

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• CSS still sucks! • CSS engineers don’t suck! • Share your CSS! Conclusion

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Evaluate your CSS Evaluate yourself!

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Thanks! t32k @t32k koji.ishimoto