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Neural Geometry Processing Tatsuya Yatagawa Aug. 27th, 2022 SIGGRAPH 2022 Paper Reading Seminar

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6 TOG , 2 Conference Track l Dual Octree Graph Networks for Learning Adaptive Volumetric ... l DiffusionNet: Discretization Agnostic Learning on Surfaces l Neural Dual Contouring l Random Walks for Adversarial Meshes l PCEDNet: A Lightweight Neural Network for Fast and Interactive ... l Self-Sampling for Neural Point Cloud Consolidation l ImLoveNet: Misalignment Image-supported Registration Network ... l DSG-Net: Learning Disentangled Structure and Geometry ... Neural Geometry Processing (8 papers)

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Dual Octree Graph Networks for Learning Adaptive Volumetric Shape Representations CNN ,

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1. 2. , 3. MLP Dual Octree Graph

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l , . l .

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DiffusionNet: Discretization Agnostic Learning on Surfaces

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: l 𝑡 , DiffusionNet , (= ) l , : , : +

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, l target l , , . : , attention . , .

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Neural Dual Contouring Dual Contouring

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Marching Cubes ( : Dual Contouring, : Marching Cubes) Dual Contouring Dual Contouring , Marching Cubes

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l MC (MC ) l MC , , : Neural Marching Cubes l , (= ) l

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l NMC , DC l NMC , DC l NDC , UNDC l DC l UNDC , Neural Dual Contouring

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l ( ) , ,

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Random Walks for Adversarial Meshes (Conf. Track) ,

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, (adversarial sample) : [Goodfellow et al., ICLR 2015] l

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l RandomWalker [Lahav and Tal 2020] l : Imitating Network

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l , random walk l Imitating Net , :

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l , (RandomWalker, MeshNet) l Imitating Network (Walk path Random Walker )

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PCEDNet: A Lightweight Neural Network for Fast and Interactive Edge Detection in 3D Point Clouds

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(Scale-Space Matrix) l Growing Least Squares [Mellado+ 2012] l , - , , , . l 6 , 16 (=SSM) . PCEDNet (Point Cloud Edge Detection Network) l SSM (= 6 16 ) .

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l , , , l MLP, CNN l CNN , , l SSM 4-128 , l , 16 4 16 128

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Self-Sampling for Neural Point Cloud Consolidation , Input Consolidated Input Consolidated

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: l positive ( ) negative ( ) . l , (source) (target) , positive l

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, . Input Consolidated Input Consolidated : , positive, negative , .

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ImLoveNet: Misaligned Image-supported Registration Network for Low-overlap Point Cloud Pairs (Conf. Track) 2

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: , 2 l (DGR [Choy+ 2020], PREDATOR [Huang+ 2021] etc.). l )

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SOTA (PREDATOR, OMNet) : , , .

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DSG-Net: Learning Disentangled Structure and Geometry for 3D Shape Generation (VAE)

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: , . : .

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l 2 + ( ) ( ) l as-consistent-as- possible (9 BBox ) [Guo+ 2019] l one-hot MLP l ACAP BBox , .

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(SDM-Net) , ,

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6 TOG , 2 Conference Track l Dual Octree Graph Networks for Learning Adaptive Volumetric ... l DiffusionNet: Discretization Agnostic Learning on Surfaces l Neural Dual Contouring l Random Walks for Adversarial Meshes l PCEDNet: A Lightweight Neural Network for Fast and Interactive ... l Self-Sampling for Neural Point Cloud Consolidation l ImLoveNet: Misalignment Image-supported Registration Network ... l DSG-Net: Learning Disentangled Structure and Geometry ... : Neural Geometry Processing : , . , (= ) .