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1 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + Go で 組み合わせた モバイルアプリ開発  永野 峻輔(@glassmonekey) Go Conference2021 Spring

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2 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. 自己紹介 所属 BASE BANK株式会社 Software Developer Go, PHP, Pythonあたりをよく書いています Go Conference 初参加です。 趣味 Flutterアプリ開発の勉強 締め切りに追われること アニメ鑑賞 / ウマ娘 SNS Twitter: @glassmonekey  Github: (永野 なので エターナルフィールドです) 永野 峻輔 (ながの しゅんすけ)

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3 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Today’s topic ● Why Flutter + gomobile ? ● What is Flutter ? ● What is gomobile ? ● Try Flutter + gomobile ● Conclustion

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Why Flutter + gomobile?

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5 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Why Flutter + gomobile ? ● I want to reduce the difference between IOS and Android. ● I want to use the Go library when developing Flutter mobile app. ● Both Go and Flutter have wonderful development experience.

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6 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. gomobile is experiments

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. What is Flutter?

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8 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. What is Flutter ? Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

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9 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter features ● Hot reload !!!!!! ● Declarative ● Multi Platform (Android, iOS, Web etc…)

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10 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Hot reload demo

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11 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter architecture Using

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12 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Why Flutter Uses Dart? 2 ways compile ○ AOT (Ahead of time) ○ JIT (Just in time) Ecosystems ○ (Plugin Repository ) ○ dart.pad (play ground) ○ etc….

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13 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + Native Objective-C

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14 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + Native + Go(mobile) Objective-C gomobile (SDK)

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. What is gomobile?

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16 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. What is gomobile Tools to build mobile applications. ● Writing all-Go native mobile applications. ● Writing SDK applications by generating bindings from a Go package and invoke them from Java (on Android) and Objective-C (on iOS).

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17 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. How to use gomobile Go 1.15.8~ 😇 (cgo bug fixed) Android NDK, Android studio (Flutter / Android) Xcode (iOS) conditions $ go get $ gomobile init

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18 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Remember...

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Native Application

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20 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. native applications l $ go get -d $ gomobile build -target=android \ $ gomobile build -target=ios \ Current version is not working 😇 Build for Android Initialize for Sample Application Build for iOS

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21 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Remember...

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22 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Waiting...

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23 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Demo (Native Application)

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. SDK

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25 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Example code (Go) package example type Result struct { Message string } func (r Result) Run() (string, error) { return r.Message, nil }

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26 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. For SDK applications $ gomobile bind -target ios -o /path/to/file.framework source_dir $ export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/path/to/ndk_dir $ gomobile bind -target android -o /path/to/file.aar source_dir Build for iOS Build for Android

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27 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Part of Java file package example; import ... public final class Result implements Proxy { ...(omitted)... public native string run() throws Exception public boolean equals(Object var1) {...} public int hashCode() {...} public String toString() {...} ...(omitted)... } func (r Result) Run() (string, error) { return r.Message, nil } Java Go

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28 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Part of Objective-C file … omit …. @class ExampleResult; @interface ExampleResult : NSObject { } @property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref; … omit …. @property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull message; - (NSString* _Nonnull)run:(NSError* _Nullable* _Nullable)error; @end #endif func (r Result) Run() (string, error) { return r.Message, nil } Objective-C Go

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29 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Available types - Signed integer and floating point types. - String and boolean types. - Byte slice types. Note that byte slices are passed by reference, and support mutation. - Any function type all of whose parameters and results have supported types. Functions must return either no results, one result, or two results where the type of the second is the built-in 'error' type. - Any interface type, all of whose exported methods have supported function types. - Any struct type, all of whose exported methods have supported function types and all of whose exported fields have supported types.

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30 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. In Other Words … We can’t use Slices and Map 🥺🥺🥺…

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31 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Remember...

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Try Flutter + Gomobile

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33 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Goal

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34 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Repository

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35 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Use External LIbrary example expression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpression("10 > 0"); result, err := expression.Evaluate(nil); // result is now set to "true", the bool value Provides support for evaluating arbitrary C-like artithmetic/string expressions. govaluate

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36 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Development Flow ● Flutter setting ● Flutter + Native ○ Android ○ iOS ● gomobile setting ● gomobile + Native ○ Android ○ iOS I'll spare you the details of Flutter this time 🙏

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter settings

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38 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter Project initilize $ flutter create ${PROJECT_NAME} $ mkdir -p ${PROJECT_NAME}/golang // Root Directory for Go 2. Create Flutter new project 1. Pass Flutter doctor $ flutter doctor [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.0.4, on Mac OS X 10.15.7 19H524 darwin-x64, locale ja-JP) [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2) [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS [✓] Android Studio (version 4.0) Android NDK: 22.0.7026061 version 12.4 (12D4e)

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39 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + Native

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40 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Pigeon ネイティブから逃げるな。Pigeonを使ったタイプセーフな Flutter + ネイティブ開発 a2960 Pigeon is a code generator tool to make communication between Flutter and the host platform type-safe and easier.
 For details

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41 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter Code evaluation(String text) async { final req = Request(); req.expression = text; final response = await this.client.eval(req); this.state = this.state.copyWith(text: response.message ?? "result"); } import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart'; class Request { late String expression; } class Response { late String message; } @HostApi() abstract class Api { Response eval(Request req); } iOS or Android Application Code Scheme for Pigeon

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + Native(Android)

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43 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Configure Build Settings android { … omit … kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = '1.8' } … omit ... 2. Sync project gradle (Android studio) 1. edit app/build.gradle Pigeon uses calling to static methods in Java interfaces prohibited in JVM target 1.6.

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44 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Native Code (Kotlin) package nagano.shunsuke.flutter_with_golang import nagano.shunsuke.plugins.Pigeon class Api() : Pigeon.Api { override fun eval(arg: Pigeon.Request): Pigeon.Response { val response = Pigeon.Response() response.message = "fake"; // fake response return response } } Api.kt @HostApi() abstract class Api { Response eval(Request req); } Kotlin Flutter

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45 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Native Code (Kotlin) package nagano.shunsuke.flutter_with_golang import androidx.annotation.NonNull import import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine import nagano.shunsuke.plugins.Pigeon class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() { override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) { super.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine) Pigeon.Api.setup(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, Api()) } } MainActivety.kt

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + Native(iOS)

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47 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Configure Build Settings 2. To be callable from swift 1. Add Pigeon files to Runner (Xcode) #import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h" #import "Pigeon.h" // add Runner-Bridging-Header.h

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48 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Native Code (Swift) import Foundation import API class Api: FlutterApi { func eval(_ input: FlutterRequest, error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer) -> FlutterResponse? { let response = FlutterResponse() response.message = "fake" return response } } api.swift @HostApi() abstract class Api { Response eval(Request req); } Swift Flutter

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49 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Native Code (Swift) import UIKit import Flutter @UIApplicationMain @objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate { override func application( _ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? ) -> Bool { GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self) let controller: FlutterViewController = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController FlutterApiSetup(controller.binaryMessenger, Api()) return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions) } }

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50 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Progress

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. gomobile

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52 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Sample Project ├── android ├── golang │ ├── go.mod │ ├── go.sum │ └── pkg │ └── api ├── ios └── lib root directory for Go exported package to Native

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53 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Go for gomobile (Part) func Evaluate(formula string) (float64, error) { expression, err := govaluate.NewEvaluableExpression(formula) if err != nil { return 0, err } i := make(map[string]interface{}) result, err := expression.Evaluate(i) if err != nil { return 0, err } v, ok := result.(float64) if !ok { return 0, fmt.Error("invalid formula result.”) } return v, nil }

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54 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. How to use gomobile Go 1.15.8~ 😇 (cgo bug fixed) Android NDK, Android studio Xcode, etc... conditions $ go get $ gomobile init

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55 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Build SDK applications $ gomobile bind -target ios -o ../ios/API.framework \ $ export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/path/to/ndk_dir $ gomobile bind -target android -o ../android/API.aar \ Build for iOS Build for Android (Required Android NDK)

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. gomobile + Native(Android)

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57 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Configure Build Settings dependencies { implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version" implementation (name:'API', ext:'aar') repositories { flatDir { dirs '../' } } 2. Sync project gradle (Android studio) 1. edit app/build.gradle

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58 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Part of Native Code (Kotlin) override fun eval(arg: Pigeon.Request): Pigeon.Response { val response = Pigeon.Response() return try { val result = Api.evaluate(arg.expression) response.message = result.toString() response } catch (e: Exception ) { response.message = e.toString() response } } Api.kt @HostApi() abstract class Api { Response eval(Request req); } Flutter func Evaluate(formula string) (float64, error) {...} Go

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. gomobile + Native(iOS)

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60 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Configure Build Settings 1. Build Phases > LinkBinary With Libraries 2. Add Files (API.framework)

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61 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Part of Native Code (Swift) func eval(_ input: FlutterRequest, error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer) -> FlutterResponse? { let response = FlutterResponse() var result: Double = 0 var error: NSError? ApiEvaluate(input.expression, &result, &error) if error != nil { response.message = "\(error)" return response } response.message = "\(result)" return response } api.swift @HostApi() abstract class Api { Response eval(Request req); } Flutter func Evaluate(formula string) (float64, error) {...} Go

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62 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Result

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Performance & Size

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64 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Setting 1. Run “Profile” 2. Flutter Performance → Open Dev tools

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65 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Dev tools

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66 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Performance when rebuild Flutter Flutter + Native + gomobile Draw Draw CPU Sampling rate (≒5s) clock_ gettime syscall syscall clock_ gettime I couldn't find any clear differences 🥺

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67 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. FileSize (Demo) OS with gomobile (Yes, No) release file size Android (apk) Yes 20MB ( 125%) iOS Yes 56MB (103%) Android (apk) No 16.2MB iOS No 54 MB

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© 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. In Conclution

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69 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Flutter + gomobile Pros👍 ● It can reduce the difference between IOS and Android. ● We can easily use the Go library when developing Flutter mobile app. ● Both Go and Flutter have wonderful development experience. Cons👎 ● Generated size of Artifacts is bigger. ● Language bindings have a performance overhead. ○ I couldn't find any clear differences 🥺 ● The available types are limited.

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70 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Next Action Flutter + WebAssembly 🤔?

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71 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Remember (n times)

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72 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. Our Product

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73 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. We are hiring 「銀行をかんたんにし、全ての人が挑戦できる世の中に」

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74 © 2012-2021 BASE, Inc. in-flutter-a04e3496aa05 Reference アプリ開発にgomobileを利用する (Android/iOS/Flutter) Using Go Library in Flutter Go MobileてAndroidアプリを開発