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Adam Hitchcock @NorthIsUp Scaling Realtime at DISQUS Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Adam Hitchcock @NorthIsUp Scaling Realtime at DISQUS Sunday, 17 March, 13

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we’re hiring If this is interesting to you... Sunday, 17 March, 13

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what is DISQUS? Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Sunday, 17 March, 13

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why do realtime? ๏ getting new data to the user asap ๏ for increased engagement ๏ and it looks awesome ๏ and we can sell (or trade) it Sunday, 17 March, 13

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DISQUS sees a lot of traffic Google Analytics: Feb 2013 - March 2012 Sunday, 17 March, 13

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realertime ๏ currently active on all DISQUS sites ๏ tested ‘dark’ on our existing network ๏ during testing: ๏ 1.5 million concurrently connected users ๏ 45 thousand new connections per second ๏ 165 thousand messages/second ๏ <.2 seconds latency end to end Sunday, 17 March, 13

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so, how did we do it? Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Node.js and MongoDB! Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Node.js and MongoDB! Sunday, 17 March, 13

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This is PyCon. We used Python. Sunday, 17 March, 13

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and some other Technology You Know™ Sunday, 17 March, 13

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thoonk redis queue some python glue nginx push stream and long(er) polling Sunday, 17 March, 13

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architecture overview Sunday, 17 March, 13

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old-june memcache New Posts memcache DISQUS embed clients DISQUS poll memcache ever 5 seconds Sunday, 17 March, 13

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june-july redis pub/sub New Posts redis pub/sub DISQUS embed clients DISQUS HA Proxy Flask FE cluster Sunday, 17 March, 13

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HA Proxy july-october Flask FE cluster redis queue “python glue” Gevent server New Posts redis pub/sub DISQUS embed clients redis pub/sub DISQUS “python glue” Gevent server Sunday, 17 March, 13

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HA Proxy august-october Flask FE cluster redis queue “python glue” Gevent server New Posts redis pub/sub DISQUS embed clients redis pub/sub DISQUS “python glue” Gevent server 2 14 BIG 6 servers 5 servers Sunday, 17 March, 13

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HA Proxy august-october Flask FE cluster redis queue “python glue” Gevent server New Posts redis pub/sub DISQUS embed clients redis pub/sub DISQUS “python glue” Gevent server 2 6 servers 5 servers 2 for 14 BIG lots of servers, we can do better Sunday, 17 March, 13

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“python glue” Gevent server october-now nginx + push stream module redis queue New Posts ngnix pub endpoint DISQUS embed clients http post DISQUS Sunday, 17 March, 13

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“python glue” Gevent server october-now nginx + push stream module redis queue New Posts ngnix pub endpoint DISQUS embed clients http post DISQUS 2 5 Why still 5 for this? Network memory restriction, we can’t fix this without kernel hacking, tweaking, etc. (if you know how, tell us, then apply for a job, then fix it for us) Sunday, 17 March, 13

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october-now django Formatter Publishers thoonk queue http post ngnix pub endpoint DISQUS embed clients other realtime stuff nginx + push stream module New Posts Sunday, 17 March, 13

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thoonk redis queue some python glue nginx push stream and long(er) polling Sunday, 17 March, 13

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the thoonk queue ๏ django post_save and post_delete hooks ๏ thoonk is a queue on top of redis ๏ implemented as a DFA ๏ provides job semantics ๏ useful for end to end acking ๏ reliable job processing in distributed system ๏ did I mention it’s on top of redis? ๏ uses zset to store items == ranged queries Sunday, 17 March, 13

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thoonk redis queue some python glue nginx push stream and long(er) polling Sunday, 17 March, 13

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the python glue ๏ listens to a thoonk queue ๏ cleans & formats message ๏ this is the final format for end clients ๏ compress data now ๏ publish message to nginx and other firehoses ๏ forum:id, thread:id, user:id, post:id Formatter Publishers Sunday, 17 March, 13

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gevent is nice # the code is too big to show here, so just import it # from realertime.lib.spawn import Watchdog from realertime.lib.spawn import TimeSensitiveBackoff Sunday, 17 March, 13

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data pipelines class Pipeline(object): def parse_data(self, data): raise NotImplemented('No ParserMixin used') def compute_data(self, data, parsed_data): raise NotImplemented('No ComputeMixin used') def publish_data(self, data, parsed_data, computed_data): raise NotImplemented('No PublisherMixin used') def handle(self, data): parsed_data = self.parse_data(data) computed_data = self.compute_data(data, parsed_data) return self.publish_data(data, parsed_data, computed_data) Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Example Mixins class JSONParserMixin(Pipeline): def parse_data(self, data): return json.loads(data) class AnnomizeDataMixin(Pipeline): def parse_data(self, data, parsed_data): return {} class SuperSecureEncryptDataMixin(Pipeline): def parse_data(self, data, parsed_data): return parsed_data.encode('rot13') class HTTPPublisher(Pipeline): def publish(self, data, parsed_data, computed_data): u = urllib2.urlopen(self.dat_url, computed_data) return u class FilePublisher(Pipeline): def publish(self, data, parsed_data, computed_data): with open(self.output, 'a') as f: f.write(computed_data) Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Finished Pipeline class JSONAnnonHTTPPipeline( JSONParserMixin, AnnomizeDataMixin, HTTPPublisherMixin): pass class JSONSecureHTTPPipeline( JSONParserMixin, SuperSecureEncyptionMixin, HTTPPublisherMixin): pass class JSONAnnonFilePipeline( JSONParserMixin, AnnomizeDataMixin, FilePublisherMixin): pass Sunday, 17 March, 13

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real live DISQUS code class FEOrbitalNginxMultiplexer( SchemaTransformerMixin, JSONFormatterMixin, SelfChannelsMixin, HTTPPublisherMixin): def __init__(self, domains, api_version=1): schema_namespace = 'orbital' self.channels = ('orbital', ) super(FEOrbitalNginxMultiplexer, self).__init__(domains=domain class FEPublicAckingMultiplexer( PublicTransformerMixin, JSONFormatterMixin, FEChannelsMixin, ThoonkQueuePubSubPublisherMixin): def __init__(self, domains, api_version): schema_namespace = 'general' super(FEPublicAckingMultiplexer, self).__init__(domains=domain Sunday, 17 March, 13

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thoonk redis queue some python glue nginx push stream and long(er) polling Sunday, 17 March, 13

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nginx push stream ๏ follow John Watson (@wizputer) for updated #humblebrags as we ramp up traffic ๏ an example config can be found here: Sunday, 17 March, 13

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nginx push stream ๏ Replaced webservers and Redis Pub/Sub ๏ But starting with Pub/Sub was important for us ๏ Encouraged us to over publish on keys Sunday, 17 March, 13

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nginx push stream ๏ Turned on for 70% of our network... ๏ ~950K subscribers (peak single machine) ๏ peak 40 MBytes/second (per machine) ๏ CPU usage is still well under 15% ๏ 99.845% active writes (the socket is written to often enough to come up as ACTIVE) Sunday, 17 March, 13

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config push stream location = /pub { allow; deny all; push_stream_publisher admin; set $push_stream_channel_id $arg_channel; } location ^~ /sub/ { # to maintain api compatibility we need this location ~ /sub/(.*)/(.*)$ { # Url encoding things? $1%3A2$2 set $push_stream_channels_path $1:$2; push_stream_subscriber streaming; push_stream_content_type application/json; } } Sunday, 17 March, 13

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examples # Subs curl -s 'localhost/sub/forum/cnn' curl -s 'localhost/sub/thread/907824578' curl -s 'localhost/sub/user/northisup' # Pubs curl -s -X POST 'localhost/pub?channel=forum:cnn' \ -d '{"some sort": "of json data"}' curl -s -X POST 'localhost/pub?channel=thread:907824578' \ -d '{"more": "json data"}' curl -s -X POST 'localhost/pub?channel=user:northisup' \ -d '{"the idea": "I think you get it by now"}' Sunday, 17 March, 13

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measure nginx location = /push-stream-status { allow; deny all; push_stream_channels_statistics; set $push_stream_channel_id $arg_channel; } Sunday, 17 March, 13

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thoonk redis queue some python glue nginx push stream and long(er) polling Sunday, 17 March, 13

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long(er) polling onProgress: function () { var self = this; var resp = self.xhr.responseText; var advance = 0; var rows; // If server didn't push anything new, do nothing. if (!resp || self.len === resp.length) return; // Server returns JSON objects, one per line. rows = resp.slice(self.len).split('\n'); _.each(rows, function (obj) { advance += (obj.length + 1); obj = JSON.parse(obj); self.trigger('progress', obj); }); self.len += advance; } Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Soon... EventSource // Currently EventSource has CORS issues ev = EventSource(dat_url); ev.addEventListener("Post", handlePostEvent); Sunday, 17 March, 13

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test, measure, repeat Sunday, 17 March, 13

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test ๏ Darktime ๏ use existing network to load test ๏ (user complaints when it didn’t work...) ๏ Darkesttime ๏ load testing a single thread ๏ have knobs you can twiddle Sunday, 17 March, 13

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measure ๏ measure all the things! ๏ especially when the numbers don’t line up ๏ measuring is hard in distributed systems ๏ try to express things as +1 and -1 if you can ๏ Sentry for measuring exceptions Sunday, 17 March, 13

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pretty graphs Sunday, 17 March, 13

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how does it really scale? POPE white smoke francis announced Sunday, 17 March, 13

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maths Sunday, 17 March, 13

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it’s been a busy few weeks Sunday, 17 March, 13

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wha? ๏ People do weird stuff with your stuff ๏ turned off this server in Oct 2012 ๏ Still getting 100 req/sec Sunday, 17 March, 13

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lessons ๏ do hard (computation) work early ๏ end-to-end acks are good, but expensive ๏ redis/nginx pubsub is effectively free Sunday, 17 March, 13

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If this was interesting to you... psst, we’re hiring Sunday, 17 March, 13

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special thanks ๏ the team at DISQUS ๏ like jeff a.k.a. @nfluxx who had to review all my code ๏ and especially our dev-ops guys ๏ like john watson a.k.a. @wizputer who found the nginx-push-stream module psst, we’re hiring Sunday, 17 March, 13

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slide full o’ links ๏ Nginx push stream module ๏ Thoonk (redis queue) ๏ Sentry (distributed traceback aggregation) ๏ Gevent (python coroutines and greenlets) ๏ Scales (in-app metrics) Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Come find me here! PyCon 2013 Santa Clara Convention Center Hall A-B Santa Clara, CA 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 20’ 20’ 8’ 8’ LUNCH & BREAKS 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 8’ 20’ 20’ 10’ 20’ 19’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x20’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x20’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 8’x20’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ 10’x15’ Sunday, 17 March, 13

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we are still hiring psst, we’re hiring Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Questions I have ๏ What is the best kernel config for webscale concurrency. Nginx? ๏ I <3 gevent, but what if I want to pypy? ๏ Nginx + lua? Seems kind of awesome. ๏ Composing data pipelines: good or bad? ๏ I didn’t have time to mention: ๏ Kafka, what is it good for? ๏ Seriously, why not RabbitMQ? Sunday, 17 March, 13

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Adam Hitchcock @NorthIsUp DISQUSsion? Sunday, 17 March, 13