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Lazy Loading Images Progressively and Bundle Analyzing SHODIPO AYOMIDE | JAVASCRIPT AND FRIENDS CONFERENCE, COLUMBUS, OH

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Hello! Name: Shodipo Ayomide What I do: - Senior Developer Advocate at Fleek - Media Developer Expert at Cloudinary - Instructor at egghead - Community Evangelist @unStack @oscafrica - @DevCLagos @NaijaHacks You can contact me @developerayo on Twitter :)

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Fetched data + Client’s Output Loading

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Images account for 60% of the bytes on average needed to load a webpage on the internet - Google. Tweet - @developerayo

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Used for tracking a user interaction with your web page but often slows down scrolling Scroll Event Listeners

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[fix] Passive Event Listeners

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We indicated that the listener will never cancel the scroll event. `{passive: true}` That information enables browsers to scroll the page immediately, rather than after the listener has finished. By indicating that the listener will never cancel the scrolls event. `{passive: true}` That exactly will enable the browser to scroll immediately rather than lagging

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We indicated that the listener will never cancel the scroll event. `{passive: true}` That information enables browsers to scroll the page immediately, rather than after the listener has finished. But then you enable this once you have successfully preloaded all images

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LazyLoading everything to increase performance

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Oh Yea!!! you can also Lazy Load Iframes for that faster web experience

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Lozad.js is a lightweight JS library to lazy load any HTML element such as images, videos Iframes and more.

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First: You have to install the Lozad.js package from nam into whichever project you want to Lazy Load images on.

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Install Lozad.js via `yarn` or `npm` whichever package handler you use.

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Import lozard.js into your project using the `import` command or via `CDN` wrapped in a `` tag at the bottom of the page.

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Call an image using the `img` element tag and reference the class as Lozad

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Lastly, in your JavaScript file initialize Lozad, and set default selector as ".lozad"

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Think Cloudinary Progressive Image rendering

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Placeholders Cloudinary is a media transformation tool, using a placeholder with cloudinary, you’ll have to request for a low-quality image of 400 X 300 (depending on main image size) resolution, grey style, 100% blurry picture from cloudinary.

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Next for the high-quality image, request for another image without the grey style, and blur function

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The Low-quality, blurry image would be sent first thanks to Cloudinary, then in 5 seconds fades-into the high quality image we requested for.

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Track your images using light house

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Run a preloaded in the background for 5s while images loads. #the-traditional-way

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Always AUDIT from the Lighthouse

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Fix issues alerted by Lighthouse Use a Library like Lozad.js, Placeholders, preloaders

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Analyze a Production JavaScript Bundle with webpack-bundle-analyzer

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Install the webpack-bundle-analyzer via `NPM` or `YARN`. This will add the webpack-bundle-analyser to your `package.json` file.

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Setup the webpack-bundle-analyzer as a plugin in your `` file

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Once you have setup the webpack bundle analyzer you then have to run the `npm run build` command in your terminal. and it’ll generate another host.

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By visiting the generated host you ` 88` to view the visuals of your JavaScript Bundles

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MOBILE APP VIEW Should be performant and fast

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The Desktop Site Should be performant and fast

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Any questions? Follow me on Twitter @developerayo THANKS!