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1 Federal University of Bahia Computer Science Department Victor Martinez Ferret: an open-source library to extract data from web news pages Advisor: Ivan Machado

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2 2015 - 2016

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Crawler Team 3 3

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4 Web News

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6 crawlers ~500 Goal

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7 ~500 crawlers Goal Machine Learning + Programming

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8 8

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9 That's enough! 9

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10 Extracted documents month 200K crawlers ~200

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13 URL language / HTML Ferret Json { 'title' : 'This is the title', 'publish_date' : '2017-04-06T14:00:00', 'content': '

Dissertation …

', 'lang': 'en', 'html: '' }

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14 Scientific Investigation Fundamental Observations &

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16 Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro Neto, 2013 There are many pages on the Web for which the HTML does not adhere to the HTML specification correctly.

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17 Ofuonye et al., 2010 Approximately 95% of HTML documents on the web do not adhere to W3C HTML standards.

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18 Architecture

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19 extensibility easy to contribute portability usability testability

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25 Title Extraction OpenGraphTitleExtractor TwitterTitleExtractor TitleTagExtractor

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26 Publish Date Extraction OpenGraphPublishedDateExtractor MetaTagsPublishedDateExtractor

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27 Content Extraction

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28 Working with Ferret

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30 Analysis 30

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31 Regression Tests 228 websites from different domains Brazilian-Portuguese 203 English 25

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32 Regression Directory Test Cases

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33 $ py.test tests/regression

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34 86% regarding title extraction

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35 87% regarding publish date extraction

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36 X% regarding content extraction Lack of existing approaches Complexity to measure

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37 Concluding Remarks and Future Work

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38 1. A study on Data Mining, Web Mining and Web Article Extraction 2. A study aimed to extract data from web news pages 3. Ferret: an open-source library to extract data from web news pages Research Contributions

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39 1. A study on Data Mining, Web Mining and Web Article Extraction 2. A study aimed to extract data from web news pages 3. Ferret: an open-source library to extract data from web news pages Research Contributions

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40 1. A study on Data Mining, Web Mining and Web Article Extraction 2. A study aimed to extract data from web news pages 3. Ferret: an open-source library to extract data from web news pages Research Contributions

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41 1. Stimulate contributions 2. Quality Attributes 3. Extract other elements 4. Work with other languages 5. Benchmark with existing projects 6. Test and analysis of content extraction Future Work

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42 1. Stimulate contributions 2. Quality Attributes 3. Extract other elements 4. Work with other languages 5. Benchmark with existing projects 6. Test and analysis of content extraction Future Work

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43 1. Stimulate contributions 2. Quality Attributes 3. Extract other elements 4. Work with other languages 5. Benchmark with existing projects 6. Test and analysis of content extraction Future Work

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44 1. Stimulate contributions 2. Quality Attributes 3. Extract other elements 4. Work with other languages 5. Benchmark with existing projects 6. Test and analysis of content extraction Future Work

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45 1. Stimulate contributions 2. Quality Attributes 3. Extract other elements 4. Work with other languages 5. Benchmark with existing projects 6. Test and analysis of content extraction Future Work

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46 1. Stimulate contributions 2. Quality Attributes 3. Extract other elements 4. Work with other languages 5. Benchmark with existing projects 6. Test and analysis of content extraction Future Work

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Victor Martinez Information Systems @ UFBA Software Engineer 47