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Debugging and Profiling Rails App David Paluy January 2013

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Ruby is eating RAM

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Agenda ● “Winter is coming!” ● Garbage Collector ● Debug Tools ● Profiling Tools

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The Task: Send ~30,000 e-mails

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Result Before

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How Ruby Works? Physical RAM Process Heap Ruby Heap Ruby Heap Ruby Object Ruby Object Ruby Object Ruby Object Ruby Object Ruby Object

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New Object allocation Free List A L L O C A T E D F R E E

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New Object allocation Free List A L L O C A T E D

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New Object allocation Free List is empty A L L O C A T E D

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New Object allocation Free List is empty – Call GC A L L O C A T E D

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GC Process ● GC finds non-reachable objects and adds them to Free List ● If Free List is still empty, another Heap allocated

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MRI GC ● “Conservative”: any bit pattern could be a pointer (may produce false positive) ● “Stop the world”: no other Ruby code can execute during GC ● “Mark & Sweep”: mark all objects in use, than sweep away unmarked objects

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More Objects => Longer GC => Slow

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In our case – Out of Memory!

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How to Debug? ● gem "pry-debugger" ● gem "debugger-pry"

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Tools ● ObjectSpace.count_objects ● GC debug - Enable heap dump support ● gdb.rb (only Linux) Note: memprof works only with Ruby 1.8

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Enable heap dump support to Ruby Install custom patched version of ruby Usage:

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Result After

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Profiling Tools ● Ruby Benchmark ● ruby-prof ● perftools.rb (Google perftools for Ruby)

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Benchmark ● gem 'benchmark_suite'

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ruby-prof gem 'ruby-prof'

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ruby-prof Measurements ● process time (RubyProf::PROCESS_TIME) ● wall time (RubyProf::WALL_TIME) ● cpu time (RubyProf::CPU_TIME) ● object allocations (RubyProf::ALLOCATIONS) ● memory usage (RubyProf::MEMORY) ● garbage collections runs (RubyProf::GC_RUNS) ● garbage collection time (RubyProf::GC_TIME)

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perftools.rb gem 'rack-perftools_profiler', :require => 'rack/perftools_profiler'

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rack-perftools_profiler usage

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Summary ● More Objects => Longer GC => Slow ● Examine your HEAP ● Use Tools

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Q&A @dpaluy [email protected]