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項目名 設定値(値の例) CosmosDB URI mongodb://shkawanfree- co#####b00:j5wM8kl############GKSLJo8WvkitRvzN9Hb8k92YGAxW0zxz3hAYlvmE Yuw9H82TOwnfTwpt1w==@shkawanfree- 通知用Slack API 通知用Slackチャンネル名 #message Log AnalyticsワークスペースID a37#####-6d28-49d2-93fc-ad######## Log Analyticsワークスペースキー w3W04tNBiPD9t2CdzAch0D0qoFoExHGlNPW#####NnlHkhm99UDXpWYVsAdwvboj68# ################### 今回使用したツール: https://[email protected]/shkawan/k8s.demo.git それぞれの取得方法はスライド中に記載しています

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# Change the current directory # Setup package you need # Install the azure-cli # Read bashrc to help your azure-cli completion # Set variables for AKS # Generate your ssh key if you don't have one

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# Login to Azure with cli # Create a resource group for AKS # Run the create AKS command and wait for a while0 1.7.7 # Confirm the AKS you built # Install kubectl and get credentials of the AKS

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# Re-read bashrc to help your kubectl completion # Edit your 2-secret.yml to replace MONGODB_URI value # Apply each manifest by order cd ../manifest # Confirm the external IP, it might take some minutes until you can see it

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# SLACK_API, MONGODB_URIをご自分の環境に合わせます # Example to get base64 string for SLACK_API # and replace one in 2-secret.yml | base64 aHR0cHM6Ly9ob29rcy#####8jIw==(encoded string) vi ./2-secret.yml # MONGODB_URIも同様に行います # apply the change kubectl apply -f ./2-secret.yml # delete the pods using MONGODB_URI or SLACK_API to restart them kubectl delete pod -n mynamespace -l app=mynotifypod kubectl delete pod -n mynamespace -l run=myappsample

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# Change the directory cd k8s.demo/manifest/loganalytics/ # Edit your configmap to replace your OMS workspace ID and key # you don't need to encode the ID and Key # Apply each manifest by order # Confirm the omsagents pod running on every node

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