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Making with Python 3 David Beazley (@dabeaz) PyCon Taiwan 2013

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Hello! 你好 Thanks for inviting me!

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Question 1: Do you like Python programming? >>> print('Hello World') Hello World! >>>

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Question 2: Do you like making things?

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Question 2: Do you like making things? Of course you do!

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Making Things is Fun! It's how I got into Python programming It's about solving day-to-day problems

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Supercomputing Scriptable Scientific Software Sample Session Python

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Data hacking Toys

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Data hacking example Find worst area of Chicago to ride my bike Based on number of open potholes in street

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Plotting (in wood)

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Actually, Toys

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Actually, Toys

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Premise: IT Should Be Fun! Programming that is

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Question: Is Python 3 Fun? Does it have the same "feel" as Python 2? Can you solve problems with it? Can you make things with it? Is it something that you want to use?

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Some History Python 3000 discussed for a long time Python 3 first release: December, 2008 Expectation: Might take >5 years for users

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Brief Summary Python 3 "fixes" the design flaws in Python 2 But breaks backwards compatibility

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Poll Are you using Python 3?

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My Interest I like Python (language and community) Want to see it improve However, I'm only a user (it's a tool) I am not a core developer

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Using Python 3 Have been using Python 3 for various personal projects since about 2010 Trying to use it for all new projects However, mostly just playing around

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Book Writing (2009) (2013)

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Python Cookbook Just finished Python Cookbook, 3rd Ed. A deep dive into Python 3.3 No regard for backwards compatibility Be as modern as possible

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Thinking about Python 3 Python 3 looks almost the same However, it's quite different in many ways I like it a lot But, not for reasons you might think

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Python 2 < "Three"

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Please Explain >>> 2 < "Three" True >>>

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Please Explain >>> x = 10 >>> y = 11 >>> avgxy = (x + y) / 2 >>> avgxy 10 >>> Or this...

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Please Explain >>> s = "Hello" >>> t = u"World" >>> s + t u'HelloWorld' >>> And this...

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Please Explain >>> name = "ACME" >>> price = 123.45 >>> print name, price ACME 123.45 >>> print name + ',' + str(price) ACME,123.45 >>> Ugh...

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Please Explain >>> name = "ACME" >>> price = 123.45 >>> print name, price ACME 123.45 >>> print '%s,%0.2f'%(name, price) ACME,123.45 >>> Ugh...

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Please Explain >>> name = "ACME" >>> price = 123.45 >>> print name, price ACME 123.45 >>> print ','.join([name,str(price)]) ACME,123.45 >>> Ugh...

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Please Explain s = ["N/A", "12", "34"] try: v = int(s[n]) except ValueError, IndexError: v = 0.0 Finally...

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Only a Small Sample Python 2 has many "features" like this Has grown organically Not always clean or consistent

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Language Evolution Good ideas often take time to mature Sometimes in unexpected ways

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Example: Iteration Custom iterators == awesome >>> c = countdown(5) >>> for x in c: ... print x ... 5 4 3 2 1 >>>

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Example: Iteration Early days: hacking __getitem__() class countdown: def __init__(self, start): self.n = start def __getitem__(self, index): if index >= self.n: raise IndexError() return self.n - index

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Example: Iteration Iteration protocol class countdown: def __init__(self, start): self.n = start def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.n <= 0: raise StopIteration() n = self.n self.n -= 1 return n

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Example: Iteration Generators def countdown(n): while n > 0: yield n n -= 1 It's now something quite elegant

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Getting Walled In Sometimes a good idea can only go so far Limited by existing language features Constrained by backwards compatibility

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The Story of Sets print ' , '.join([name, str(shares), str(price)])

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Before Sets Dictionaries with dummy values a = { 'Guido' : None, 'Barry' : None, 'Tim' : None, 'Paula' : None } You write clumsy code that manipulates keys

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Before Sets def in_common(a, b): return [ key for key in a if key in b ]

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After Sets A lot of code gets simplified a = set(['Guido', 'Barry', 'Tim', 'Paula']) b = set(['Dave', 'Paula', 'Thomas', 'Lewis']) all = a | b in_common = a & b a_not_b = a - b

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Sets and Dicts There is a close relationship Sets : Unordered collection of items Dicts : Unordered set of keys mapped to values Underlying implementation almost identical

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Sets and Dicts Yet, sets and dicts don't play together a = { 'Guido': 1, 'Barry': 2, 'Tim': 3, 'Paula': 4 } b = { 'Dave': 5, 'Paula': 6, 'Thomas': 7, 'Lewis': 8 } Find keys in common >>> a.keys() & b.keys() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'list' and 'list' >>>

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Sets and Dicts Yet, sets and dicts don't play together a = { 'Guido': 1, 'Barry': 2, 'Tim': 3, 'Paula': 4 } b = { 'Dave': 5, 'Paula': 6, 'Thomas': 7, 'Lewis': 8 } Find keys in common (workaround) >>> set(a.keys()) & set(b.keys()) set(['Paula']) >>>

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Sets and Dicts It all just "works" in Python 3 though >>> a.keys() & b.keys() {'Paula'} >>> Hey, cool!

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Python 3 In a Nutshell It's a more polished Python All of the parts just fit together better Think of it as a more finely tuned machine Made possible by breaking backwards compat

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Python 3 Examples Comparison >>> 2 < "Three" Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: unorderable types: int() < str() >>>

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Python 3 Examples Division >>> x = 10 >>> y = 11 >>> avgxy = (x + y) / 2 >>> avgxy 10.5 >>>

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Python 3 Examples Printing >>> name = "ACME" >>> price = 123.45 >>> print(name, price) ACME 123.45 >>> print(name, price, sep=',') ACME,123.45 >>>

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Cool Stuff Unpacking >>> values = ('Dave', 37, 'Chicago') >>> name, *rest = values >>> name 'Dave' >>> rest [37, 'Chicago'] >>>

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Cool Stuff Keyword-only arguments def recv(maxbytes, *, block=True): ... recv(1024, block=False) # OK recv(1024, False) # ERROR

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Cool Stuff Generator subroutines def countdown(n): while n > 0: yield n n -= 1 def spam(): yield from countdown(5)

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Cool Stuff Generator subroutines are basis for this...

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Commentary In Python 3, I find myself using fewer "hacks" and workarounds (basically none) Again, the parts just fit together a bit better It's nice

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More Control

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Features for Frameworks There are a lot of power features Mostly aimed at more "serious" development Libraries/Frameworks

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Exception Chains try: raise ValueError("Must be > 0") except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Failed") from e

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Exception Chains Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in ValueError: Must be > 0 The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in RuntimeError: Failed

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Metaclasses from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class Stream(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def recv(self, maxsize): pass @abstractmethod def send(self, data): pass

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Metaclasses from enum import Enum class Colors(Enum): red = 1 blue = 2 green = 3 yellow = 4 magenta = 5 Coming : Python 3.4 (PEP 435) Uses some serious metaclass magic

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Import Hooks Look at sys.meta_path sometime... Can take over the import statement Can create custom importers Diabolical!

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C Interoperability Standardized interface for exposing memory regions and arrays (memoryviews) Gets array processing libraries (e.g., numpy), I/O libraries, and related tools to play nice

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Commentary Building big frameworks isn't about "fun" But, correctness matters Python 3 helps a lot (fewer "hacks") A different talk though...

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Unicode/Bytes It's a huge headache (still) Rules of thumb: All text input must be decoded All text output must be encoded Python 3 forces you to be precise about it There are semantic differences

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Strings vs. Bytes >>> s = "Hello" >>> s[0] 'H' >>> s[0:4] 'Hell' >>> Major headaches for people porting libraries >>> s = b"Hello" >>> s[0] 72 >>> s[0:4] b'Hell' >>>

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Serialization Woes >>> s = "Hello" >>> json.dumps(s) '"Hello"' >>> pickle.dumps(s) b'\x80\x03X\x05\x00\x00\x00Helloq\x00. >>> Not entirely consistent across libraries Text Bytes Frankly, a mess

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Unicode Insanity >>> f = open('jalape\xf1o.txt', 'w') >>> g = open(b'jalape\xf1o.txt', 'w') >>> import os >>> os.listdir('.') ['jalape%F1o.txt', 'jalapeño.txt'] >>> os.listdir(b'.') [b'jalape%F1o.txt', b'jalapen\xcc\x83o.txt >>> Really crazy things in system calls

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Error Messages >>> data = b"Hello World" >>> 'Hell' in data Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: Type str doesn't support the buffer API >>> WhAt?!?

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New Style Formatting print("{0} has {1} messages".format('Da Always results in lines too wide in editor Kind of silly complaint (I know)

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What to Make of Python 3? Overall, a really nice language Better appreciated by doing new projects Especially if you're unchained from past Porting still a potential problem (sigh)

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But is it Fun? On the whole, I think so More so if not porting old code Kind of fun to play with advanced features

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Recent Fun Using Python 3 to control a CNC mill Stepper Motors (3) Arduino w/ Grblshield Laptop (USB) Rotary cutter

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Software import serial ser = serial.Serial( '/dev/tty.usbmodem641', 9600) def command(cmd): ser.send(cmd.encode('ascii')+b'\n') resp = ser.readline() if resp != b'Ok\n': raise RuntimeError(resp) It's just serial ports... use pyserial Simple command/response protocol

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GCode G1 Z10 G1 X0 Y0 G1 Z-2 G1 X50 Y10 G1 X20 Y40 G1 X0 Y0 G1 Z0 Movement controlled by simple commands It's a lot like plotting graphics (0,0) (50,10) (20,40)

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Whirling Knives You're in the physical world Plotting with 25000 RPM end mill

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Toy Making (for kids)

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A Thought Much of the joy in making things is in using precision tools that work This is the real reason to try Python 3 Also: An opportunity

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That is All! Thanks for inviting me! Hope I've inspired you to look at Python 3 Twitter : @dabeaz Questions?