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Testable / Trustable TestCon Europe 2021 Kerim Satirli Sr. Developer Advocate He/him

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Will Roper @WILLROP3R At 70,000 ft, the view is as breathtaking as the harsh environment outside this @usairforce U-2 pressure suit. 
 Thankful for this beautiful blue planet and all who defend it and its freedoms. #breathless

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Sr. Developer Advocate at HashiCorp he/him @ksatirli Kerim Satirli

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What is Infrastructure as Code 01 Introduction

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resource "ec2" "instance" { type = "t3.micro" iam_role = "consul_server" shutdown_behavior = "terminate" storage "root" { device = "/dev/xvda" encryption = true } } CODE EDITOR Infrastructure as Code

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service "http" "proxy" { listen_addr = "${var.port}" process "server" { command = ["./server"] } } variable "port" { type = number description = "Port for proxy service" default = 8080 } CODE EDITOR HashiCorp Configuration Language

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Why should we codify Infrastructure? 01 Introduction

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Infrastructure as Code ▪ executable documentation ▪ enables collaboration ▪ safe and predictable

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Infrastructure for Today’s Workshop 01 Introduction

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Infrastructure Overview

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Workshop 02 Workshop

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Thank You