Slide 60
Slide 60 text
Caused by: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: 'is displayed
on the screen to the user' doesn't match the selected view.
Expected: is displayed on the screen to the user
Got: "ab{id=2131689841, res-name=track_item_private_indicator,
visibility=GONE, width=0, height=0, has-focus=false, has-
focusable=false, has-window-focus=true, is-clickable=false, is-
enabled=true, is-focused=false, is-focusable=false, is-layout-
requested=true, is-selected=false, root-is-layout-
requested=false, has-input-connection=false, x=0.0, y=0.0,
text=Private, input-type=0, ime-target=false, has-links=false}”