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The Latest in PHP September 2018 Edition

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Presented by Chris Gmyr @cmgmyr

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PHP Releases VERSIONS 4 5.6.38 4 7.0.32, 7.1.[21-22], 7.2.[9-10] 4 7.3.0RC1 Released PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 will lose both active support and security fixes by this December. Links: 4 4

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PHP RFCs 4 In Voting 4 Typed Properties 2.0 (private $id; vs public int $id;) Postponed until next release 4 Always available hash extension (make the hash extension (ext/hash) always available, similar to the date, spl & pcre extensions.) 4 Under Discussion 4 Deprecate and Remove ext/wddx (infavor of JSON) https://wiki

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Framework: Laravel 5.7 Released! 4 New Resources Directory 4 New pagination customizations 4 Imrpoved Error Messages 4 Better ways of testing Artisan Commands 4 New Dump Server 4 Callable Action URL’s Nova 1.1.0 Released

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Framework: Symfony VERSIONS 4 4.1.4 4 3.4.15 4 2.8.45 (bug fixes)

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CMS: Drupal 4 8.6.1 4 8.5.7 (bug fixes impacting upgrade paths)

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IDE: PHPStorm 4 2018.2.3 4 7.3 support 4 Trailing comma in function calls 4 2018.3 EAP 4 Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntax Support 4 PHPDoc PSR-5 collection type hints 4 Multiline Todos

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IDE: VSCode 1.27.2 4 GitHub Pull Requests extension 4 Settings editor 4 New terminal window 4 CSS @import path completion

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Sublime Merge A snappy UI, three-way merge tool, side-by-side diffs, syntax highlighting, and more. 4 Powerful Search 4 Blame 4 File & Hunk history 4 Command Line Integration 4 Free evaluation license, $99 for dark theme

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PHP Conferences - October ZendCon 2018 October 15–17, Las Vegas, CA

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PHP Conferences - November MadisonPHP November 2–3, Madison, WI php[world] 2018 November 14–15, Washington D.C.

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Nomad PHP US Build of a Modern ORM enabled Apigility API By Tom Anderson Europe The Faster Web Meets Lean and Mean PHP! By Andrew Caya

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Open Call for Papers SunshinePHP 2019 CfP Deadline: September 15, 2018 February 7–9, Miami, FL PHP UK Conference 2019 CfP Deadline: September 18, 2018 February 20–22, London, England ConFoo Montreal 2019 CfP Deadline: September 24, 2018 March 13–15, hotel bonaventure

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Upcoming regional events Oct 7-8 - NCDevCon - Oct 23-24 - All Things Open -

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Notable News & Articles 4 PSR-17: HTTP Factories 4 Composer 1.7 4 About MySQL views and using them with Laravel Eloquent 4 Building a Password Less Authentication System with Laravel Signed Routes 4 Remote Code Execution on 4 Best practices on commenting code 4 When to add an interface to a class 4 SymfonyLive San Francisco 2017 4 Laracon US 2018 Videos

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Next Month @ TrianglePHP TDB Presented By YOU?!?! Thursday, October 18 6pm Atlantic BT Consider "Chipping In"

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Have a Job/Need a Job Who's hiring? Who's looking? What are you looking for?

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Tonight @ TrianglePHP Discussing pattern misuse and unit testing gotchas Presented By - Chris Saylor Thank you to Atlantic BT for hosting and refreshments!