- Multiple resource types
- Deployments
- Services
- ConfigMaps
- Secrets
- …
- Serializable Manifests (store as yaml)
Managing these bundles is a challenge in the long run!
Slide 35
Slide 35 text
1. Collaboration
a. Sharing Manifest files, trust?
b. Iterating
c. Best Practices
2. Managing Releases
a. Define package
b. Tweaking ~ Multiple copies & variations
c. Migrating
Slide 36
Slide 36 text
Helm Introduction
Slide 37
Slide 37 text
Helm: Package Manager
- Collaboration with Google, Bitnami, Deis and others
- Deis/Helm -> Kubernetes/Helm
- Architecture:
- Client: Helm
- Server: Tiller
- This talk:
- Focused on writing charts
Slide 38
Slide 38 text
Helm core values
- Aim for the Apt/Yum/Homebrew UX
- Ensure collaboration
- Reproducible releases
- Shareable Packages
Slide 39
Slide 39 text
Chart, Repositories, Releases
- Chart: “Package”, “Bundle”
- Repository: Package Repository
Evolving towards a registry (CoreOS)
- Release: Installed Chart (same chart can be installed multiple times)
Slide 40
Slide 40 text
Basic Architecture
Client - Server
Slide 41
Slide 41 text
Slide 42
Slide 42 text
Writing Charts
- Templating and Release Management
- More templating and User notes
- Debugging and Troubleshooting features
Slide 43
Slide 43 text
Templating & Release
Management workshop available
Slide 44
Slide 44 text
Review using helm
- Install charts (creates a release)
- helm install
- List releases
- helm ls
- Bootstrap charts
- helm create