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Managing Kubernetes Deployments with Helm Vincent De Smet

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Overview - Kubernetes - Concepts - Challenges - Helm - Introduction - Templating

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Kubernetes Concepts & Challenges

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Linux Host CONTAINERS Container foo rails server -b usr/src/app/ ├── Gemfile ├── Gemfile.lock ├── Rakefile ├── app │ ├── api │ └── ... └── bins / libs ...

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PODS & VOLUMES Container Foo Container Bar Namespaces: - Net - IPC - … volumes

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PODS & VOLUMES volumes

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LABELS app : my-app role : master track: stable

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LABELS app : my-app role : master track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: canary app : my-app role : master track: canary

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SELECTORS app : my-app app : my-app role : master track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: canary app : my-app role : master track: canary

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SELECTORS app : my-app role : worker app : my-app role : master track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: canary app : my-app role : master track: canary

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SELECTORS app : my-app track: canary app : my-app role : master track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: stable app : my-app role : worker track: canary app : my-app role : master track: canary

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CONTROL LOOPS Desired state Actual state pods: - foo - bar pods: - foo

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CONTROL LOOPS Desired state Actual state pods: - foo - bar pods: - foo create “bar” Create

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CONTROL LOOPS Desired state Actual state pods: - foo - bar pods: - foo - bar

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REPLICA SETS + Replica Set: - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 - Desired State: - Pod Specification - Replica Count - Label Selector

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REPLICA SETS + Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0

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REPLICA SETS + Replica Set: - replicas: 4 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0

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SERVICES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 - de-couple discovery from application - Define how to access pods - Act as a proxy (Virtual IP - stable for DNS) Think of: - Dynamic Routing Table

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CANARIES + Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + Replica Set: - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: canary Think of: - Partially live the new version

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DEPLOYMENTS Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + - Manage updates with Deployment resources

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + Replica Set: - replicas: 4 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Replica Set: - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 4 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Replica Set: - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Replica Set: - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 2 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Replica Set: - replicas: 3 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + Replica Set: - replicas: 4 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 1 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + Replica Set: - replicas: 4 - selector: - app: my-app - Version: 2.0 Replica Set: - replicas: 0 - selector: - app: my-app - version: 1.0 + + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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UPDATES Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + Replica Set: - replicas: 4 - selector: - app: my-app - Version: 2.0 + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate

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CONFIGMAPS Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate ConfigMap: - sample.yaml: | env: production cache: true max_threads: 8

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SECRETS Service: - nodePort: 30128 - selector: - app: my-app + + Deployment: - strategy: - rollingUpdate Secret: - sample.yaml: | key: *** db_user: *** db_pw: ***

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Recap - Multiple resource types - Deployments - Services - ConfigMaps - Secrets - … - Serializable Manifests (store as yaml) Managing these bundles is a challenge in the long run!

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Challenges 1. Collaboration a. Sharing Manifest files, trust? b. Iterating c. Best Practices 2. Managing Releases a. Define package b. Tweaking ~ Multiple copies & variations c. Migrating

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Helm Introduction & Templating

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Helm: Package Manager - Collaboration with Google, Bitnami, Deis and others - Deis/Helm -> Kubernetes/Helm - Architecture: - Client: Helm - Server: Tiller - This talk: - Focused on writing charts

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Helm core values - Aim for the Apt/Yum/Homebrew UX - Ensure collaboration - Reproducible releases - Shareable Packages

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Chart, Repositories, Releases - Chart: “Package”, “Bundle” - Repository: Package Repository Evolving towards a registry (CoreOS) - Release: Installed Chart (same chart can be installed multiple times)

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Basic Architecture Client - Server

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Writing Charts - Templating and Release Management - More templating and User notes - Debugging and Troubleshooting features

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Templating & Release Management workshop available

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Review using helm - Install charts (creates a release) - helm install - List releases - helm ls - - Bootstrap charts - helm create

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More features - Upgrade Releases - helm upgrade - Search Charts - helm search - (Monocular - - Manage Chart dependencies - requirements.yaml - helm dep up - Helm Plugins - Keybase: helm keybase sign/verify - GitHub: helm github push

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More info Kubecon talk

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Thank you!

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Future? - Advanced orchestration (AppController)

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Shipping, Deploying & Service Discovery