We’ve come back. And fuck me
we’re gonna come back stronger
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Which got us thinkin’
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Wayne Barker
Comebacks, New Beginnings
& Reboots
Director of Online Marketing
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Better received than this…
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At least that one made it
to the cinema…
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Stuff that is once broken can be fixed
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“You blew it up!
Ah, damn you!
God damn you
all to hell!”
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You do the SEO, Wayne…
do some Excel or shit
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I’m the Excel king…
graph, graph, graph…
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Look familiar?
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What have we learnt?
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SEO does not. I repeat does
not go up and to the fuckin’
right all the time
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Things CAN get better
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Never get Tim Burton to remake a
classic. He’ll fuck it up
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There's good and bad reboots
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And the odd WTF? Like really, WTF?
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You can of course make strides
and then fuck it up again
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Or chase the money
without thinking
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This is meant to be about
digital marketing right?
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Let’s talk about some stuff then
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When do you need a
comeback in SEO?
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• Failed site migration
When do you need a comeback in SEO?
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• Failed site migration
• Google Algorithm update
When do you need a comeback in SEO?
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• Failed site migration
• Google Algorithm update
• Failed domain merging
When do you need a comeback in SEO?
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• Failed site migration
• Google Algorithm update
• Failed domain merging
• Google penalty
When do you need a comeback in SEO?
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Might be your fault
– probs not though, right?
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Sometimes it is
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Fuck it. Still needs fixing
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What do they look like?
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World of Books Migration
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Zara Home – The Rollercoaster of Doom
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Zara Home – The Rollercoaster of Doom
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Zara Home – The Rollercoaster of Doom
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Here we go
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Tesco & Business Decisions
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Tesco & Business Decisions
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A couple we’ve been party to
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Slow Fixing of Migration
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Still not there…
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The Double Whammy
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The “In Your Bed, Bad Dog” Penalty
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Bloody People Who Think They
Know What They’re Talking About…
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Nobody sets out to ruin
stuff in our business
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But people do ruin SEO, organic
traffic and revenue
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Wildly stepping in with demands
when they don’t have the nuance
Stakeholders can be
like film producers
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In they come, make demands, break shit,
and then run with their money
Flown in consultants can be like
the egotistical actor
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A date is set and off you go — doesn’t
matter if it’s ready or not. They want it now
Impatient business owners can be
like the movie studio who set an
arbitrary release date
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You’ve got the answers right,
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Thank you.
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…Like that’s the end
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"Hang on a
lads. I've got a
great idea…"
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I often show tools you can use
in my presentations
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The most important tool for this
shit is your brain noggin
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The other tools are necessary, but…
The most important tool for this shit
is your brain noggin
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The other tools are necessary, but…
The most important tool for this shit
is your brain noggin
Data is nothing without your
ability to understand it
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I’ll still give you a list of tools we use
though. But tips first
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You gotta apply critical thinkin’
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You gotta drop the ego
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You gotta work with everyone
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And that might mean convincing
them to work with you
You gotta work with everyone
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Working with checklists will NOT
bring sites back from the dead
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This needs you to dig deep
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Often in different places each time
This needs you to dig deep
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This is not sticking plaster stuff
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Be forward thinking – skate where
you think the puck is going
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Learn the language of the
people that you need to convince
to get this shit fixed
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So how does this end?
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Common ending tropes
found in films
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Awesome Moment of Crowning
Yay! Story ends with character being
crowned ruler of the land they just
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Boo! The story ends the same
way it begins
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Dance Party Ending
Yay! The story ends with
everyone dancing
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Destroy the Evidence
Boo! Someone who seems not to be
directly involved in a crime destroys or
hides some evidence relating to it
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The Good Guys Always Win
Yay! The heroes always succeed in
defeating the bad guys
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All Just a Dream
Erm. It happens. It turns out the
whole story was just the
protagonist's dream