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Scaling DevOps success before cynicism takes over Michael Stahnke @stahnma 09 Oct 2018

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@stahnma Why DevOps?

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@stahnma Tell me how

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@stahnma In a DevOps evolution, there are many paths to success, but even more that lead to failure.

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@stahnma Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

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@stahnma cyn·i·cism
 an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism.

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@stahnma Hating is easier than trying.

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@stahnma Hating is easier than trying.

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@stahnma scale verb (def 2c) to pattern, make, regulate, set, or estimate according to some rate or standard e.g. a production schedule scaled to actual need

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@stahnma Replicate DevOps success across the organization.

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@stahnma What’s the opposite of scale?

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@stahnma Heroics

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@stahnma 6 Actions to move forward

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@stahnma 1

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@stahnma Begin with Sharing

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@stahnma Make source code available to all teams

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@stahnma Allow all teams contribute improvements to tooling

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@stahnma Hold post incident reviews

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@stahnma 2

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@stahnma Complexity is if statements.
 Reduce them.

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@stahnma Complexity is if statements.
 Reduce them.

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@stahnma 3

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@stahnma Take a look at cumbersome process: ask “why” with a friend.

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@stahnma Nobody wants your job to be more difficult.

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@stahnma Hating is easier than trying.

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@stahnma 4

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@stahnma Start with the practices that are closest to production, then address processes that happen earlier in the software delivery cycle.

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@stahnma 5

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@stahnma Activate your security team.

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@stahnma Infrastructure is automatable

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@stahnma Team are working across multiple functional boundaries

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@stahnma 6

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@stahnma .

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@stahnma Ensure you have success metrics, they are visible, and they have a narrative.

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@stahnma Explain why the metric matters.

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@stahnma Explain cross-department metrics in a common language.

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@stahnma Buffer Overrun

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@stahnma Executives have a rosier view 
 of DevOps progress than 
 the teams below them.

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@stahnma C-Suite Management Team Teams contribute improvements to tooling provided by other teams 64% 46% 35% We balance lowering technical debt with new feature work 61% 44% 33% Security teams involved in technology design and deployment 64% 48% 39%

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@stahnma C-Suite Management Team Delta Teams contribute improvements to tooling provided by other teams 64% 46% 35% 29% We balance lowering technical debt with new feature work 61% 44% 33% 28% Security teams involved in technology design and deployment 64% 48% 39% 25%

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@stahnma Messages get filtered upward

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@stahnma Only success makes it to them

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@stahnma Engage executives for prioritization, not for a mandate

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@stahnma Share first. Remove if statements. Start close to production. Revaluate business processes. Ask why. Metrics need a story. Actions

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@stahnma 2018 State of DevOps Report 2018 author discussion 2017 Report 2016 Report 2015 Report 2014 Report 2013 Report Post Incident Reviews Resources

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