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My Experience With Mobile App Testing Asmita Poudel

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2 Why do we do Quality Assurance at Gurzu? Because we prioritize quality!

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3 91% of internet users worldwide access the internet via their smartphones

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4 88% of users will abandon apps due to bugs and glitches

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5 Introduction Testing of overall aspect of applications that work on mobile devices What is mobile app testing?

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Different Testing Areas…

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7 TESTING AREA 1 Usability Testing How is the user experience? Is it easy to use?

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8 TESTING AREA 2 Compatibility Testing Does it work in different mobile devices, browsers, screens, OS?

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9 TESTING AREA 3 Performance Testing Response time, speed, battery use, memory use, network connectivity

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10 TESTING AREA 4 Security Testing What about privacy of data and security?

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11 TESTING AREA 5 Installation Testing Validation of testing by installing/uninstalling it on devices

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12 Is mobile testing more challenging? FREQUENT UPDATES New versions, .. RANGE OF MOBILE DEVICES different size, hardware config RANGE OF MOBILE OS different for different devices (android, ios), different versions

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What happens to these bugs?

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