fn main() {
let meal = Meal {
name: String::from("Fish & Chips")
//~^ ERROR use of moved value: `meal`
Slide 15
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fn eat_anything(f: F) {
Slide 16
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fn eat_anything(f: F)
where F: Edible {
Slide 17
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Generic calls are monomorphised
and have no runtime overhead.
Slide 18
Slide 18 text
struct Course {
items: Vec
Slide 19
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Items must be homogenous.
Slide 20
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Errors and Results
Slide 21
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We call algebraic datatypes "enums".
Slide 22
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enum Option {
Slide 23
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enum Result {
Slide 24
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Enough theory
Slide 25
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Example: JSON
Slide 26
Slide 26 text
decode json_string :: Maybe MyData
Slide 27
Slide 27 text
“ Hey, describe me the data in
the way we both know best,
and I will derive the rest.”
Slide 28
Slide 28 text
extern crate serde_json;
// define MyApiMessage
fn main() {
use serde_json::from_str;
let res = from_str::("...");
Slide 29
Slide 29 text
• Uses internal type information
• Fails early if the received message
is unknown
• Does not raise exceptions
Slide 30
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Who likes
Slide 31
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I do
Slide 32
Slide 32 text
fn main() {
use serde_json::from_str;
let res = from_str::("...");
match res {
Ok(message) => ...,
Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e)
Slide 33
Slide 33 text
Rust ships with a lot of machinery
around converting errors, though...
Slide 34
Slide 34 text
pub trait From: Sized {
fn from(T) -> Self;
Slide 35
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impl From for MyDomainModel {
fn from(T) -> Self {
// here be alpaca
Slide 36
Slide 36 text
fn main() {
use serde_json::from_str;
let res = from_str::("...")
//~^ WARNING: unused result which must be
Slide 37
Slide 37 text
Checking the compiler:
Slide 38
Slide 38 text
fn main() {
use serde_json::from_str;
let res = from_str::("...")
//~^ WARNING: unused result which must be
Slide 39
Slide 39 text
It’s not unusual for libraries to
have test suites for the cases that
should error/warn at complain time.
Slide 40
Slide 40 text
It’s not unusual for libraries to
have test suites for the cases that
should error/warn at compile time.
fn main() {
let r = Replicator {
source: "source_name".into(),
target: "target_name".into()
Slide 46
Slide 46 text
• Initialisation depending on exact
• Struct fields are by default private,
this is not going to work outside of
the defining module.
Slide 47
Slide 47 text
Seperation of
functions and state
impl Replicator {
pub fn new(s: String, t: String)
-> Replicator {
Replicator { source: s, target: t }
Slide 48
Slide 48 text
fn main() {
let r = Replicator::new(
Slide 49
Slide 49 text
This is still a bit
Can we get rid of the into() calls?
let replicator = Replicator::new("source_name",
let verification = VerifyPeers::new(replicator);
let end = verification
Slide 58
Slide 58 text
Safety gains
Slide 59
Slide 59 text
let replicator = Replicator::new("source_name",
let verification = VerifyPeers::new(replicator);
let end = verification
//~^ ERROR use of moved value: `verification`
Slide 60
Slide 60 text
Obvious flaws
Slide 61
Slide 61 text
Nonsensical transitions
struct Counter {
count: i32
fn main() {
let r = Replicator::new("source",
let v = VerifyPeers::new(r);
let counter = Counter { count: 0 };
let end = v
Slide 62
Slide 62 text
Illegal transitions
let end = verification
Slide 63
Slide 63 text
Marking states
pub trait State {}
impl State for Start {}
impl State for SourceExisting {}
impl State for TargetExisting {}
impl State for TargetAbsent {}
impl State for VerifiedPeers {}
Slide 64
Slide 64 text
Constraining to States
impl VerifyPeers {
pub fn transition(self, new_state: X)
-> VerifyPeers
where X: State {
VerifyPeers {
replicator: self.replicator,
state: new_state
Slide 65
Slide 65 text
Now failing
struct Counter {
count: i32
fn main() {
let r = Replicator::new("source",
let v = VerifyPeers::new(r);
let counter = Counter { count: 0 };
let end = v
Slide 66
Slide 66 text
“ the trait bound Counter:
statemachines::State is not satisfied”
Slide 67
Slide 67 text
Rust conversion traits:
• From, TryFrom
• Into, TryInto
Use is very common!
Slide 68
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We can use them to
model state transitions.
Slide 69
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impl From for SourceExisting {
fn from(_: Start) -> SourceExisting {
Slide 70
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We implement in the same fashion:
• SourceExisting -> TargetAbsent
• SourceExisting -> TargetExisting
• TargetAbsent -> TargetExisting
• TargetExisting -> VerifiedPeers
Slide 71
Slide 71 text
impl VerifyPeers {
pub fn transition(self, new_state: X)
-> VerifyPeers
where X: State + From {
VerifyPeers {
replicator: self.replicator,
state: new_state
Slide 72
Slide 72 text
Now failing
fn main() {
let r = Replicator::new("source",
let v = VerifyPeers::new(r);
let end = v
Slide 73
Slide 73 text
“ the trait bound
statemachines::VerifiedPeers: std::con-
is not satisfied”
Slide 74
Slide 74 text
“ I was promised Useful Rust and all I
got was a lousy state machine!”
How do we
implement a branch?
pub enum TargetChecked {
Slide 79
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impl VerifyPeers {
pub fn check_target_existence(self) ->
Result {
if try!(target_exists()) {
} else {
Slide 80
Slide 80 text
extern crate statemachines;
use statemachines::*;
fn main() {
let r = Replicator::new("source",
let v = VerifyPeers::new(r);
let end = v
.and_then(|state| {
}).and_then(|state| {
Slide 81
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.and_then(|state| {
match state {
TargetChecked::TargetExists(s) => {
TargetChecked::TargetAbsent(s) => {
Slide 82
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This abstraction is free!
Slide 83
Slide 83 text
• Fully at compile-time
• Vanishes at runtime
Slide 84
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A bit of low-level
fn verify_peers_not_larger_then_replicator()
use std::mem::size_of;
Slide 85
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Final comments
Slide 86
Slide 86 text
• We’re exclusively using static dis-
• The whole state machine is on the
Slide 87
Slide 87 text
• This pattern extends well and also
works with, e.g. Futures instead of
• Other implementations are possible