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Ricardo Alcocer Platform Evangelist @ Appcelerator, Inc. @ricardoalcocer [email protected] Appcelerator® Deep Dive tiTokyo February 16, 2013

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About me •  Currently work as Appcelerator Platform Evangelist in the Silicon Valley Area •  Have been developing Apps with Titanium since 2009 •  Former Titanium trainer in the Caribbean and Latin America •  Hacker in constant training

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Download Titanium Studio •  Download Titanium Studio from •  Make sure you install and configure the necessary SDKs from Apple and Android

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Two flavors of Titanium?

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Very simple App in Titanium Classic

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Files organized by directories

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Different versions of ApplicationWindow.js

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Enter the MVC Pattern Model   Controller   View   User   Routing, decision making Business logic, data manipulation, etc What the user sees .JS Files .XML + .TSS Files

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What is Appcelerator® Alloy™? •  Official MVC Framework for Titanium •  Free and Open Source •  Declarative UI •  Widgets •  Themes

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Why build an MVC Framework? •  Help developers build scalable apps •  Provide a basis for best practices on Titanium development •  Simplify development of Titanium apps •  Make Titanium more approachable to web developers and designers (use of XML, CSS) •  Reduce the amount of code written •  Set the foundation for widget/ component/ sample libraries

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Same App built on Alloy

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Dramatic reduction of required files

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Write less code!

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Alloy provides advanced ways of interacting with XML from Javascript

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Basic Folder Structure App  Logic   User  Interface  Defini7on   App  styling  (colors,  posi7oning,  etc)  

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User Interface Definition

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User Interface Definition Menu  Defini7on  

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User Interface Definition Main  View  Defini7on  

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User Interface Definition Main  View  Defini7on  

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Open and Close the menu using Javascript : index.js

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Live Demo

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Change the look-and-feel and layout of your App using emes Let’s add Themes to our App

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Live Demo

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Reuse code by creating Widgets Let’s build a Widget for the Menu functionality

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Widgets are like “mini-apps” •  Similar folder structure •  Instead of an “index” file, you have a “widget” file

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Widget.json •  Contains meta-data about the Widget

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To use the Widget •  Define it as a dependency on your “config.json” file •  Use the “Require” tag to include it in your XML file

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Live Demo

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Adding data to your app

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With Alloy you can use backbone.js to create data-bound controls •  Model creation is built into Titanium Studio

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e “model file” •  The generated “model file” defines a data structure and a data store

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Bind your model to a UI control •  The “Collection” Tag allows you to define a data collection based on your model, and bind it to your TableView

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Data can be added dynamically •  Reference data elements from within your XML

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Live Demo

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ere’s much more! •  Sync Adapters •  Migrations •  Underscore.js functionalities •  Command-Line Interface (CLI) •  Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS)

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Alloy 1.0 is out! Here’s what new: •  Only works with Ti SDK 3.0 and later •  Android fastdev •  New SQL Adapter inline with our updated adapter model •  Content Assist in Studio: it will be officially released in 3.1.0 but it is already available in the nightly stream

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What’s next with Alloy? •  Debugging of Alloy apps in Studio (coming in 3.1.0) •  Dynamic Styling of Apps •  Adapter framework •  Widget models and themes •  Finalizing model-view binding

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Code •  All code samples in this presentation can be found at:

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Thank you Ricardo Alcocer [email protected] Follow me on Twitter @ricardoalcocer