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Self Introduction Takuya Suemura Software Developer / Tester Test Automation Specialist @ Autify, Inc. Committer of CodeceptJS

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Features Record & Playback Self Healing Parallel Execution Cross-Browser Compatibility Test

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Agenda About Testability and why we need it Adding new small test into the low testability code Building a stable product with high testability How to make more testable an app on the E2E level

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Developing vs Testing There is a tendency to focus on small details during development: Incomplete logic Effect on other components DB becomes locked for a long period Cannot think about what will bring great value to the user Testing is an effective approach for various concerns, big and small

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Testing Small Concern Using Complex UI

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Testing Small Concern Using Complex UI means the system has low testability

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What's the testability? A part of software quality Leverage for quality improvement A basis for various tests

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Difficulity of E2E Automation

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Difficulity of E2E Automation Limited operating point – everything needs to be operated through UI Functions cannot be split – cannot split functions which is not useful for the user

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Ice Cream Cone

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Test Pyramid And Ice Cream Cone

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Why does this icecream occur? Lack of understanding of testing Doesn’t know testing other than acceptance testing “Unit test? What is that? Can you eat it?” Misunderstanding of refactoring Starts off prioritizing implementation without any automated testing “We can just refactor it later, right? :D”

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Icecream = Value of product

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Functional Integration Unit Integration Unit Use Case External Integration Performance / Security Use Case External Integration Performance / Security UI Integration / Backend API Big Cone

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Example: A simple new user registration form 1. Display an error if a required field is empty 2. Display an error if the email address does not contain “@” 3. [Submit] button cannot be clicked if there is an error 4. Email addresses that are already registered cannot be registered 5. Registration is complete when the user clicks the link in the new registration email

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Separating the client and the server- side

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Does UI testing always need a real backend?

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UI Integration Test Use lightweight & flexible browser automation tool Puppeteer( Cypress( Use mock instead of the real backend MockServer( PollyJS(

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Feature('mock'); Scenario('Interrupt suggestion', (I) => { I.amOnPage('') I.mockRequest('GET', '*', 404) I.fillField('.gLFyf.gsfi', 'OnlineTestConf') });

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Testing backend APIs public function testBasicExample() { $response = $this->withHeaders([ 'X-Header' => 'Value', ])->json('POST', '/user', ['name' => 'Sally']); $response ->assertStatus(201) ->assertJson([ 'created' => true, ]); }

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Other tools for testing backend APIs Karate( Tavern( Postman(

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Cone To Cup Integration Unit Use Case External Integration Performance / Security UI Component / Backend API Integration Unit Use Case External Integration Performance / Security UI Integration / Backend API

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Use Architectures–view– viewmodel

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Testing UI Component

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Get More Icecream

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Efficiently create test data from UI Using Record & Playback Tool WildFire iMacros

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Reuse your automation code during a manual test $ npx codeceptjs shell I.loginAs('admin') I.addAllItemToCart() I.proceedOrder()

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Automate test preparation Add APIs for preparing test data & preconditions Combinate those APIs with a process automation tool n8n(nodemation) (

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Testing EMail & SMS Mail MailCatcher( MailHog( MailTrap( Mail & SMS Mailosaur(

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Automatability for E2E Testing

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Semantic Locator I.FillField('Username', 'takuyasuemura') I.FillField('Email', '') I.FillField('Password', 'P@ssword')'Sign up for GitHub')

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Utilize the meaning within a structure const modal = label => locate('.modal').withText(label) within(modal('Modal title'), () => { I.see('Modal body text goes here.')'Save changes') })

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Using Multiple Locators Selenium IDE's fallback locator

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ID: not matched class: matched alter text: matched coodinate: not matched image source: matched .... Confidence: 80% AI for Automatability

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Why we need to improve the testability?

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To assure the value for customers

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Conclusion: Larger cup, more icecream Have more tests focusing on targeted concern by effectively using the existing interface and mock. Remake applications protected by the test so that they are even easier to test. Maximize the product’s appeal by testing products high in internal quality.

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Enjoy Testing!