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@georgeguimaraes / @plataformatec ELIXIR. PROGRAMAÇÃO FUNCIONAL E PRAGMÁTICA

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consulting and software engineering

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NOSSA GERAÇÃO TEM UM PROBLEMA. Desenvolvedores web tem que lidar com concorrência. Não há escapatória.

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CONCORRÊNCIA. Capacidade de lidar com várias coisas (ao mesmo tempo, ou serialmente).

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PARALELISMO. Capacidade de fazer várias coisas ao mesmo tempo.

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CONCORRÊNCIA. Websockets, HTTP2, Alta quantidade de requests, demanda instável.

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THREADS E EVENT LOOP. Modelos primitivos para lidar com concorrência.

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“what makes multithreaded programming difficult is not that writing it is hard, but that testing it is hard. It’s not the pitfalls that you can fall into; it’s the fact that you don’t necessarily know whether you’ve fallen into one of them. ”

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— ROBERT VIRDING “Any sufficiently complicated concurrent program in another language contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Erlang.”

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PLATAFORMA ELIXIR. Erlang and OTP, now with modern tooling.

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30 anos

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Switch Switch

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Switch Browser Endpoint Server

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— ELIXIR DEVELOPER “We stand in the shoulders of giants”

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DOCUMENTAÇÃO DE ALTO NÍVEL. Documentação ruim é bug.

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LINGUAGEM FUNCIONAL. Não temos classes nem objetos.

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IMUTABILIDADE. “Isso muda tudo”

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defmodule Fibonacci do def calc(0), do: 0 def calc(1), do: 1 def calc(n), do: calc(n-1) + calc(n-2) end Fibonacci.calc(10) # => 55

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MAS, E COMO FAZER UM CONTADOR? Não é possível mudar o conteúdo de uma variável????

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defmodule Counter do def start(value) do receive do :increment -> start(value + 1) {:get, pid} -> send(pid, value) end end end

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defmodule Counter do def start(value) do receive do :increment -> start(value + 1) {:get, caller} -> send(caller, value) end end end pid = spawn(fn -> Counter.start(10) end) send(pid, :increment) send(pid, :increment) send(pid, :increment) send(pid, {:get, self}) flush # => 13

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shell Counter.start(10) spawn

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shell 11 increment

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shell 12 increment

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shell 13 increment

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shell 13 :get, self 13

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defmodule Counter do def start(value) do receive do :increment -> start(value + 1) {:get, caller} -> send(caller, value) end end end pid = spawn(fn -> Counter.start(10) end) send(pid, :increment) send(pid, :increment) send(pid, :increment) send(pid, {:get, self}) flush # => 13

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ACTOR MODEL. 1. Enviar mensagens para outros atores; 2. Criar novos atores; 3. Especificar o comportamento para as próximas mensagens.

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Sequential code

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Sequential code elixir

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FAULT-TOLERANT. DISTRIBUTED. O objetivo não era concorrência.

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Switch Switch

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CONCORRÊNCIA É UM CASO DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO. Tá distribuído, mas apenas em uma máquina.

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defmodule MyApp do use Application def start(_type, _args) do import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false children = [ supervisor(Playfair.Repo, []), worker(Playfair.Mailer, []), worker(Playfair.FileWriter, []), ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Playfair.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end

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ERROS ACONTECEM. Let it crash.

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Slide 54 text 2012/01/1-million-is-so-2011/ 2 million connections on a single node

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Intel Xeon CPU X5675 @ 3.07GHz 24 CPU - 96GB Using 40% of CPU and Memory

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USO EFICIENTE!. Usa todos os cores da máquina, não só pra processar requests web, mas até pra rodar testes

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node@srv2 node@srv1 elixir

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OUTRAS VANTAGENS. • Garbage Collector por processo • Latência previsível • Separação de dados e comportamento (FP)

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@elixirlang /