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Agile Org Culture

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My org culture narrative • from teaching to policy making • from agile in education to agile education policies • from public to private sector and vice versa

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Organizational Culture Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations.

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Individuals organise themselves in order to do things together command and control

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and they share values, assumptions and beliefs

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Too little?

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Too much?

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One possible view: Structure & Culture Vision big objectives strategic objectives action plans values behavioral styles individual behaviours principles

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useless products + ruined clients Key pain

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More pains • rapid changes leading to multitasking and loss of focus • unpredictability and bad planning • inefficient meetings, low efficiency • complexity, interdependencies & vague requirements • too many ideas, insufficient resources • reactive behaviours and lack of commitment • lack of vision, innovation • poor quality

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business what and why? development how?

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Agile Companies

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Industries • Accelerate product delivery • Enhance ability to manage changing priorities • Increase productivity • Software • Beyond Software • World

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State of Agile 9th Survey

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Agile world what do you see?

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You expect objects to conform to a set of rules, and if they don’t, you stare at them.

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INFORMATION literacy orality digitacy

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literacy orality digitacy

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literacy digitacy

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literacy orality digitacy

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We are balancing between... • hierarchy • command and control • reductionism • knowledge towers • plan • structure • heterarchy • inspect and adapt • wholism • learning organisation • change • culture

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• processes • documentation • contracts • planning • waterfall • addie • increment • people • real results • collaboration • responding to change • scrum • kanban • iteration We are balancing between...

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We are balancing between... • competition • sedentary • standardized • perfect • all in • push • meetings • wisdom of elders • rules • nostrification • collaboration • dynamic • customizable • good enough • less is more • pull • open collab. • wisdom of crowds • values • fair recognition

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• modular • multi, inter • lean & agile • kanban • flow efficiency • visible (by jocko) • sequential, linear • single, mono • waterfall & addie • spreadsheets • resource efficiency • hidden We are balancing between...

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What does it mean to be agile? • Culture: • New set of values and principles • Culture of achievement and self-actualization • Self-organization • Structure: • Empiricism • Discovery and Delivery Orders • JIT Commitment • Integration • Rhythm • Visualization

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Agile Manifesto: Values

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Agile Manifesto: Principles

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Culture of Achievement and Behavioral Styles ● Product Backlog ● Culture Backlog ● Team Agreements

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Integration and Results 34

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Consensus making = clarifying complexity

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Planning loops and iterations

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The Cynefin Model Organize for complexity

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As time goes by... Commit in the last responsible moment

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No human bosses view

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And what happens if or when we fail

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Organize for efficiency?

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quick fix? 44

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No human bosses - Morningstar

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Why is it called Scrum?

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Development team?

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Why keeping the rhythm?

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Why visualize Work in Progress?

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Thank you! t: @jazilla e: [email protected]