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Becoming and Staying a Productive Developer with Build Scans, Build Validation Scripts, and Gradle Nelson Osacky, Lead Solutions Engineer Etienne Studer, SVP of Engineering

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Etienne • SVP of Engineering, Develocity • Leading the Develocity Engineering team • Creator and former lead of the Gradle Solu ti ons team

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Nelson • Lead Solu ti ons Engineer, Develocity • Leading the Gradle Solu ti ons team • Previously Android Engineer (SoundCloud, Square) • Gradle Plugin Maintainer • Fladle — Easily Scale Instrumenta ti on Tests on Firebase • Gradle Doctor — Ac ti onable Insights for your build

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Develocity formerly known as Gradle Enterprise

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• Helping teams of 50-10k engineers • Upgrading and optimizing builds • Migrating builds • Scaling builds Gradle Solutions team

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• Improving the Gradle ecosystem • Fixing issues in OSS plugins • Aligning with Google and JetBrains • … Gradle Solutions team

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High Friction in Developer Productivity

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Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE)

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DPE is a new software development practice used by leading software development organizations to maximize developer productivity and happiness.

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• Capture toolchain data • Accelerate and stabilize toolchain • Measure impact of improvements

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Costs of Inefficiency 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day h tt ps:/ /

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• Build insights for artifact transforms • Build caching optimizations • Develocity API usage Examples

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Artifact transforms

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What are artifact transforms? • Dependency management concept • Changes dependency from incorrect format to requested format via Ar ti fact Transforms • Example: classes jar to dex fi le • Users do not directly request transforms • Gradle schedules Transforms between units of work • Transforms can depend on tasks or transforms

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Artifact transforms are now visible in Build Scan! 🥳 Requires Develocity 2023.1+, Develocity Gradle Plugin 3.13+, Gradle Build Tool 8.1+ 
 Only visualizes project ar ti fact transforma ti ons in Develocity 2023.3

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Artifact transforms are now visible in Build Scans!

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Artifact transforms are now visible in Build Scans! Details and dura ti on

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Why are transforms important in Build Scans? • Understand transform dependencies • Understand gaps in ti meline • Understand ar ti fact transform up-to-date, caching, etc • View transform logs

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Understand transform dependencies

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Transform visibility fills gaps in timeline

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Transform visibility fills gaps in timeline

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Artifact transforms upcoming work • Ar ti fact Transform Execu ti ons insights • Upcoming in Develocity 2023.4, Gradle Build Tool 8.4

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Build Caching https:/ /

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JavaCompile task Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Class files any task can be made cacheable

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Cache key Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies

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Cache key Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Build cache Class files

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What is a cache miss?

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What is a cache miss? •Expect a cache hit but cache key is di ff erent •Task outcome is the same •Only inputs that a ff ect outcome should be tracked

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Task inputs comparison

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Common Cache misses

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Build Configuration Differences

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Build Configuration Differences

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Build Configuration Differences kotlin.incremental=false kotlin.incremental=true CI Local

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Build Configuration Differences kotlin.incremental=false kotlin.incremental=true CI Local Incremental has no effect on outcome of task

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Build Configuration Differences kotlin.incremental=true kotlin.incremental=true CI Local Incremental has no effect on outcome of task h tt ps:/ / ti onEnabled-should-not-be-marked-as-Input

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•LiveLiterals$AnalyticsEvent.kt contains fully qualified path •Fix is to disable LiveLiterals composeOptions { useLiveLiterals = false } LiveLiterals

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KSP Cache misses

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KSP Cache misses

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { }

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Debugging task inputs tasks.withType().configureEach { } KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { buildScan.value( "${[email protected]}-${it.key}", it.value, ) } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { rootProject.buildScan.value( "${[email protected]}-${it.key}", it.value, ) } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { rootProject.buildScan.value( "${[email protected]}-${it.key}", it.value, ) } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") }

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += SubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += SubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += InternalSubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += InternalSubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } } Fixed in KSP 1.08

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The case of and .hashCode()

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The case of and .hashCode() Calling URL.hashCode() vs. not calling URL.hashCode() changes the serialized value of URL

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The case of and .hashCode()

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The case of and .hashCode() URL -> URI @get:Input abstract val url: Property @get:Input abstract val url: Property ff erently-depending-if-hashcode-was-called

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Room Cache Miss

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Room Cache Miss

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Room Cache Miss Fixed

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Room Gradle Plugin plugins { id("") version "2.6.0" } room { schemaDirectory("$projectDir/schemas/") } Use Android Cache Fix Plugin 3.0 and Room Gradle Plugin 2.6.0 Thanks Google!

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Build Caching Verification

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How Build Caching works Build Caching avoids doing the same work already done before by reusing the work unit output stored in a local or remote build cache.

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Volatile inputs of work units cause unnecessary execution of work units. Volatility in the inputs of work units

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Verification if a build is fully cacheable When a build is executed twice under the same conditions, all of the second build’s cache-compatible work units should take their output from the build cache.

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Automation of the verification process Use the Build Validation Scripts to make the process 
 reliable, repeatable, automated, and productive. https:/ /

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Investigation of build cache misses Use Develocity Build Scan Comparison to investigate 
 changes in task inputs that caused a build cache miss. https:/ /

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Build caching regressions are costly Build changes that make a build no longer fully cacheable must be detected and notifications issued so the regression can be promptly investigated and fixed.

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Automation of the regression detection The Build Validation Scripts should be run on a continuous base in CI and cause the CI run to fail if a build is 
 no longer fully cacheable. ./ 
 -r https:/ / —fail-if-not-fully-cacheable

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Example: Continuously verified OSS projects https:/ /

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Example: Continuously verified OSS projects https:/ /

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Cross-machine regression detection The verification process can be extended by orchestrating the execution of two builds of the same version on different machines and submitting them to the Build Validation Scripts to verify full cacheability. ./ 
 -1 https:/ / 
 -2 https:/ / —fail-if-not-fully-cacheable

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Toolchain data extraction via API

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Develocity API h tt ps:/ / •REST based •Build models •OpenAPI standard •Allows the genera ti on of models and clients in many languages or technology

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/api/builds Develocity API •Build Scan Attributes •Build Cache Performance

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/api/builds/{id}/gradle-attributes Develocity API •Start/End Time •Verification/Non-verification failure •Custom Values, Tags and Links •Gradle settings/options •Environment information

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/api/builds/{id}/gradle-build-cache-performance Develocity API •Build time •Serial and parallel execution time •Task duration, outcome, avoidance savings and cached artifact size •Local and remote build cache performance •Task fingerprinting summary

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What can you do with that?

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• Rank teammates by build time • Task wall of shame • Find longest non-cacheable tasks across all projects • Custom dashboards and alerts

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Introducing… Develocity Test API 🥳 BETA

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Retrieve test suites and test case details, filtering by: - test container (e.g test suite, etc) - test outcome (success, failed, flaky etc) - tags - custom values - much more and a combination of all! Develocity Test API BETA

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Develocity Test API $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer " \ \ 
 ?container=* \ 
 &testOutcomes=flaky \ 
 &startTimeMax=2023-09-30T10:00:00Z \ 
 &startTimeMin=2023-08-30T10:00:00Z \ BETA

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Develocity Test API { "content": [ { "name": "com.example.Test", "workUnits": [], "outcomeDistribution": { "passed": 1, "failed": 2, "skipped": 3, "flaky": 4, "notSelected": 5, "total": 15 }, "buildScanIdsByOutcome": {} }, { "name": "com.example.MavenTest", "workUnits": [], "outcomeDistribution": {}, "buildScanIdsByOutcome": {} } ] } $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer " \ \ ?container=* \ &testOutcomes=flaky \ &startTimeMax=2023-09-30T10:00:00Z \ &startTimeMin=2023-08-30T10:00:00Z \ BETA

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Develocity Test API $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer " \ \ ?container=com.example.Test \ &testOutcomes=flaky \ &startTimeMin=2023-08-30T10:00:00Z \ &startTimeMax=2023-09-30T10:00:00Z BETA

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Develocity Test API { "content": [ { "name": "com.example.Test", "workUnits": [], "outcomeDistribution": { "passed": 1, "failed": 2, "skipped": 3, "flaky": 4, "notSelected": 5, "total": 15 }, "buildScanIdsByOutcome": {} }, ] } $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer " \ \ ?container=com.example.Test \ &testOutcomes=flaky \ &startTimeMin=2023-08-30T10:00:00Z \ &startTimeMax=2023-09-30T10:00:00Z BETA

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Develocity Test API What is a fl aky test according to Develocity? • Non-determinis ti c outcome • Fails and succeeds within the execu ti on of a single Gradle task W BETA

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Prevent flaky tests from creeping in

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Alert on tests that became flaky

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Cross reference with your repository structure…

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… and provide a comprehensive report

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… and provide a comprehensive report Build Scan® aggrega ti on

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… and provide a comprehensive report Knowledge on module structure

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… and provide a comprehensive report Rela ti onship to common code snippets

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… and provide a comprehensive report Direct ownership assignment based on build scan a tt rs

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… identify issues earlier

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… and make it smarter

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Reach out to us after the talk for access to Develocity Test API BETA Importing Instrumentation Test Results to Develocity BETA

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More Resources Gradle Training https:/ / Gradle Community Slack https:/ / Develocity OSS Projects

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Thank you! Develocity Trial h tt ps:/ / https:/ / Gradle is hiring Visit our booth downstairs!