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How to measure social media, and thus sell it to your C suite

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The Big Picture The Problem The Solution Case Studies

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That’s how many chief marketing officers say they’re deluged with data, but don’t know how to turn these numbers into actionable takeaways.

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Measurement Insights

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The metrics, they are a ‘changin’.

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Page Views Unique Visitors Shares Time Spent Scroll Depth Recirculation

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What Most Emailed Most Viewed Most Shared on Facebook Most Tweeted Most Searched When Today This Week This Month This Year All Time

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Comments Shares Likes Clicks Impressions Virality

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That’s how many metrics Facebook gives each publisher.

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The usual metrics tell only part of the story.

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“There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics.” —Mark Twain

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966 shares per article 11 shares per article

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88% of sales 12% of sales 13% of profits 87% of profits

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“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.” —Ronald Coase

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Before you do anything, ask yourself this one question.

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Reach New Audiences Humanize the Chamber Influence the Influencers Mobilize Our Supporters Establish an Echo Chamber

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✓ Build our brand. ✓ Provide value to our clients. ✓ Help gain new clients.

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Post Channel Goal Capital One Arena LinkedIn Brand Poke Bowl Facebook Maintain Yearend Results MailChimp Prospect

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Don’t try to jam a round peg into a square hole.

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Channel Metric Points Reads 5 E-Newsletter New Subscribers 75 Facebook Organic Video Views 0.5 Engaged Minutes 1.4 Twitter Mentions 8

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Essentialize Jettison the Jargon.

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“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” —Albert Einstein

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Status Update Total Reach Viral Reach Engaged Users Talking About Comm ents Likes Shares This is what happens when the EPA shuts down coal power 304,304 8,404 1,851 1,340 203 964 400 Here’s everything you need to know about today’s jobs numbers 39,696 16,12 0 1,726 1,190 177 714 533 Click here to learn how the United States ranks 18,376 950 1,099 595 35 542 62 Click here if you don’t believe us 11,148 99 584 124 9 107 12

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Social Network Referrals Twitter 2,111 Facebook 1,452 Pinterest 111 LinkedIn 98 How Are People Finding

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• 158,000 mentions • 115,000 outbound tweets and direct messages — PR DAILY DIGITAL PR AND SOCIAL MEDIA AWARDS 2012

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“Bragging about the number of media placements and impressions you got is like bragging about the number of hours you worked. Neither number necessarily means you accomplished anything.” —Steve Radick

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• Did Twitter serve as an early warning system to identify problems before they spiraled? • How many issues did tweeting help you resolve in real time? • How many corporate testimonials — i.e., happy customers — did your tweets give rise to?

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Essentialize Round Off Numbers.

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MOST PEOPLE REPORT THIS WAY We had 29,576 unique visitors from 9/24 – 9/30/2018. INSTEAD, TRY THIS 30,000 people visited our website last week.

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That’s how many social interactions generated in October 2013. — NEWSWHIP

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Website Social Interactions 12,784,487 11,635,424 8,462,269 6,547,885 5,547,834 4,734,887 4,571,422 4,379,063 4,325,283 4,154,448 The Most Viral Websites

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That’s how many fans the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has on Facebook.

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Association Fans The U.S. Chamber of Commerce 332,145 The American Petroleum Institute 110,091 The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America 16,918 The National Association of Manufacturers 14,588 The Business Roundtable 13,948 Facebook Pages of Pro-Business Trade Associations

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Association Fans The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America 16,918 America’s Health Insurance Plans N/A The U.S. Chamber of Commerce 332,145 The U.S. Travel Association 4,297 Facebook Pages of the Top Trade Associations

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Name-Drop Allies.

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1,091 mentions of #SOE13

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Name-Drop Media.

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“We want things to be shared, but we also want to have impact. And for me, a citation in the Financial Times or the New York Times or the Journal is just as important as a page view.” — PETER LAURIA

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Name-Drop Celebrities.

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10,000 mentions on Twitter 5,000 impressions on Scribd 3,000 likes on SlideShare 2,500 clicks on LinkedIn

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