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Lessons    From    Erlang Michał  Ślaski        @michalslaski   ! ! !      PolyConf,  Poznań,  31.10.2014

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background Started  out  in  the  Ericsson  software  lab  1987  (!)

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background Started  out  in  the  Ericsson  software  lab  1987  (!) • I  was  six  years  old

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background Started  out  in  the  Ericsson  software  lab  1987  (!) • I  was  six  years  old
 Released  as  open  source  in  1998

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background Started  out  in  the  Ericsson  software  lab  1987  (!) • I  was  six  years  old
 Released  as  open  source  in  1998 • I  started  computer  science  at  AGH  2  years  later

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background Started  out  in  the  Ericsson  software  lab  1987  (!) • I  was  six  years  old
 Released  as  open  source  in  1998 • I  started  computer  science  at  AGH  2  years  later
 Gains  SMP  support  in  2005

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Erlang  timeline  and  my  background Started  out  in  the  Ericsson  software  lab  1987  (!) • I  was  six  years  old
 Released  as  open  source  in  1998 • I  started  computer  science  at  AGH  2  years  later
 Gains  SMP  support  in  2005 • I  just  graduated  and  joined  Erlang  Solutions

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Maintenance  vs.  Development

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Maintenance  vs.  Development Maintenance  may  span  for  20  years,
 whereas  development  may  be  1-­‐2  years.     ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Schach,  R.,  Software  Engineering
 Fourth  Edition,  McGraw-­‐Hill,  Boston,  MA  1999

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Erlang  properties

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Erlang  properties OTP  behaviours   • set  of  design  patterns   • client-­‐server,  fsm,  supervisor   • application,  release

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Erlang  properties OTP  behaviours   • set  of  design  patterns   • client-­‐server,  fsm,  supervisor   • application,  release
 What  for?   • consistent  maintenance  procedures   • one  tar  ball  artefact

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Erlang  OTP  releases $ ls -l ../abacus.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 ms staff 12331520 Oct 31 12:01 abacus.tar ! $ ls -1 bin erts-6.1 lib releases ! $ ./bin/abacus Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.1] [smp:4:4] 
 [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false] ! Eshell V6.1 (abort with ^G) (abacus@>­‐workshop

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Erlang  properties

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Erlang  properties Robustness   • simple  and  consistent  error  recovery   • supervision  hierarchies   • program  for  the  correct  case   • let  it  crash

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Erlang  properties Robustness   • simple  and  consistent  error  recovery   • supervision  hierarchies   • program  for  the  correct  case   • let  it  crash
 What  for?   • resilient  to  bugs  and  failures

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree supervisor

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree supervisor worker

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree supervisor worker

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree supervisor worker

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  supervision  tree supervisor worker

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Erlang  properties

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Erlang  properties Distribution   • explicit  or  transparent  distribution   • network-­‐aware  runtime  system

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Erlang  properties Distribution   • explicit  or  transparent  distribution   • network-­‐aware  runtime  system
 What  for?   • remote  Erlang  shell  (REPL)   • remote  observing  tools

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat flea

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat flea nodes() = [cat@home, flea@home]

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat dog flea bird nodes() = [cat@home, flea@home]

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat dog flea bird nodes() = [cat@home, flea@home] nodes() = [dog@home, bird@home]

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat dog flea bird nodes() = [cat@home, flea@home] nodes() = [dog@home, bird@home]

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Erlang  properties  -­‐  distribution cat dog flea bird nodes() = [cat@home, flea@home, dog@work, bird@work]

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entop  vs.  top

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entop  vs.  top

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entop  vs.  top

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Erlang  properties

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Erlang  properties Hot  code  loading   • easily  change  code  in  a  running  system   • enables  non-­‐stop  operation   • simplifies  testing

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Erlang  properties Hot  code  loading   • easily  change  code  in  a  running  system   • enables  non-­‐stop  operation   • simplifies  testing
 What  for?   • shorter  development  cycle   • non-­‐stop  operations

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Erlang  properties

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Erlang  properties Tracing  in  Erlang  VM   • Tracing  is  turned  on/off  per  process   • function  calls,  message  passing,  GC,  scheduler

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Erlang  properties Tracing  in  Erlang  VM   • Tracing  is  turned  on/off  per  process   • function  calls,  message  passing,  GC,  scheduler
 What  for?   • live  debugging   • no  need  to  instrument  code  and  recompile

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Erlang  tracing courtesy  of  Mats  Cronqvist

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Erlang  tracing  calls

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Erlang  tracing  calls redbug  -­‐   • tracing  tool  built  on  top  of  erlang:trace/3

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Erlang  tracing  calls redbug  -­‐   • tracing  tool  built  on  top  of  erlang:trace/3 1> redbug:start("lists:seq(X,Y) -> return"). {30,1}! 2> lists:seq(1,5).! [1,2,3,4,5]! ! % 12:32:17 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})! % lists:seq(1, 5)! ! % 12:32:17 <0.32.0>({erlang,apply,2})! % lists:seq/2 -> [1,2,3,4,5]

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Flame  Graphs  for  Erlang  -­‐  eflame

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Flame  Graphs  for  Erlang  -­‐  eflame   • as  stacks  are  collected  through  tracing,
 blocking  calls  are  noticed  and  are  drawn  in  blue

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Flame  Graphs  for  Erlang  -­‐  eflame   • as  stacks  are  collected  through  tracing,
 blocking  calls  are  noticed  and  are  drawn  in  blue

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What’s  next?

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Erlang  the  Movie

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Erlang  the  Movie

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Erlang  the  Movie  II

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Erlang  the  Movie  II

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Open  source  projects

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Open  source  projects • RabbitMQ  message  broker  

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Open  source  projects • RabbitMQ  message  broker  
 • MongooseIM  XMPP  server

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Open  source  projects • RabbitMQ  message  broker  
 • MongooseIM  XMPP  server
 • Riak  database

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Open  source  projects • RabbitMQ  message  broker  
 • MongooseIM  XMPP  server
 • Riak  database
 • CouchDB  database

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Erlang  Community

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Erlang  Community Erlang  Central   •

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Erlang  Community Erlang  Central   •
 Erlang  Factory   • Berlin,  December  4   • San  Francisco,  March  26-­‐27

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Erlang  Community Erlang  Central   •
 Erlang  Factory   • Berlin,  December  4   • San  Francisco,  March  26-­‐27
 Lambda  Days   • Kraków,  February  26-­‐27

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Lambda  Days  Call  for  Papers

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Lambda  Days  Call  for  Papers SUBMIT  YOUR  TALK

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Questions? ! Michał  Ślaski          @michalslaski