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© Copyright 2018 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Tyler Britten Platform Operations powered by Open Source

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Operations is the Secret sauce

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Operations as a Competitive Advantage

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Just not Traditional Operations.

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Operations as a Platform

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Platform as a Product

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Infra Services App Platform Platform Team Application Team Build common services for App Teams Take business requirements and turn them into features IaaS Virtual Infrastructure Physical Infrastructure Abstract infrastructure complexity with easy consumption DBaaS ELK App2 App1 App3 Middleware ML Creds/Certs Messaging ? ? ? Container Services Container Hosts | Kubernetes Infrastructure Team

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Observability Orchestration and scheduling CI / CD Access Control

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APP APP APP APP Production

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This is Cloud Native Operations

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This is Open Source Cloud Native Operations

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What Does a Pipeline Look Like?

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse Spinnaker GitOps

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Controllers make Kubernetes great.

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Desired State Actual State

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Unix Philosophy: Do one thing. Do it well.

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Kubernetes is an API for Operations

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Kubernetes is Declarative

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What exactly is GitOps? “By using Git as our source of truth, we can operate almost everything. For example, version control, history, peer review, and rollback happen through Git.”

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Desired State Actual State

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● Provisioning of resources and deployments of k8s is declarative ● The entire system state is described in a single Git repository ● Operational changes are made by pull request ● Diff tools to detect any divergence ● Rollback and audit logs are also provided via Git

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Let’s run Kubernetes

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Start with the idea of doing many smaller clusters.

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One Big Cluster or Many Smaller Clusters One [or two] Big Cluster[s] Many Smaller Clusters

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APP APP APP APP Production

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse Spinnaker

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse Spinnaker

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse Spinnaker

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse Spinnaker

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A P P A P P A P P A P P Gitl ab Con cou rse Spi nna ker A P P A P P A P P A P P Gitl ab Con cou rse Spi nna ker A P P A P P A P P A P P Gitl ab Con cou rse Spi nna ker A P P A P P A P P A P P Gitl ab Con cou rse Spi nna ker

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We’ve spent 10 years figuring out how to do agile operations

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Helm Chart Repo Kube Env #1 Repo Kube Env #2 Repo A P P A P P A P P A P P Gitl ab Con cou rse Spi nna ker A P P A P P A P P A P P Gitl ab Con cou rse Spi nna ker Platform Operations

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App Source Code App Env Repo #2 App Env Repo #1 Developer Workflow Concourse Spinnaker

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APP APP APP APP Gitlab Concourse Spinnaker

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Cluster Management ● Server Group ● Cluster ● Applications ● Load Balancer ● Firewall Pipelines ● Pipeline ● Stage ● Deployment Strategies

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Multi-Cloud Inventory ● Server Group ● Cluster ● Applications ● Load Balancer ● Firewall Actions and Reactions ● Pipeline ● Stage ● Deployment Strategies

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Cluster Management ● Server Group ● Cluster ● Applications ● Load Balancer ● Firewall Deployment Management ● Pipeline ● Stage ● Deployment Strategies Deployment Strategies

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Spinnaker Cloud API App App App

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Operations is the Secret sauce

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