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PHP Internals for the Inquisitive Developer Jeremy Mikola @jmikola

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A Little About Myself

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Some Topics to Cover ● Request lifecycle ● Types of PHP extensions ● Internal data structures ● Navigating PHP’s source ● Executing a PHP file ● Opcodes, caching, and optimization ● Examining how PHP interacts with C ● Debugging crashes

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Everything Starts Here* int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return 0; }

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Server APIs ● Apache mod_php ● Command Line Interface (CLI) ● Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ○ FastCGI allows for persistent processes ○ Apache mod_fcgid ● FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) ○ Apache mod_proxy_fcgi

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Types of Extensions ● Extensions (aka “modules”) ○ Allows new concepts to be added to PHP ○ Integration with C, system libraries ○ e.g. APCu, MongoDB, OpenSSL ● Zend Extensions ○ More hooks for changing PHP’s behavior ○ Commonly used for debuggers and profilers ○ May also register normal extensions for user APIs ○ e.g. OPCache, Xdebug, phpdbg, Blackfire

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Module Scope ● Module initialization ○ Allocate persistent read-only globals ○ Register INI entries, classes, constants, etc. ○ Initialize third-party libraries ● Module shutdown ○ Free persistent allocations ○ Unregister INI entries

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Request Scope ● Request initialization ○ Allocate request-bound memory ○ Reset globals as needed ○ Avoid unintentionally altering global state ● Request shutdown ○ Free request-bound allocations ○ Zend Memory Manager helps catch leaks

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Process Model

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Thread Model

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Global Scope ● Globals ○ Use persistent allocation, initialize to zero ○ Requests access globals via TSRM macros ○ Zend hash globals can be used as a cache ● Process model ○ GINIT is called once, before MINIT ○ GSHUTDOWN is called once, during MSHUTDOWN ● Thread model ○ Additionally called each time a thread spawns or dies ○ TSRM macros take care of thread local storage

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PHP Process Manager ● Uses ReactPHP to manage a pool of PHP processes (CLI) ● Bootstraps application once per worker process ● Each worker handles a series of HTTP requests ● Leverages request/response design in frameworks ● Operates entirely within one CLI “request” ● Issues with memory leaks, resetting state

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It looks like you're giving a presentation on PHP internals. Would you like help? Talk about zvals

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Zvals ● 16-byte struct consisting of three union fields ● value (8-bytes) ○ Integer and double values are stored inline ○ Pointers are used for other types (e.g. string, array, object) ○ Not used for null and boolean values (denoted by type_info) ● u1 contains type_info (4-bytes) ○ Type byte and various bit flags ● u2 is a multi-purpose union (4-bytes) ○ Used for hash tables, AST line numbers, foreach iteration, etc.

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Zval Improvements in PHP 7 ● Zvals are no longer individually heap-allocated ○ Can now be directly embedded (e.g. hash buckets) ● Zvals are no longer refcounted ○ Refcounts stored on values themselves (e.g. zend_string) ○ Values can be shared independently of the zval struct ● Much less indirection and pointer traversal

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Improvements to Other Types ● New string representation ○ zend_string struct replaces char* ○ Encapsulates refcount, string length, and data ● Hash table redesigned ○ Buckets allocated in sequence (less pointer traversal) ○ Optimizations for “packed arrays” ● Objects are more lightweight ○ Declared properties embedded in zend_object

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Types and Attributes Refcounted Collectable Copyable Immutable Simple Types String ✘ ✘ Array ✘ ✘ ✘ Object ✘ ✘ Resource ✘ Reference ✘ Interned String Immutable Array ✘

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Navigating PHP

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Executing PHP

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Interpretation vs. Compilation

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Vulcan Logic Dumper

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Examining Opcodes (vld) function name: test number of ops: 4 compiled vars: none line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ----------------------------------------------------- 5 0 E > ECHO 'Hello%21%0A' 6 1 > RETURN 8 2* ECHO 'Not+executed.%0A' 9 3* > RETURN null

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Opcode Caching ● Various caching strategies ● OpArrays (i.e. opcode sequences) can be optimized ● OpArrays still interpreted at runtime ● JIT would allow machine code caching

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Pass Bit Optimization 1 1 << 0 Casts, operators, internal functions with constant and literal arguments 2 1 << 1 Type coercion in expressions, conditional elimination (e.g. if statements) 3 1 << 2 Optimize self-assignment, post-increment, and jumps 5 1 << 4 Block optimization of control flow graph (CFG) 9 1 << 8 Optimize usage of temporary variables (register allocation) 10 1 << 9 Remove NOPs - 1 << 14 Collect constants for future replacement OpCode Optimizations

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Approaching C

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System Calls ● open and close file descriptors ● read and write files, sockets, devices ● fork, exec, or wait on another process ● exit the current process ● Send signals to other processes (kill) ● Map files or devices to memory (mmap, munmap) ● Allocate process memory (brk, sbrk)

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Tracing System Calls (strace) /dev/null write(1, "Hello!\n", 7) = 7 +++ exited with 0 +++

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Tracing System Calls (strace) $ strace -e openat php example.php 2>&1 | grep ini openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/bin/php-cli.ini", O_RDONLY) = -1 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/php/7.2/cli/php-cli.ini", O_RDONLY) = -1 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/bin/php.ini", O_RDONLY) = -1 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/php/7.2/cli/php.ini", O_RDONLY) = 3 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/10-opcache.ini", … openat(AT_FDCWD, "/etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/10-pdo.ini", …

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Tracing Library Calls (ltrace) $ ltrace -l php example.php>mongoc_log_trace_disable(0, 1, 0x55a78b57a410, …>mongoc_log_set_handler(0, 0, 0x55a78b57a410, …>mongoc_init(0, 0, 0x55a78b552bb8, 0x7f1941ec6320 …>_mongoc_openssl_init(0x7ffcf6e60460, …>bson_malloc0(40, 0, 0, 0x7f1940ecf8e0) …>bson_malloc0(40, 0x55a78b42a018, 0x55a78b554bc0, …>_mongoc_counters_init(0x55a78b5a4710, …

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Debugging Crashes (gdb) ● The most common crashes are segfaults ○ C makes it trivially easy to access memory incorrectly ● Ideally, crashes produce core dumps, which can be inspected ○ ● PHP source includes a .gdbinit file with helpful macros

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This’ll Do Just Fine

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Capturing a Core Dump $ php class-tostring-recursion.php Segmentation fault (core dumped) $ ls class-tostring-recursion.php core $ gdb `which php` core

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Capturing a Core Dump $ gdb -q --args php class-tostring-recursion.php Reading symbols from php...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /usr/bin/php class-tostring-recursion.php Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000555555c9ab9e in zend_call_function (fci=, fci_cache=) at /tmp/build_php-7.2.6.sx8/php-7.2.6/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:659 (gdb)

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Traversing the Backtrace (gdb) bt -20 #45993 0x0000555555ce6e8a in zend_call_method (object=0x7ffff3423110, #45994 0x0000555555d13de3 in zend_std_cast_object_tostring (readobj=0x #45995 0x0000555555ca5c8f in _zval_get_string_func (op=0x7ffff3423110) #45996 0x0000555555cb4b68 in zend_make_printable_zval (expr=0x7ffff342 #45997 0x0000555555cae0a8 in concat_function (result=0x7ffff3423120, o #45998 0x0000555555d4069a in ZEND_CONCAT_SPEC_CONST_TMPVAR_HANDLER () #45999 0x0000555555db6336 in execute_ex (ex=0x7ffff34230c0) at /tmp/bu #46000 0x0000555555c9b9e1 in zend_call_function (fci=0x7fffffffb0b0, f #46001 0x0000555555ce6e8a in zend_call_method (object=0x7ffff3423090, #46002 0x0000555555d13de3 in zend_std_cast_object_tostring (readobj=0x #46003 0x0000555555ca5c8f in _zval_get_string_func (op=0x7ffff3423090)

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#45999 0x0000555555db6336 in execute_ex (ex=0x7ffff34230c0) at /tmp/bu #46000 0x0000555555c9b9e1 in zend_call_function (fci=0x7fffffffb0b0, f #46001 0x0000555555ce6e8a in zend_call_method (object=0x7ffff3423090, #46002 0x0000555555d13de3 in zend_std_cast_object_tostring (readobj=0x #46003 0x0000555555ca5c8f in _zval_get_string_func (op=0x7ffff3423090) #46004 0x0000555555cb4b68 in zend_make_printable_zval (expr=0x7ffff342 #46005 0x0000555555cae0a8 in concat_function (result=0x7ffff34230b0, o #46006 0x0000555555d4069a in ZEND_CONCAT_SPEC_CONST_TMPVAR_HANDLER () #46007 0x0000555555db6336 in execute_ex (ex=0x7ffff3423030) at /tmp/bu #46008 0x0000555555dbaa7d in zend_execute (op_array=0x7ffff3489300, re #46009 0x0000555555cb8f1e in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0, #46010 0x0000555555befaa9 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0x7fffff #46011 0x0000555555dbd88f in do_cli (argc=2, argv=0x5555568f9380) at / #46012 0x0000555555dbed26 in main (argc=2, argv=0x5555568f9380) at /tm

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(take a breath)

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Resources and Further Reading References about Maintaining and Extending PHP PHP Internals (Thomas Punt) Derick Rethans’ Blog Nikita Popov’s Blog PHP Internals Book (Nikita and Julien Pauli)

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Thanks! Jeremy Mikola @jmikola

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Photo Credits ● ● ● ● w-About-OpCode-Caches ● ●