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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © Copyright 2021 by Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. All rights reserved. Comprehensive detection of variants in rare disease research with PacBio HiFi reads William Rowell, Staff Scientist, Pacific Biosciences

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MORE COMPLETE VARIANT DETECTION YIELDS MORE INSIGHTS Karyotyping Microarrays Short-read Sequencing Exome Genome Chromosomal abnormalities Copy-number variants >50kb SNVs & indels, some large exonic variants SNVs, indels, some large variants ~5% explanation rate ~10% ~30% ~40% Phelan Proc. of Greenwood Genetics Center 1996 De Vries AJHG 2008 De Ligt NEJM 2012 Gilissen Nature 2014

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MORE COMPLETE VARIANT DETECTION YIELDS MORE INSIGHTS Karyotyping Microarrays Short-read Sequencing Exome Genome Chromosomal abnormalities Copy-number variants >50kb SNVs & indels, some large exonic variants SNVs, indels, some large variants ~5% explanation rate ~10% ~30% ~40% Phelan Proc. of Greenwood Genetics Center 1996 De Vries AJHG 2008 De Ligt NEJM 2012 Gilissen Nature 2014 What is missing? structural variants difficult-to-map regions repeat expansions phasing

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20 30 40 50 60 Read quality, Phred % reads % reads Read length, kb 0 10 20 30 40 HIFI READ LONG ACCURATE = & 99 99.9 99.99 99.999 99.9999 %

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HiFi and short reads from Genome in a Bottle: HiFi reads Short reads 18 kb CYP2D6 Segdups Genes Human, HG002

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MORE COMPLETE VARIANT DETECTION YIELDS MORE INSIGHTS Karyotyping Microarrays Short-read Sequencing Long-read Sequencing Exome Genome HiFi Genome Chromosomal abnormalities Copy-number variants >50kb SNVs & indels, some large exonic variants SNVs, indels, some large variants SNVs, indels, SVs, CNVs, phasing, translocations, inversions, repeat expansions ~5% explanation rate ~10% ~30% ~40% ? Phelan Proc. of Greenwood Genetics Center 1996 De Vries AJHG 2008 De Ligt NEJM 2012 Gilissen Nature 2014

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LONG-READ SEQUENCING IN A RARE DISEASE COHORT Emily Farrow Tomi Pastinen Neil Miller 80 singletons with prior short-read WGS HiFi reads Alignment Variant calling Sequel IIe System Interpretation

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DATA ANALYSIS WORKFLOW hifiasm DeepVariant (SNV, indel) WhatsHap (phasing) pbsv (SV) tandem-genotypes (STR) pbmm2 Alignment Variant calling Visualization & Interpretation De novo assembly Complex rearrangements HiFi reads Candidate Variants bcftools slivar svpack IGV SNVs, Indels, SVs

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-open-source workflow and tools -dependencies managed by conda and singularity WORKFLOW IMPLEMENTATION -designed with HPC/cloud job scheduling and scaling in mind -Snakemake implementation from PacBio -WDL implementation adapted by Microsoft Genomics

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SINGLE-NUCLEOTIDE VARIANTS AND INDELS 96.5 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 Sensitivity, % Specificity, % 98.8 98.9 99.0 99.1 99.2 99.3 HiFi WGS Short-read WGS Small variants per sample QC Metric Value SNV ts/tv 2.0 SNV het/hom 1.5 indel het/hom 2.0 Type Median sample SNV 4,064,900 indel 931,879 Concordance to Infinium Global Screening Microarray

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STRUCTURAL VARIANTS 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 Short-read WGS HiFi WGS Deletion Duplication Insertion Inversion Translocation Short-read WGS HiFi WGS Deletion 4,374 9,174 Duplication 488 442 Insertion 4,844 12,437 Inversion - 94 Translocation 1,823 162 Total 11,529 22,309 Structural variants per sample

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PRIORITIZING CANDIDATE VARIANTS 40 control samples 4,996,779 15,559 139 Variants Rare variants Coding, rare variants 21,737 244 12 Small variants Structural variants

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PATHOGENIC SNV IN [GC]-RICH FIRST EXON Pediatric female cmh002060-01 Lissencephaly ADHD Mild intellectual disability 118,649,500 Gene CEP85L 30× HiFi reads 50× short reads chr6:118,651,267 C>A ENST00000368491 (CEP85L) start loss chr6 CEP85L start loss 118,650,500 118,651,500 118,652,500

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PHASING VARIANTS IN RECESSIVE DISEASE GENE NPC1 compound heterozygous loss-of-function Pediatric female cmh001610-01 Failure to thrive High-frequency hearing impairment Hepatosplenomegaly Hepatic fibrosis Cholestasis Thrombocytopenia Gene NPC1 HiFi reads Allele 1 Allele 2 10.5 kb

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CANDIDATE HETEROZYGOUS INVERSION VARIANT Pediatric male 5001-01 Growth delay Ptosis Anomalous tracheal cartilage Tracheobronchomalacia Respiratory insufficiency Multifocal atrial tachycardia Omphalocele Diaphgragmatic eventration Finger syndactyly HYLS1 exonic inversion Gene HiFi reads allele 1 HiFi reads allele 2 407 bp

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REPEAT EXPANSION IN EXTENDED FAMILY cmh001541-04 Dystonia Seizures Ataxia Repeat expansion intronic to STARD7 HiFi reads allele 1 HiFi reads allele 2 407 bp 1,049 bp repeat expansion (A1-9 T)199

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MORE COMPLETE VARIANT DETECTION YIELDS MORE INSIGHTS Karyotyping Microarrays Short-read Sequencing Long-read Sequencing Exome Genome HiFi Genome Chromosomal abnormalities Copy-number variants >50kb SNVs & indels, some large exonic variants SNVs, indels, some large variants SNVs, indels, SVs, CNVs, phasing, translocations, inversions, repeat expansions ~5% explanation rate ~10% ~30% ~40% up to 67% Phelan Proc. of Greenwood Genetics Center 1996 De Vries AJHG 2008 De Ligt NEJM 2012 Gilissen Nature 2014 Collaborations, presentations, and publications to date

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SUMMARY – HIFI WGS RARE DISEASE STUDY HiFi WGS identifies “all” variants called with short-read WGS plus tens of thousands additional SNVs, indels, and SVs per genome. Candidate variants found in 30 of 80 samples from: • SNVs and indels in GC-rich regions and difficult-to-map regions • Structural variants • Phasing Future work: long-read population control databases, improved variant interpretation tools.

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Children’s Mercy Kansas City Tomi Pastinen Emily Farrow Neil Miller Isabelle Thiffault ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PacBio Aaron Wenger Shreyasee Chakraborty Christine Lambert Primo Baybayan Microsoft Genomics Roberto Lleras Matthew McLoughlin Benjamin Moskowitz

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © Copyright 2021 by Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. All rights reserved. Pacific Biosciences, the Pacific Biosciences logo, PacBio, SMRT, SMRTbell, Iso-Seq, and Sequel are trademarks of Pacific Biosciences. Pacific Biosciences does not sell a kit for carrying out the overall No-Amp Targeted Sequencing method. Use of these No-Amp methods may require rights to third-party owned intellectual property. FEMTO Pulse and Fragment Analyzer are trademarks of Agilent Technologies Inc. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.