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Slide 1 text @TeamTopologies What is Platform as a Product & Why Should You Care? Manuel Pais co-author of Team Topologies Platform Engineering KAIGI - 9 July 2024

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Team Topologies 3 Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2019

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“innovative tools and concepts for structuring the next generation digital operating model” Charles T. Betz, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research 4

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⚠ A mandated platform (often) increases the cognitive load of teams 8

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9 Waiting for the answer to a ticket?

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Functional silos 10 Infra CI/CD Monitoring Deployment Poorly integrated services?

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12 Confusing APIs?

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13 Service unavailable or too slow?

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4 key metrics: ‘Accelerate’ 14 ⚠ lead time ⚠ deployment frequency ⚠ mean time to restore ⚠ change fail percentage

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15 A valuable platform reduces the cognitive load of stream-aligned teams.

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What is a Platform? 24

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“A digital platform is a foundation of self-service APIs, tools, services, knowledge and support which are arranged as a compelling internal product.” – Evan Bottcher, 2018 25 Source:

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“Create a path of least resistance. Make the right thing the easiest thing to do.” – Evan Bottcher, 2018 31

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59 Thinnest Viable Platform

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63 Thinnest Viable Platform A small, curated set of complementary services or patterns that simplify and accelerate delivery when used together. “Use these N services in these ways...” Photo by Jean-Philippe Delberghe on Unsplash

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A good platform is just “big enough” but no bigger 65

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66 Platform evolution via clear team interactions

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“My own definition of DevOps: Everything you do to overcome the friction between silos. All the rest is plain engineering.” – Patrick Debois, 2021 The DevOps Handbook (2nd edition) 67

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Lack of adequate team interactions prevents effective platform evolution

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70 strong collaboration with stream-aligned teams for any new service or evolution Platform Behaviors

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72 provide support and great documentation for stable services Platform Behaviors

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The other hard problem for effective platforms is building trust.

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76 Invest in building trust early, “plant the seed” for platform adoption later

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Industry Example 77

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Case Study 78

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What is a Product? 86

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Product: Holistic User Experience Functionality + Design + Monetization + Content – Marty Cagan, 2010 89 Source:

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90 A product is optional to use - no-one is forced to use the product

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92 A product is carefully designed and curated

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94 A product simplifies something for users

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96 A product evolves to take advantage of technology changes

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98 s/product/platform/g

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99 A platform is optional to use - no team is forced to use the platform

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100 Platforms must advocate for their platform product and “market” it to internal teams

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102 A platform is carefully designed and curated

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103 Platforms must be designed with the user in mind (internal teams) - focus on UX and DevEx

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104 A platform simplifies something for users

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105 Platforms must help users to achieve goals by understanding user needs and simplifying tasks & workflows

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106 A platform evolves to take advantage of technology changes

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107 Platforms must evolve the capabilities they offer (adding/removing) with a clear (yet flexible) roadmap

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108 A platform needs modern product management (and service management)

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Industry Example 111

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Case Study 112 organizational-evolution-accelerating-delivery-of-comparison-services-uswitch

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114 Flow of change

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“People were spending more time having to interact with relatively low-level services thus spending their time on relatively low-value decisions.” - Paul Ingles 116

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119 A valuable platform reduces the cognitive load of stream-aligned teams.

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136 Flow of change

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137 How do we know we’re on the “right path”? (aka Platform Metrics)

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138 adoption & engagement metrics Platform Metrics

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141 adoption & engagement metrics user satisfaction metrics Platform Metrics

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143 adoption & engagement metrics user satisfaction metrics reliability metrics Platform Metrics

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146 adoption & engagement metrics user satisfaction metrics reliability metrics delivery metrics Platform Metrics

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4 key metrics: ‘Accelerate’ 147 lead time deployment frequency mean time to restore (MTTR) change fail percentage

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150 The success of platform teams is ultimately the success of the teams using the platform

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153 Establishing solid platform engineering is a journey, requires long term funding.

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155 ● new engineers shipping to production on week 1 Success Story?

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156 ● new engineers shipping to production on week 1 ● reduced cloud costs by 10% across services thanks to cheaper instances 👀👀👀 Success Story!

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157 Focus on the “last mile” of platform as a product: measure generated value.

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162 ● teams onboard the platform ● applications using the platform ● traffic served by the platform ● ... Adoption Metrics

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163 ● teams onboard the platform ● applications using the platform ● traffic served by the platform ● revenue served through platform services 👀👀👀 Adoption Metrics

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Four pillars for platform sustainability 164

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165 1 Trusted platform Platform (services and team s) are trusted by product team s

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166 1 Trusted platform Platform (services and team s) are trusted by product team s 2 Shared success stories Successes using the platform need to be shared w idely (qualitative value)

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167 1 Trusted platform Platform (services and team s) are trusted by product team s 2 Shared success stories Successes using the platform need to be shared w idely (qualitative value) 3 Internal confidence M etrics on platform adoption, user satisfaction, reliability

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168 1 Trusted platform Platform (services and team s) are trusted by product team s 2 Shared success stories Successes using the platform need to be shared w idely (qualitative value) 3 Internal confidence M etrics on platform adoption, user satisfaction, reliability 4 External confidence P&L m etrics around ROI, cost (control), tim e to m arket, flow

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177 “most platform approaches [will] fail if technology remains the primary focus (…) companies that explicitly focus on team interactions, developer experience, feedback loops, and product management will leapfrog those who do not”

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178 Happier users (engineers) Reduced cognitive load No technology bloat Designed to evolve

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179 The ways of working outside Engineering (in)directly impact all of the above ⚠

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213 Copyright © Team Topologies Ltd 2024. All rights reserved. platform-engineering “Platform Engineering as a Way of Thinking and Team-of-Teams Design”