Architecture Design for
Local Database
~ Realm, CoreData, SwiftData ~
Musa Yazici
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Have you ever struggled with
a local database?
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Database objects come with
so many rules!
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For Example:
This Realm object cannot be retrieved
or modified like a normal variable.
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● Realm instance handling
● Use identical thread
● etc.
Rules for Realm
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There are so many rules for
local database objects!
For Realm
1. Crashes when accessing an object across threads
2. Crashes when editing a realm object outside of a realm.write {} block
3. Crashes when trying to access a property that is not in the model definition 4.
4. Crashes when trying to access a deleted realm object 5.
5. Crashes due to resource leakage or invalid state reference if Realm instance is not properly closed
For CoreData
1. Crashes when Context is shared between different Threads
2. Crashes when trying to access a result set before a fetch request completes
3. Crashes when trying to access an entity that is not in the model definition
4. Crashes when manipulating a Managed Object that has been deleted or does not belong to a
5. Crashes when attempting to set data of an unexpected type for a model attribute
6. Crashes when compiled model does not match model in code
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There are so many rules for
local database objects!
For Realm
1. Crashes when accessing an object across threads
2. Crashes when editing a realm object outside of a realm.write {} block
3. Crashes when trying to access a property that is not in the model definition 4.
4. Crashes when trying to access a deleted realm object 5.
5. Crash due to resource leakage or invalid state reference if Realm instance is not properly closed
For CoreData
1. Crashes when Context is shared between different Threads
2. Crashes when trying to access a result set before a fetch request completes
3. Crashes when trying to access an entity that is not in the model definition
4. Crashes when manipulating a Managed Object that has been deleted or does not belong to a
5. Crash when attempting to set data of an unexpected type for a model attribute
6. Crashes when compiled model does not match model in code
It’s hard to always take care of rules
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Even if rules are violated, there are no
compile errors and it’s difficult to find
the violation in the code.
It may not be found
until someone crashes.
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Database object rules are
dangerous for both
Quality and Efficiency
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We want to use database objects
without rules!
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We can use
Dummy Objects!
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1.Prepare a database object and
a normal object
Dummy Object Realm Object
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2. Allow objects to be
converted from one to another
Dummy Object Realm Object
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3. Make service class for
database operations
Use non-Realm data in entire project
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4. Fetch database objects after launch and
convert them to normal object
Fetch RealmCards and
convert to Card Array
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When the cards array is changed,
synchronizeWithRealm() is called
Convert Card to RealmCard and apply
the data changes in background thread
5. Update database objects automatically
whenever normal objects are updated
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Normal Project
Realm Card
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All files that use RealmCard (View, ViewModel, Test, etc)
Need to obey Realm rules
Realm Card
Normal Project
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Using dummy object
Fetch RealmCard after launch. Convert to Card
Change Realm data whenever Card is changed
Realm Card
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Using dummy object
Fetch RealmCard after launch. Convert to Card
Change Realm data whenever Card is changed
Realm Card
Entire app uses non-Realm Card class.
All the files except for RealmService are independent on Realm.
Development can be done without thinking about Realm!
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Benefits of using dummy objects
1. Improvement in maintainability and development efficiency
Become independent of Database! Develop without thinking about it!
2. Great UI performance
Data operations are executed in background thread.
Local database can be slow with large amount of data, but it’s always fast with this
3. Easy to write tests
Test execution is independent of database. Parallel execution can be enabled
without effort.
4. Independence of the code
You can migrate database by rewriting just a small part of your project.
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Database objects are dangerous
it's better to avoid touching them directly