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Recursion Making Big Problems Smaller By Jeremy Lindblom @jeremeamia

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– some sarcastic jerkface “ “ To understand recursion, you must understand recursion.

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Why Should You Care? 1.  You’re Here! – You’re already here, so I’m guessing you are interested. 2.  Academics – Recursion is a key concept in computer science and mathematics. 3.  Career – Technical interviews often contain questions where recursive solutions are a good answer.

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Why Should You Care? 4.  Open Source – A survey of 14 major PHP projects yielded more than 300 examples of recursive functions. 5.  Other Languages – Some languages in the functional programming paradigm rely solely on recursion for loops. 6.  Parallelization – Recursive functions are stateless and can be parallelized easier.

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Takeaways ① Using recursion (when appropriate) can result in shorter, simpler code. ② Recursion allows you to solve the whole problem, by only solving part of the problem. Recursion: Making Big Problems Smaller

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Hello! I'm @jeremeamia PHP Software Engineer at Co-author of the AWS SDK for PHP Co-organizer of the Seattle PHP User Group Zend Education Advisory Board for 5.5 exam

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What exactly is recursion?

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O RLY? K, THX! And yes, I do see what you did there.

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Recursion is easier to visualize, IMO.

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Fractals Images created with math and recursion Mandelbrot

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Sierpinski’s Triangle

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Sierpinski’s Triangle

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“I eat recursion for breakfast!”

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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PHP Hypertext Preprocessor Hypertext Preprocessor

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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PHP Hypertext Preprocessor Hypertext Preprocessor PHP Hypertext Preprocessor Hypertext Preprocessor Hypertext Preprocessor

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So… how about some code! (well, a little math first, actually)

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Factorial — n!   20!  =  20  ×  19  ×  18  …  ×  2  ×  1   6!  =  720   5!  =  120   4!  =    24   3!  =      6  

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Factorial — n!   20!  =  20  ×  19  ×  18  …  ×  2  ×  1  

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Factorial — n!   20!  =  20  ×  19!  

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Factorial — n!   20!  =  20  ×  19!   Hey look! Recursion!

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Factorial — n!   n!  =  n  ×  (n-­‐1)!  

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Factorial — n! n  ×      (n-­‐1)!  

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Recursive Function Anatomy •  Base Case(s) •  Recursive Call(s) •  Problem Size Reduction

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Anatomy: Base Case

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Anatomy: Recursive Call

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Anatomy: Reduce Problem Size

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OK, but can’t you do that without recursion?

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Anything you can do with recursion, you can also do without recursion. FYI

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Iterative Factorial

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Iterative solutions typically are faster and require less memory than recursive solutions. FYI

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Iteration vs. Recursion Iterative Factorial Benchmark: ~4.25  µs   Result w/ large input: INF  

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Iteration vs. Recursion Iterative Factorial Benchmark: ~4.25  µs   Result w/ large input: INF   Recursive Factorial Benchmark: ~10.50  µs   Result w/ large input: Seg  fault:  11  

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Iteration vs. Recursion Iterative Factorial Benchmark: ~4.25  µs   Result w/ large input: INF   Recursive Factorial Benchmark: ~10.50  µs   Result w/ large input: Seg  fault:  11   Yep, that's a stack overflow

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Not Impressed with Recursion?

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How about another example?

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Tree Traversal ABCDEFGH

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Tree Traversal

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Traversal: Base Case

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Traversal: Recursive Call

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Traversal: Reduce Size

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OK, but can’t you do that without recursion?

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Iterative Tree Traversal

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Iteration vs. Recursion Iterative Traversal Benchmark: ~54  µs   Recursive Traversal Benchmark: ~39  µs   w00t!  FTW!  

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Making Big Problems Smaller ① Using recursion (when appropriate) can result in shorter, simpler code. (that is sometimes faster, too) vs. Iterative (20 LOC) Recursive (9 LOC)

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Making Big Problems Smaller ② Recursion allows you to solve the whole problem, by only solving part of the problem. This logic only prints 1 node!

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Making Big Problems Smaller ② Recursion allows you to solve the whole problem, by only solving part of the problem. =

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Recursion is… The Adjustable Crescent Wrench. No matter what the problem (nut/bolt) size is, you perform the same action.

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Alright, I'm impressed now. Recursion is pretty cool, but…

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Alright, I'm impressed now. Recursion is pretty cool, but… Do you have any practical examples?

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General Examples •  Mathematical and geometric Series •  Tree/graph traversal – DOM/XML/array traversing/building – Directory structure traversing (-r) – Parsing computer languages – Resolving dependency graphs (DIC) •  “Divide-and-conquer” algorithms

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Let's Use "Recursed"

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Recursive Methods in Your Phavorite Projects •  ZF2: 50+ •  Symfony: 75+ •  Laravel 4: 8+ •  Guzzle 3: 8+ •  Wordpress: 100+ •  Drupal 8: 25+ •  Joomla: 50+ •  Monolog: 2 •  Twig: 10+ •  SwiftMailer: 7+ •  PHPParser: 10+ •  AWS PHP SDK: 1+ •  Doctrine: 7+ •  CodeIgniter: 35+

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Example 1 – WordPress

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Example 2 – ZF2 Mail

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Example 3 – Laravel Container

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Takeaways ① Using recursion (when appropriate) can result in shorter, simpler code. ② Recursion allows you to solve the whole problem, by only solving part of the problem. Recursion: Making Big Problems Smaller

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Recursion Making Big Problems Smaller By Jeremy Lindblom @jeremeamia