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玩转 AST 构建自己的代码分析和代码重写工具 黄志敏 @flyerhzm

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什么是 AST ? 抽象语法树(Abstract Syntax Tree )

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class RubyChinaConf def location 'Shanghai' end def year 2023 end end (class (const nil :RubyChinaConf) nil (begin (def :location (args) (str "Shanghai")) (def :year (args) (int 2023))))

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AST 的用途 编译器 解释器 代码静态分析工具

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哪些 RUBY 工具使用 AST ?

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class RubyChinaConf # body end

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class RubyChinaConf def location 'Shanghai' end end

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class RubyChinaConf def location 'Shanghai' end def year 2023 end end

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PRETTIER [ group([ group(["class ", "RubyChinaConf"]), indent([ hardline, group([ group([ group(["def ", "location", group([])]), indent([hardline, group(["'", "Shanghai", "'"])]), hardline, "end", ]), hardline, hardline, group([ group(["def ", "year", group([])]), indent([hardline, group("2023")]), hardline, "end", ]), ]), ]), hardline, "end", ]), hardline, ]

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foobar = { foo: foo, bar: bar } group([ "foobar", " = ", group([ "{", indent([ line, group(["foo:", indent([line, "foo"])]), ",", line, group(["bar:", indent([line, "bar"])]), ]), line, "}", ]), ])

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LINTER 如何工作 ?

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案例 rails_best_practices synvert

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记录 MODEL 和 ASSOCIATION # app/models/*.rb add_callback :start_class do |node| @klass = node.class_name.to_s end add_callback :start_command do |node| if node.message.to_s == 'belongs_to' association_name = node.arguments.all.first.to_s add_association(@klass, association_name) end end

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记录 TABLE 和 INDEX # db/schema.rb add_callback :start_command do |node| if node.message.to_s == 'add_index' table_name = node.arguments.all.first.to_s index_column = node.arguments.all[1].to_object @index_columns[table_name] << index_column end end

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检查遗漏的 INDEX add_callback :after_check do associations.each do |klass, association_name| unless @index_columns[klass.table_name].include?(association_name.column_name) add_error "always add db index (#{klass.table_name} => #{association_name.column_name})", table_node.file, table_node.line_number end end end

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SYNVERT 'factory_bot', 'use_short_syntax' do within_files '**/*.rb' do find_node '.send[receiver=FactoryBot][message in (create build build_stubbed attributes_for)]' do delete :receiver, :dot end end end

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源代码转换成 AST ------------ | AST Node | ------------ /|\ | --------------- | Source Code | ---------------

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AST NODE 包含 node type children location (start, end, line, column) source

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增加 ATTRIBUTE ripper + syntax_tree + syntax_tree_ext parser + parser_node_ext code = 'FactoryBot.create(:user)' node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(code) node.children[0] node.receiver node.children[1] node.message

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查找 AST NODE -------------- | Node Query | -------------- /|\ | ------------ | AST Node | ------------ /|\ | --------------- | Source Code | ---------------

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CSS /* HTML */
/* CSS */ .item[data-type='image']

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NQL (NODE QUERY LANGUAGE) # Ruby Code FactoryBot.create(:user) # AST Node (send (const nil :FactoryBot) :create (sym :user)) # NQL .send[receiver=FactoryBot][message=create]

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解析 NODE TYPE .send

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class NodeQueryLexer macros NODE_TYPE /\.[a-zA-Z]+/ rules # [:state] pattern [actions] /\s+/ /#{NODE_TYPE}/ { [:tNODE_TYPE, text[1..]] } end

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class NodeQueryParser token tNODE_TYPE rule basic_selector : tNODE_TYPE { val[0]) } end end

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module Compiler class BasicSelector def initialize(node_type:) @node_type = node_type end def query_nodes(node) # iterate all child nodes, # check if child node matches node_type end def match?(node) @node_type.to_sym == NodeQuery.adapter.get_node_type(node) end end end selector = selector.query_nodes(node) # matching_nodes

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解析 ATTRIBUTE .send[reciever=FactoryBot]

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OPEN_ATTRIBUTE /\[/ CLOSE_ATTRIBUTE /\]/ IDENTIFIER /[@\*\-\.\w]*\w/ IDENTIFIER_VALUE /[@\.\w!&:\?<>=]+/ rules /#{OPEN_ATTRIBUTE}/ { @state = :KEY; [:tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE, text] } :KEY /\s+/ :KEY /=/ { @state = :VALUE; [:tOPERATOR, '='] } :KEY /#{IDENTIFIER}/ { [:tKEY, text] } :VALUE /\s+/ :VALUE /#{CLOSE_ATTRIBUTE}/ { @state = nil; [:tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE, text] } :VALUE /#{IDENTIFIER_VALUE}/ { [:tIDENTIFIER_VALUE, text] } end class NodeQueryLexer 1 macros 2 NODE_TYPE /\.[a-zA-Z]+/ 3 4 5 6 7 8 # [:state] pattern [actions] 9 /\s+/ 10 /#{NODE_TYPE}/ { [:tNODE_TYPE, text[1..]] } 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

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token tNODE_TYPE tKEY tIDENTIFIER_VALUE tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE tOPERATOR | tNODE_TYPE attribute { val[0], attribute: val[1]) } attribute : tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE tKEY tOPERATOR value tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE { val[1], value: val[3], opera value : tIDENTIFIER_VALUE { val[0]) } end class NodeQueryParser 1 2 rule 3 basic_selector 4 : tNODE_TYPE { val[0]) } 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 end 14

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module Compiler class BasicSelector def initialize(node_type:, attribute: nil) @node_type = node_type @attribute = attribute end def query_nodes(node) # iterate all child nodes, # check if child node matches node_type and attribute end def match?(node) @node_type.to_sym == NodeQuery.adapter.get_node_type(node) && (!@attribute || @attribute.match?(node)) end end class Attribute def initialize(key:, value:, operator: '=') @key = key @value = value @operator = operator end def match?(node) @value.match?(NodeQuery::Helper.get_target_node(node, @key), node, @operator) end end end selector = selector.query_nodes(node) # matching_nodes

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解析多个 ATTRIBUTE .send[reciever=FactoryBot][message=create]

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| tNODE_TYPE attribute_list { val[0], attribute_list: val[1]) } attribute_list : attribute attribute_list { val[0], rest: val[1]) } | attribute { val[0]) } class NodeQueryParser 1 token tNODE_TYPE tKEY tIDENTIFIER_VALUE tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE tOPERATOR 2 rule 3 basic_selector 4 : tNODE_TYPE { val[0]) } 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 attribute 12 : tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE tKEY tOPERATOR value tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE { val[1], value: val[3], opera 13 14 value 15 : tIDENTIFIER_VALUE { val[0]) } 16 end 17 end 18

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解析 VALUE 类型 .send[arguments.first=:user][arguments.last=true]

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FALSE /false/ FLOAT /\-?\d+\.\d+/ INTEGER /\-?\d+/ NIL /nil/ SYMBOL /:[\w!\?<>=]+/ TRUE /true/ SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING /'.*?'/ DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING /".*?"/ rules :VALUE /#{NIL}/ { [:tNIL, nil] } :VALUE /#{TRUE}/ { [:tBOOLEAN, true] } :VALUE /#{FALSE}/ { [:tBOOLEAN, false] } :VALUE /#{SYMBOL}/ { [:tSYMBOL, text[1..-1].to_sym] } :VALUE /#{FLOAT}/ { [:tFLOAT, text.to_f] } :VALUE /#{INTEGER}/ { [:tINTEGER, text.to_i] } :VALUE /#{DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING}/ { [:tSTRING, text[1...-1]] } :VALUE /#{SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING}/ { [:tSTRING, text[1...-1]] } class NodeQueryLexer 1 macros 2 NODE_TYPE /\.[a-zA-Z]+/ 3 OPEN_ATTRIBUTE /\[/ 4 CLOSE_ATTRIBUTE /\]/ 5 IDENTIFIER /[@\*\-\.\w]*\w/ 6 IDENTIFIER_VALUE /[@\.\w!&:\?<>=]+/ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 # [:state] pattern [actions] 17 /\s+/ 18 /#{NODE_TYPE}/ { [:tNODE_TYPE, text[1..]] } 19 /#{OPEN_ATTRIBUTE}/ { @state = :KEY; [:tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE, text] } 20 :KEY /\s+/ 21 :KEY /=/ { @state = :VALUE; [:tOPERATOR, '='] } 22 :KEY /#{IDENTIFIER}/ { [:tKEY, text] } 23 :VALUE /\s+/ 24 :VALUE /#{CLOSE_ATTRIBUTE}/ { @state = nil; [:tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE, text] } 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 :VALUE /#{IDENTIFIER_VALUE}/ { [:tIDENTIFIER_VALUE, text] } 34

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end 35

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tBOOLEAN tFLOAT tINTEGER tNIL tSTRING tSYMBOL | tBOOLEAN { val[0]) } | tFLOAT { val[0]) } | tINTEGER { val[0])} | tNIL { val[0]) } | tSTRING { val[0]) } | tSYMBOL { val[0]) } end class NodeQueryParser 1 token tNODE_TYPE tKEY tIDENTIFIER_VALUE tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE tOPERATOR 2 3 rule 4 basic_selector 5 : tNODE_TYPE { val[0]) } 6 | tNODE_TYPE attribute_list { val[0], attribute_list: val[1]) } 7 8 attribute_list 9 : attribute attribute_list { val[0], rest: val[1]) } 10 | attribute { val[0]) } 11 12 attribute 13 : tOPEN_ATTRIBUTE tKEY tOPERATOR value tCLOSE_ATTRIBUTE { val[1], value: val[3], opera 14 15 value 16 : tIDENTIFIER_VALUE { val[0]) } 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 end 25

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解析操作符 .send[arguments.size>0]

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class NodeQueryLexer macros OPERATOR /(\^=|\$=|\*=|!=|=~|!~|>=|<=|>|<|=|not includes|includes|not in|in)/i rules # [:state] pattern [actions] # :KEY /=/ { @state = :VALUE; [:tOPERATOR, '='] } :KEY /#{OPERATOR}/ { @state = :VALUE; [:tOPERATOR, text] } end

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查找 DEBUG 代码 puts "hello world" p current_user # NQL '.send[receiver=nil][message IN (puts p)]'

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查找 HASH ROCKET 的 KEY { :foo => 'bar' } # NQL %q{.pair[key=.sym][key=~/\A:([^'"]+)\z/]}

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查找 HASH 的键值对是相同的 a: a, c: c, some_method( 1 2 b: b + 2, 3 4 d: d + 4 5 ) 6 # NQL '.pair[key="{{value}}"]'

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查找 MINITEST SETUP 方法中没有调用 SUPER def setup do_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 # NQL '.class[parent_class=Minitest::Test] .def[name=setup]:not_has(> .super)'

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查找 HASH 的值 render nothing: true, status: :created render nothing: true 1 2 # NQL '.hash[status_value!=nil]'

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替换源代码 -------------- ----------------- | Node Query | | Node Mutation | -------------- ----------------- |\¯¯ ¯¯/| \ / ------------ | AST Node | ------------ /|\ | --------------- | Source Code | ---------------

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REPLACE_WITH errors[:base] = "author not present" 1 2 errors.add(:base, "author not present") 3 replace_with node, '{{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}, {{arguments.1}})'

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REPLACE_WITH errors[:base] = "author not present" 1 2 errors.add(:base, "author not present") 3 errors.add(:base, "author not present") errors[:base] = "author not present" 1 2 3 replace_with node, '{{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}, {{arguments.1}})'

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REPLACE_WITH errors[:base] = "author not present" 1 2 errors.add(:base, "author not present") 3 errors.add(:base, "author not present") errors[:base] = "author not present" 1 2 3 replace_with node, '{{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}, {{arguments.1}})' [{ start: 0, end: 'errors[:base] = "author not present"'.length, new_code: '{{receiver}}.add({{arguments.0}}, {{arguments.1}})' }]

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REPLACE class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end 1 2 3 class Post < ApplicationRecord 4 end 5 replace node, :parent_class, with: 'ApplicationRecord'

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REPLACE class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end 1 2 3 class Post < ApplicationRecord 4 end 5 class Post < ApplicationRecord end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base 1 end 2 3 4 5 replace node, :parent_class, with: 'ApplicationRecord'

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REPLACE class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end 1 2 3 class Post < ApplicationRecord 4 end 5 class Post < ApplicationRecord end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base 1 end 2 3 4 5 replace node, :parent_class, with: 'ApplicationRecord' [{ start: 'class Post < '.length, end: 'class Post < ActiveRecord::Base'.length, new_code: 'ApplicationRecord' }]

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INSERT open('') 1 2'') 3 insert node, 'URI.', at: 'beginning'

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INSERT open('') 1 2'') 3'') open('') 1 2 3 insert node, 'URI.', at: 'beginning'

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INSERT open('') 1 2'') 3'') open('') 1 2 3 insert node, 'URI.', at: 'beginning' [{ start: 0, end: 0, new_code: 'URI.' }]

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PREPEND def setup do_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 def setup 8 super 9 do_something 10 end 11 end 12 prepend node, 'super'

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PREPEND def setup do_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 def setup 8 super 9 do_something 10 end 11 end 12 def setup super do_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 def setup 2 do_something 3 end 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 8 9 10 11 end 12 prepend node, 'super'

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PREPEND def setup do_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 def setup 8 super 9 do_something 10 end 11 end 12 def setup super do_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 def setup 2 do_something 3 end 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 8 9 10 11 end 12 prepend node, 'super' [{ start: "class TestMeme < Minitest::Test\n def setup\n ".length, end: "class TestMeme < Minitest::Test\n def setup\n ".length, new_code: "super\n " }]

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APPEND def teardown clean_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 def teardown 8 clean_something 9 super 10 end 11 end 12 append node, 'super'

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APPEND def teardown clean_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 def teardown 8 clean_something 9 super 10 end 11 end 12 def teardown clean_something super end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 def teardown 2 clean_something 3 end 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 8 9 10 11 end 12 append node, 'super'

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APPEND def teardown clean_something end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 2 3 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 def teardown 8 clean_something 9 super 10 end 11 end 12 def teardown clean_something super end class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 1 def teardown 2 clean_something 3 end 4 end 5 6 class TestMeme < Minitest::Test 7 8 9 10 11 end 12 append node, 'super' [{ start: "class TestMeme < Minitest::Test\n def teardown\n clean_someting".length, end: "class TestMeme < Minitest::Test\n def teardown\n clean_someting".length, new_code: "\n super" }]

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DELETE FactoryBot.create(:user) 1 2 create(:user) 3 delete node, :receiver, :dot

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DELETE FactoryBot.create(:user) 1 2 create(:user) 3 create(:user) FactoryBot.create(:user) 1 2 3 delete node, :receiver, :dot

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DELETE FactoryBot.create(:user) 1 2 create(:user) 3 create(:user) FactoryBot.create(:user) 1 2 3 delete node, :receiver, :dot [{ start: 0, end: 'FactoryBot.'.length, new_code: '' }]

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REMOVE puts( 'hello'\ 'world' ) 1 2 3 4 5 # nothing 6 remove node

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REMOVE puts( 'hello'\ 'world' ) 1 2 3 4 5 # nothing 6 # nothing puts( 1 'hello'\ 2 'world' 3 ) 4 5 6 remove node

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REMOVE puts( 'hello'\ 'world' ) 1 2 3 4 5 # nothing 6 # nothing puts( 1 'hello'\ 2 'world' 3 ) 4 5 6 remove node [{ start: 0, end: "puts(\n 'hello'\\\n 'world'\n)".length, new_code: '' }]

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HASH NODE after_commit :add_to_index_later, on: :create 1 2 after_create_commit :add_to_index_later 3 replace node, :message, with: 'after_{{arguments.-1.on_value.to_value}}_commit' delete node, 'arguments.-1.on_pair', and_comma: true

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HASH NODE after_commit :add_to_index_later, on: :create 1 2 after_create_commit :add_to_index_later 3 after_create_commit :add_to_index_later after_commit :add_to_index_later, on: :create 1 2 3 replace node, :message, with: 'after_{{arguments.-1.on_value.to_value}}_commit' delete node, 'arguments.-1.on_pair', and_comma: true

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HASH NODE after_commit :add_to_index_later, on: :create 1 2 after_create_commit :add_to_index_later 3 after_create_commit :add_to_index_later after_commit :add_to_index_later, on: :create 1 2 3 replace node, :message, with: 'after_{{arguments.-1.on_value.to_value}}_commit' delete node, 'arguments.-1.on_pair', and_comma: true [{ start: 0, end: 'after_commit'.length, new_code: 'after_{{arguments.-1.on_value.to_value}}_commit' }, { start: 'after_commit :add_to_index_later'.length, end: 'after_commit :add_to_index_later, :on: :create'.length, new_code: '' }]

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查找 + 替换 require 'parser/current' require 'parser_node_ext' require 'node_query' require 'node_mutation' 1 2 3 4 5 source = "foo\nputs foo\n" 6 node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(source) 7 query ='.send[receiver=nil][message IN (p puts)]') 8 mutation = 9 query.query_nodes(node).each do |matching_node| 10 mutation.remove(matching_node) 11 end 12 result = mutation.process 13 result.new_source # foo\n 14

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查找 + 替换 require 'parser/current' require 'parser_node_ext' require 'node_query' require 'node_mutation' 1 2 3 4 5 source = "foo\nputs foo\n" 6 node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(source) 7 query ='.send[receiver=nil][message IN (p puts)]') 8 mutation = 9 query.query_nodes(node).each do |matching_node| 10 mutation.remove(matching_node) 11 end 12 result = mutation.process 13 result.new_source # foo\n 14 source = "foo\nputs foo\n" node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(source) query ='.send[receiver=nil][message IN (p puts)]') query.query_nodes(node).each do |matching_node| end require 'parser/current' 1 require 'parser_node_ext' 2 require 'node_query' 3 require 'node_mutation' 4 5 6 7 8 mutation = 9 10 mutation.remove(matching_node) 11 12 result = mutation.process 13 result.new_source # foo\n 14

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查找 + 替换 require 'parser/current' require 'parser_node_ext' require 'node_query' require 'node_mutation' 1 2 3 4 5 source = "foo\nputs foo\n" 6 node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(source) 7 query ='.send[receiver=nil][message IN (p puts)]') 8 mutation = 9 query.query_nodes(node).each do |matching_node| 10 mutation.remove(matching_node) 11 end 12 result = mutation.process 13 result.new_source # foo\n 14 source = "foo\nputs foo\n" node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(source) query ='.send[receiver=nil][message IN (p puts)]') query.query_nodes(node).each do |matching_node| end require 'parser/current' 1 require 'parser_node_ext' 2 require 'node_query' 3 require 'node_mutation' 4 5 6 7 8 mutation = 9 10 mutation.remove(matching_node) 11 12 result = mutation.process 13 result.new_source # foo\n 14 source = "foo\nputs foo\n" mutation = mutation.remove(matching_node) result = mutation.process result.new_source # foo\n require 'parser/current' 1 require 'parser_node_ext' 2 require 'node_query' 3 require 'node_mutation' 4 5 6 node = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(source) 7 query ='.send[receiver=nil][message IN (p puts)]') 8 9 query.query_nodes(node).each do |matching_node| 10 11 end 12 13 14

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SYNVERT 代码升级工具(比如 rails ) 代码自动重写工具 基于 AST 的查找替换工具

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-------------------- --------------- . | Synvert Snippets | --- | Synvert CLI | . -------------------- --------------- . /|\ | ---------------- | Synvert Core | ---------------- ¯¯/| |\¯¯ / \ -------------- ----------------- | Node Query | | Node Mutation | -------------- ----------------- |\¯¯ ¯¯/| \ / ------------ | AST Node | ------------ /|\ | --------------- | Source Code | ---------------

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Slide 78 text 'ruby', 'remove_debug_code' do within_files Synvert::ALL_RUBY_FILES do find_node '.send[receiver=nil][message IN (puts p)]' do remove end end end

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Slide 79 text 'rails', 'convert_dynamic_finders' do configure(parser: Synvert::PARSER_PARSER) helper_method :dynamic_finder_to_hash do |prefix| # convert 'email_and_active(email, true)' to 'email: email, active: true' end if_gem 'rails', '>= 3.0' within_files Synvert::ALL_RUBY_FILES + Synvert::ALL_RAKE_FILES do # find_all_by_email_and_active(email, true) => where(email: email, active: true) find_node '.send[message=~/^find_all_by_/]' do hash_params = dynamic_finder_to_hash('find_all_by_') if hash_params replace :message, with: 'where' replace :arguments, with: hash_params end end

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# find_last_by_email_and_active(email, true) => where(email: email, active: true).last find_node '.send[message=~/^find_last_by_/]' do hash_params = dynamic_finder_to_hash('find_last_by_') if hash_params replace :message, with: 'where' replace :arguments, with: hash_params insert '.last', at: 'end' end end # find_by_email_and_active(email, true) => find_by(email: email, active: true) find_node '.send[message=~/^find_by_/]' do if :find_by_id == node.message replace :message, with: 'find_by' replace :arguments, with: 'id: {{arguments}}' elsif :find_by_sql != node.message hash_params = dynamic_finder_to_hash('find_by_') if hash_params replace :message, with: 'find_by' replace :arguments, with: hash_params end end end end end

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文件处理 add_file 'app/models/application_record.rb', <<~EOS class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true end EOS remove_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb'

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SNIPPET 组合 add_snippet 'minitest', 'assert_empty' add_snippet 'minitest/assert_instance_of' add_snippet '/Users/flyerhzm/.synvert-ruby/lib/minitest/assert_match.rb' add_snippet ''

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SYNVERT 命令行 synvert-ruby --run rspec/use_new_syntax synvert-ruby --run ~/.synvert-ruby/lib/rspec/use_new_syntax.rb synvert-ruby --run

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-------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- --------------- --------------- | | | Synvert VSCode Ext | | Synvert GUI | | Synvert Web | | | ---------------------- --------------- --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- /|\ /|\ | | -------------------- --------------- --------------- | Synvert Snippets | --- | Synvert CLI | | Synvert API | -------------------- --------------- --------------- /|\ | ---------------- | Synvert Core | ---------------- ¯¯/| |\¯¯ / \ -------------- ----------------- | Node Query | | Node Mutation | -------------- ----------------- |\¯¯ ¯¯/| \ / --------------- | AST | --------------- /|\ | --------------- | Source Code | ---------------

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SYNVERT JAVASCRIPT new Synvert.Rewriter("typescript", "array-type", () => { configure({ parser: Synvert.Parser.TYPESCRIPT }); // const z: Array = ['a', 'b']; // => // const z: (string|number)[] = ['a', 'b']; withinFiles(Synvert.ALL_TS_FILES, function () { findNode( `.TypeReference [typeName.escapedText=Array] [typeArguments.0=.UnionType]`, () => { replaceWith("({{typeArguments}})[]"); } ); }); });

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CSS/LESS/SASS/SCSS new Synvert.Rewriter("sass", "convert-to-scss", () => { configure({ parser: Synvert.Parser.GONZALES_PE }); withinFiles(Synvert.ALL_SASS_FILES, function () { findNode(".atrule .string", () => { insert(";", { at: "end" }); }); findNode(".declaration, .include", () => { insert(";", { at: "end", conflictPosition: -99 }); }); findNode(".mixin .operator", () => { replaceWith("@mixin "); }); findNode(".include .operator", () => { replaceWith("@include "); }); findNode(".mixin", () => { const conflictPosition = -this.currentNode.start.column; insert(" {", { at: "end", to: "arguments" }); insertAfter("}", { to: "block", newLinePosition: "after", conflictPosition, }); }); findNode(".ruleset", () => { const conflictPosition = -this.currentNode.start.column; insert(" {", { at: "end", to: "selector" }); insertAfter("}", { to: "block", newLinePosition: "before", conflictPosition, }); });

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}); renameFile(Synvert.ALL_SASS_FILES, (filePath) => filePath.replace(/\.sass$/, ".scss")); });

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