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The Comeback of Grids aka. Compute Clusters

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Evgeny Zislis Co-Founder / CTO

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Agenda ● Buzzing trends in Soft. Architecture ● Containers ● Schedulers ● Containers inside schedulers

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architecture of SaaS applications

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_...still Software HA_

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monolithic vs. micro Circa 2000 Circa 2014

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What is MicroServices Architecture? Loosely coupled service oriented architecture with bounded contexts not updated at the same time minimal knowledge of own environment

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monitoring configuration router layout data access queue cache scheduler micro services infrastructure services authentication authorization form handling file uploads web scraping indexing searching application services e-mail pdf generation payments workflow engine pagination load balancer

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Death-star graph of microservices at Netflix

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“If you can’t feed a team with two pizzas, it’s too large. That limits a task force to five to seven people, depending on their appetites” - Jeff Bezos the-evolution-of-software-architecture-bd6ea674c477

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Gartner Hype Cycle

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last three years... Docker Containers

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Docker API host containers

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time to provision in seconds 10000 100 1 Bare Metal VM Container

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kubernetes Orchestration

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kubernetes mesos / marathon or Orchestration

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kubernetes coreos / fleet geard mesos or or or Orchestration

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Discovery kubernetes coreos / fleet geard mesos or or or consul helios etcd centurion

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Infrastructure kubernetes coreos / fleet geard mesos or or or consul helios etcd centurion EC2 Rack space GCE DO Tutum Heroku

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Mesos is a Distributed OS kernel ● ● ● ● ●

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Mesos - abstract resource manager virtual machines docker App A App A MESOS host | host | host | host | host | host

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but, but ... What about Containers?

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Slide 29 text ● Highly available schedulers ● Constraints for application instances ● Service discovery - DNS & Load balancing ● Health checks ● Event subscription endpoint ● Graphical UI ● JSON / REST APIs for scriptability ● Metrics Mesosphere Marathon

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● Docker compatible ● Grid/cluster management ● AWS APIs ● Custom & default scheduler ● Docker Compose support for local dev ● Monitoring / Logging ● Custom docker repositories + AWS Repo Elastic Container Service

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● Self healing ● Service discovery & load balancing ● Secrets & config management ● Automated rollouts & rollbacks ● Storage orchestration ● Automatic binpacking

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Docker Swarm ● Docker Engine API ● Integrated Networking & Volumes ● High Scalability - 1k hosts 50k containers ● High Availability with failovers ● Pluggable scheduler ● Pluggable host discovery

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● Task Groups == K8s Pods == Docker Compose ● Service discovery - Consul ● Health checks - HTTP ● Containers - or - ○ Docker / Rocket / runc … ○ Single binary apps: Java / Go / … ● or! Virtual Machines (like OpenStack Nova) ● “Run Everywhere”, “Batch”, “Service”, “Cron” ● Constraints ● Multi Datacenter + Continental ● Easy installation using GO & single binary ● Lack of Zookeeper - uses Consul instead ● Monitoring ● Pluggable service discovery: Consul / ZK / etcd / … ● Self healing ● Automatic binpacking ● Orhestration of tasks on Windows

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