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I mean, look, we get some of that now, but like, it's
funny, like, like, so going around, you know, my kid
and his friends going around that group is this, I don't
know, I'm sure it came from a You Tuber, but some
kind of joke where they are like, you know, what's nine
plus 10, like 27 or whatever, and everyone laughs.
It's like, okay, and I don't get it at all. And I'm like, okay,
well, I'm already at the point where, you know, the
kids are doing stuff that I don't understand at all, that,
you know, every generation you go through this. And
I'm thinking like, you know, when we start saying things
like vibe check, like, I'm already so disconnected from
what the young kids are saying and how,
8 likes in 40 seconds (Accidental Tech Podcast #535, 44:20 - 44:59)