Slide 1

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here be dragons katrina owen @kytrinyx jumpstart lab

Slide 2

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beezelbuB guile 93 havoc 87 speed 81 health 66 villain Armor invisible cloak

Slide 3

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No content

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No content

Slide 5

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princess 0 dragon 000 000

Slide 6

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princess 0 dragon 001 take that you filthy scum... 000

Slide 7

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guile 12 havoc 68 speed 27 health 39 Bubba villain weapon sledge hammer

Slide 8

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guile 2 havoc 0 speed 23 health 98 ALICE Villager magic item binoculars

Slide 9

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Slide 10

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Weight 9 length 21 speed 0 health 99 Nelson Baby Villager Magic Item Rattle

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No content

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It is dark...

Slide 13

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No content

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I tried to share by email but nothing happened.

Slide 15

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HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Slide 16

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HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

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request.form_input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb690f540>, "rack.request.form_hash"=>{"emails"=>&quo [email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina"}, uot;rack.request.form_vars"=>"[email protected]&message=&name=Katrina", uot;action_dispatch.request.path_parameters"=>{:action=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", :controller=>"greetings 94524"}, "action_controller.instance"=>#<GreetingsController:0x007fcbb7b2ca98 ...>, uot;action_dispatch.request.request_parameters"=>{"emails"=>"[email protected]", uot;message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina"}, "rack.request.query_string"=>"&quot uot;rack.request.query_hash"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.query_parameters"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request quot;emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina uot;action"=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", "controller"=>"greetings", "id"=>"34 uot;action_dispatch.request.accepts"=>[*/*], "action_dispatch.request.formats"=>[*/*]}, @fullpath="/tidbit are_by_email_or_sms", @filtered_parameters={"emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=&g uot;name"=>"Katrina", "action"=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", "controller"=>"gr uot;id"=>"3494524"}, @method="POST">, @_env={"CONTENT_LENGTH"=>"57", uot;CONTENT_TYPE"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1.1", uot;PATH_INFO"=>"/tidbits/123/share_by_email_or_sms", "QUERY_STRING"=>"", "REMOTE_ADDR", "REMOTE_HOST"=>"localhost", "REQUEST_METHOD"=>"POST", uot;REQUEST_URI"=>"", "SCRIPT_NAME"=>"", uot;SERVER_NAME"=>"localhost", "SERVER_PORT"=>"3000", "SERVER_PROTOCOL"=>&quot uot;SERVER_SOFTWARE"=>"WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.3/2012-04-20)", "HTTP_USER_AGENT"=>"curl/7.21.4 ( rwin11.0) libcurl/7.21.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5", "HTTP_HOST"=>"", "HTTP_ACCEPT"= uot;rack.version"=>[1, 1], "rack.input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb690f540>, "rack.errors"=>#<I uot;rack.multithread"=>false, "rack.multiprocess"=>false, "rack.run_once"=>false, uot;rack.url_scheme"=>"http", "HTTP_VERSION"=>"HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_PATH"=>&quo uot;action_dispatch.parameter_filter"=>[:password], "action_dispatch.secret_token"=>" 93f4924fec841d60443d392ff861b0da3ed5d024656a3afd79632dc52355a2aac249ccd32eba784fd61af2dbfc38fcb9ba5f1b6300696de3fc5cb14733198c" uot;action_dispatch.remote_ip"=>, "rack.session"=>{"session_id"=>"a7e33d9fc77a10921f uot;id"=>"bffb03fdf02a04a13e4c1ef5f2dad949208ae264c248e690"}, "rack.session.options"=>{:path=>&quo uot;, :domain=>nil, :expire_after=>nil, :secure=>false, :httponly=>true, :id=>"a7e33d9fc77a10921f460103c25e38fa& uot;action_dispatch.cookies"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.unsigned_session_cookie"=> quot;session_id"=>"a7e33d9fc77a10921f460103c25e38fa"}, "action_dispatch.request.content_type"=>applic lencoded, "rack.request.form_input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb690f540>, "rack.request.form_hash"=> quot;emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina uot;rack.request.form_vars"=>"[email protected]&message=&name=Katrina", uot;action_dispatch.request.path_parameters"=>{:action=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", :controller=>"greetings 94524"}, "action_controller.instance"=>#<GreetingsController:0x007fcbb7b2ca98 ...>, uot;action_dispatch.request.request_parameters"=>{"emails"=>"[email protected]", uot;message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina"}, "rack.request.query_string"=>"&quot uot;rack.request.query_hash"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.query_parameters"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request quot;emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina

Slide 18

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curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS&name=$NAME"

Slide 19

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curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS&name=$NAME" \ > out.html

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curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS&name=$NAME" \ > out.html open out.html

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class TidbitsController < ApplicationController # ~500 lines of code end

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class TidbitsController < ApplicationController skip_before_filter :xyz, :only => [:share_by_email_or_sms] # ~500 lines of code end

Slide 24

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curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS&name=$NAME"

Slide 25

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ENT"=>"curl/7.21.4 (universal-apple-darwin11.0) libcurl/7.21.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5", quot;HTTP_HOST"=>"", "HTTP_ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "rack.version"=>[1, 1], quot;rack.input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb6838ae0>, "rack.errors"=>#<IO:<STDERR>>, quot;rack.multithread"=>false, "rack.multiprocess"=>false, "rack.run_once"=>false, quot;rack.url_scheme"=>"http", "HTTP_VERSION"=>"HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_PATH"=>&quo quot;action_dispatch.parameter_filter"=>[:password], "action_dispatch.secret_token"=>" a93f4924fec841d60443d392ff861b0da3ed5d024656a3afd79632dc52355a2aac249ccd32eba784fd61af2dbfc38fcb9ba5f1b6300696de3fc5cb14733198c" quot;action_dispatch.remote_ip"=>, "rack.session"=>{"session_id"=>"0c69cf043ced70e9ef quot;id"=>"058d52bacce4d0ba74276ce4561d46a65730347c78c11a94", "channel_id"=>176}, "rack.session.o :path=>"/", :domain=>nil, :expire_after=>nil, :secure=>false, :httponly=>true, :id=>" c69cf043ced70e9efd08cb1e7786890"}, "action_dispatch.cookies"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.unsigned_session_co "session_id"=>"0c69cf043ced70e9efd08cb1e7786890"}, "action_dispatch.request.content_type"=>applic rlencoded, "rack.request.form_input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb6838ae0>, "rack.request.form_hash"=> "emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina quot;rack.request.form_vars"=>"[email protected]&message=&name=Katrina", quot;action_dispatch.request.path_parameters"=>{:action=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", :controller=>"greetings 494524"}, "action_controller.instance"=>#<GreetingsController:0x007fcbb7a5bbf0 ...>, quot;action_dispatch.request.request_parameters"=>{"emails"=>"[email protected]", quot;message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina"}, "rack.request.query_string"=>"&quot quot;rack.request.query_hash"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.query_parameters"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request "emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina quot;action"=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", "controller"=>"greetings", "id"=>"34 quot;greeting"=>#<Greeting id: 3494524, title: "12 år 12.12.12", body: "Hipp hurra for jiinta vår! \r\nGrat ed ...", happens_on: "2012-12-12", created_at: "2012-12-10 08:53:43", updated_at: "2012-12-11 00:00:33& 76, display_mode_id: 5344, created_by: 9845, updated_by: 1, owner_name: "Leif Jørgen Larsen", age: 12, session_hash: nil, s 012-12-10 08:53:43", removed_at: nil, price: 0, kudos_count: 3, about: "Hanne Mari Larsen", uploaded_at: nil, claimed_ omment_count: 0, kind: "birthday", publish_on: nil, view_count: 22, image_uid: "image:apdm.gossip.oa.birthday$20121210 onfirmation_sent_at: "2012-12-10 08:53:43">, "sms_message"=>"Katrina vil at du skal se på en hilsen he is/personalia/greetings/3494524 Sendt fra"}, "action_dispatch.request.accepts"=>[*/*], quot;action_dispatch.request.formats"=>[*/*]}, @lookup_context=#<ActionView::LookupContext:0x007fcbb7a5aca0 @details_key=n details={:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs, :builder, :rhtml, :rxml, :haml], :formats=> :html, :text, :js, :css, :ics, :csv, :xml, :rss, :atom, :yaml, :multipart_form, :url_encoded_form, :json], :locale=>[:"no-NB& B"]}, @skip_default_locale=false, @frozen_formats=false, @view_paths=[/Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/app/views, /Users/katrina/ endor/plugins/papertime_client/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/plugins/origo_client/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/ lugins/model_bars/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/plugins/crummy/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/ pdm_stationary_client/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/plugins/acts_as_tsearch/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/g ctive_merchant/app/views, /Users/katrina/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@gossip/gems/kaminari-0.13.0/app/views]>, _action_name="share_by_mail_or_sms", @_response_body=nil, @crumbtrail=[{:title=>"Forsiden", :url=>"htt"}, {:title=>"Folk i dag", :url=>"/vis/personalia/greetings"}], @_config={}, @current_cha 76, name: "Oppland Arbeiderblad", home_page: "", created_at: "2010-09-22 08:33:43"

Slide 26

Slide 26 text

ENT"=>"curl/7.21.4 (universal-apple-darwin11.0) libcurl/7.21.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5", quot;HTTP_HOST"=>"", "HTTP_ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "rack.version"=>[1, 1], quot;rack.input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb6838ae0>, "rack.errors"=>#<IO:<STDERR>>, quot;rack.multithread"=>false, "rack.multiprocess"=>false, "rack.run_once"=>false, quot;rack.url_scheme"=>"http", "HTTP_VERSION"=>"HTTP/1.1", "REQUEST_PATH"=>&quo quot;action_dispatch.parameter_filter"=>[:password], "action_dispatch.secret_token"=>" a93f4924fec841d60443d392ff861b0da3ed5d024656a3afd79632dc52355a2aac249ccd32eba784fd61af2dbfc38fcb9ba5f1b6300696de3fc5cb14733198c" quot;action_dispatch.remote_ip"=>, "rack.session"=>{"session_id"=>"0c69cf043ced70e9ef quot;id"=>"058d52bacce4d0ba74276ce4561d46a65730347c78c11a94", "channel_id"=>176}, "rack.session.o :path=>"/", :domain=>nil, :expire_after=>nil, :secure=>false, :httponly=>true, :id=>" c69cf043ced70e9efd08cb1e7786890"}, "action_dispatch.cookies"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.unsigned_session_co "session_id"=>"0c69cf043ced70e9efd08cb1e7786890"}, "action_dispatch.request.content_type"=>applic rlencoded, "rack.request.form_input"=>#<StringIO:0x007fcbb6838ae0>, "rack.request.form_hash"=> "emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina quot;rack.request.form_vars"=>"[email protected]&message=&name=Katrina", quot;action_dispatch.request.path_parameters"=>{:action=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", :controller=>"greetings 494524"}, "action_controller.instance"=>#<GreetingsController:0x007fcbb7a5bbf0 ...>, quot;action_dispatch.request.request_parameters"=>{"emails"=>"[email protected]", quot;message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina"}, "rack.request.query_string"=>"&quot quot;rack.request.query_hash"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request.query_parameters"=>{}, "action_dispatch.request "emails"=>"[email protected]", "message"=>"", "name"=>"Katrina quot;action"=>"share_by_mail_or_sms", "controller"=>"greetings", "id"=>"34 quot;greeting"=>#<Greeting id: 3494524, title: "12 år 12.12.12", body: "Hipp hurra for jiinta vår! \r\nGrat ed ...", happens_on: "2012-12-12", created_at: "2012-12-10 08:53:43", updated_at: "2012-12-11 00:00:33& 76, display_mode_id: 5344, created_by: 9845, updated_by: 1, owner_name: "Leif Jørgen Larsen", age: 12, session_hash: nil, s 012-12-10 08:53:43", removed_at: nil, price: 0, kudos_count: 3, about: "Hanne Mari Larsen", uploaded_at: nil, claimed_ omment_count: 0, kind: "birthday", publish_on: nil, view_count: 22, image_uid: "image:apdm.gossip.oa.birthday$20121210 onfirmation_sent_at: "2012-12-10 08:53:43">, "sms_message"=>"Katrina vil at du skal se på en hilsen he is/personalia/greetings/3494524 Sendt fra"}, "action_dispatch.request.accepts"=>[*/*], quot;action_dispatch.request.formats"=>[*/*]}, @lookup_context=#<ActionView::LookupContext:0x007fcbb7a5aca0 @details_key=n details={:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs, :builder, :rhtml, :rxml, :haml], :formats=> :html, :text, :js, :css, :ics, :csv, :xml, :rss, :atom, :yaml, :multipart_form, :url_encoded_form, :json], :locale=>[:"no-NB& B"]}, @skip_default_locale=false, @frozen_formats=false, @view_paths=[/Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/app/views, /Users/katrina/ endor/plugins/papertime_client/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/plugins/origo_client/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/ lugins/model_bars/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/plugins/crummy/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/ pdm_stationary_client/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/gossip/vendor/plugins/acts_as_tsearch/app/views, /Users/katrina/code/apps/g ctive_merchant/app/views, /Users/katrina/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@gossip/gems/kaminari-0.13.0/app/views]>, _action_name="share_by_mail_or_sms", @_response_body=nil, @crumbtrail=[{:title=>"Forsiden", :url=>"htt"}, {:title=>"Folk i dag", :url=>"/vis/personalia/greetings"}], @_config={}, @current_cha 76, name: "Oppland Arbeiderblad", home_page: "", created_at: "2010-09-22 08:33:43"

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No content

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controller share_by_email_or_sms

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controller share_by_email_or_sms

Slide 32

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module share_by_email_or_sms

Slide 33

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module share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients

Slide 34

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share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email module

Slide 35

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share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email module

Slide 36

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mailer share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email

Slide 37

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mailer share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email tidbit_tip

Slide 38

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mailer share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email tidbit_tip

Slide 39

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template share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email tidbit_tip tidbit_tip.text.erb

Slide 40

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template share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email tidbit_tip tidbit_tip.text.erb

Slide 41

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i18n share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email tidbit_tip tidbit_tip.text.erb

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i18n share_by_email_or_sms send_to_recipients send_to_email tidbit_tip tidbit_tip.text.erb I18n.translate

Slide 43

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i18n missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given)

Slide 44

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Error Message missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given)

Slide 45

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missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given) Error Message

Slide 46

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missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given) Error Message

Slide 47

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missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given) Error Message

Slide 48

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missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given) Error Message

Slide 49

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missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given) Error Message

Slide 50

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missing interpolation argument in "%{tidbit_sender} has congratulated %{tidbit_about} in %{publication}. %{tip_sender} wants you to take a look." ( { :tip_sender=>"Katrina", :tidbit_about=>"Eve Smith", :publication=>"The Village Rag" } given) Error Message

Slide 51

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error message <%= t("emails.tip_mail.introduction") % { :tip_sender => @tip_sender, :tidbit_about => @tidbit.about, :publication => @tidbit.publication } %>

Slide 52

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template <%= t("emails.tip_mail.introduction") % { :tip_sender => @tip_sender, :tidbit_about => @tidbit.about, :publication => @tidbit.publication } %>

Slide 53

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<%= t("emails.tip_mail.introduction") % { :tip_sender => @tip_sender, :tidbit_about => @tidbit.about, :publication => @tidbit.publication :tidbit_sender => @tidbit.from } %> template

Slide 54

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curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS&name=$NAME"

Slide 55

Slide 55 text

HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": ["[email protected]"] }

Slide 56

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HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": ["[email protected]"] } 1up

Slide 57

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1 new message HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "success": ["[email protected]"] }

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No content

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All your bugs are belong to us...

Slide 60

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No content

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No content

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This could be dangerous...

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No content

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class TidbitsController < ApplicationController # ~500 lines of code end

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controller class TidbitsController < ApplicationController # ~500 lines of code end

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class TidbitsController < ApplicationController def share_by_email_or_sms # ... end end controller

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controller def share_by_email_or_sms # ... tinyurl = Tinyurl.shorten(tidbit.url) # ... end

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module Tinyurl # ~75 lines of code end controller

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module Tinyurl # ~75 lines of code end module

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# Base exception class module

Slide 71

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# Base exception class class TinyurlException < Exception end module

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# Exception class module

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# Exception class class InvalidUrlException < TinyurlException end module

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# Get a nice one from the API module

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# Get a nice one from the API def self.lookup_tiny_url(url) # 16 LOC end module

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# If we sohuld ask the API... module

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# If we sohuld ask the API... def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? # 7 LOC end module

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def self.lookup_tiny_url(url) # ... uri = URI.parse(endpoint) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |api| api.get("#{uri.path}?#{uri.query}") end # ... end def self.endpoint "" end module

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def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? return false if cached? # ... end module

Slide 80

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def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? return false if cached? case env when "production" then return true when "staging" then return true else return false end false end module

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def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? return false if cached? case env when "production" then return true when "staging" then return true else return false end false end module

Slide 82

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module def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? return false if cached? case env when "production" then return true when "staging" then return true else return false end false end

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module def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? return false if cached? case env when "production" then return true when "staging" then return true else return false end false end

Slide 84

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module def self.should_lookup_tiny_url? return false if cached? ["production", "staging"].include? env end

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@@lookup_tiny_urls = {} def self.shorten(url) @url = url # ... end def self.cached? !!@@lookup_tiny_urls[@url] end module

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!!@@lookup_tiny_urls[@url] module

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No content

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This could be dangerous...

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module module Tinyurl # ~75 lines of code end

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No content

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Take that you filthy scum...

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xp 000

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xp +4 000

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xp 004

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xp 004 +1

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xp 005

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xp +2 005

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xp 007

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xp 007 +2

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xp 009

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xp 009 +4

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xp 013

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xp 013 +2

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xp 015

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xp 015 +1

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xp 016

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xp 016 +8

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xp 024

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xp 024 +16

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xp 040

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xp 040 +32

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xp 062 achievement unlocked

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xp class TidbitsController < ApplicationController def share_by_email_or_sms # ~50 LOC end # ~450 LOC end 062

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xp class TidbitsController < ApplicationController def share_by_email_or_sms # ~50 LOC end # ~450 LOC end 062 controller

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xp 062 def share_by_email_or_sms # ... unless invalid_name # ... else # ... end end controller

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xp 064 def share_by_email_or_sms # ... unless invalid_name # ... else # ... end end controller

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xp def share_by_email_or_sms # ... unless invalid_name # ... else # ... end end 064 controller

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xp 064 controller def share_by_email_or_sms # ... unless invalid_name # ... else # ... end end

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xp 066 controller def share_by_email_or_sms # ... unless invalid_name # ... else # ... end end

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xp 066 name = params[:name] if name && name.length > 40 invalid_name = true else # ... end controller

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xp 070 name = params[:name] if name && name.length > 40 invalid_name = true else # ... end controller

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xp NAME=$(ruby -e "40.times { print 'x' }") curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS&name=$NAME" 070

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xp HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": "Invalid name." } 070

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HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": "Invalid name." }

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HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": "Invalid name." } 1 new message

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xp 070 +64

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xp 134

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xp if name && name.length > 40 invalid_name = true end controller 134

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xp if name && name.length > 40 # ... end Gossip::Sharing.send_to_recipients(params) controller 134

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xp controller if name && name.length > 40 # ... end Gossip::Sharing.send_to_recipients(params) unless invalid_name # ... else halt 400, {error: "Invalid name."}.to_json end 134

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No content

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It is dark...

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xp name = params[:name] if name && name.length > 40 invalid_name = true end controller 134

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xp curl -XPOST $URL \ --data "emails=$EMAILS" 134

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xp 134 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": }

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xp 134 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": "They have already been told." }

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xp HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": "They have already been told." } 142

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No content

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This could be dangerous...

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xp module Sharing # ~75 lines of code end 142

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xp module module Sharing # ~75 lines of code end 142

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xp module module Sharing def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end end 142

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xp # Sends a params[:message] to a set of # params[:email_recipients] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module 142

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xp # Sends a params[:message] to a set of # params[:email_recipients] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module 142

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xp 142 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email_recipients] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp 144 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email_recipients] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email_recipients] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end 144 module

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xp 144 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp 146 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and # params[:sms_recipients] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end 146 module

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xp 146 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and # params[:numbers] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp 148 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and # params[:numbers] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and params[:numbers] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end 148 module

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xp 148 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and params[:numbers] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp 150 # Sends a params[:sms] to a set of # params[:email] and params[:numbers] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module

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xp # Sends params[:sms] to params[:numbers] # and a templated email to params[:email] def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module 150

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xp def self.send_to_recipients(params) # ... end module 150

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xp module 150 if params[:message] params[:sms].strip! params[:sms].squeeze!(" ") end

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xp 150 module if params[:message] params[:sms].strip! params[:sms].squeeze!(" ") end

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xp 151 module if params[:message] params[:sms].strip! params[:sms].squeeze!(" ") end

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xp 151 params[:name].strip! params[:name].squeeze!(" ") module

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xp 153 params[:name].strip! params[:name].squeeze!(" ") module

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xp 153 params[:name].strip! params[:name].squeeze!(" ") if params[:name].length > 41 return false end module

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xp 161 params[:name].strip! params[:name].squeeze!(" ") if params[:name].length > 41 return false end module

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| # lots of stuff unless stuff? if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i send_to_email(r, params) elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ send_to_sms(r, params) end # more stuff end end module 161

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xp 161 +128

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xp 289 high score

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten module 289

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| end module 289

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ end end module 289

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i send_to_email(r, params) elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ end end module 289

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i send_to_email(r, params) elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ send_to_sms(r, params) end end module 289

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xp if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i send_to_email(r, params) elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ send_to_sms(r, params) end module 289

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xp module # Send email def self.send_to_email(address, params) # ... end 289

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xp module def self.send_to_email(address, params) if Mailer.tidbit_tip(address, params).deliver end true end 289

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xp module Alice has a baby and posts a picture. Bob tells Charlie about it Bob provides Charlie’s email 289

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xp Story Alice has a baby and posts a picture. Bob tells Charlie about it Bob provides Charlie’s email 289

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xp Story def self.send_to_email(address, params) if Mailer.tidbit_tip(address, params).deliver end true end 289

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xp Module def self.send_to_email(address, params) if Mailer.tidbit_tip(address, params).deliver end true end 289

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xp def self.send_to_email(address, params) if Mailer.tidbit_tip(address, params).deliver end true end module 289

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xp 289 +16

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xp 305

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xp def self.send_to_email(address, params) if Mailer.tidbit_tip(address, params).deliver end true end module 305

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xp recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| # lots of stuff unless stuff? if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i send_to_email(r, params) elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ send_to_sms(r, params) end # more stuff end end module 161

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xp sent = [] recipients = [emails, phone_numbers].flatten recipients.each do |r| # lots of stuff unless stuff? if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i if send_to_email(r, params) sent << r end elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ if send_to_sms(r, params) sent << r end end # more stuff end end sent module 161

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xp def self.send_to_email(address, params) if Mailer.tidbit_tip(address, params).deliver end true end module 305

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xp if r =~ /^([^@\s,]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i send_to_email(r, params) elsif r =~ /^\s*\+?[0-9[:space:]]+\s*$/ send_to_sms(r, params) end module 305

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xp # Send SMS def self.send_to_sms(number, params) # ... end module 305

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xp # Send SMS def self.send_to_sms(number, params) # TODO: Send SMS here end module 305

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xp 305 +256

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xp 561 high score

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No content

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No content

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Fundamental Attribution Error

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No content

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TODO: Send sms here

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No content

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 cooperate cooperate

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 cooperate cooperate 3 3

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No content

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect Defect

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect Defect 1 1

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No content

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Cooperate

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Cooperate Defect

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Cooperate Defect 5

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No content

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Cooperate Defect 5

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Cooperate Defect 0 5

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No content

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Sucker’s Payoff

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No content

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No content

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect Defect

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect Defect 1 1

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 cooperate

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect cooperate

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect cooperate 5

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PLAYER 1 PLAYER 2 Defect cooperate 5 0

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No content

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Always Defect

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No content

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No content

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Cooperate as long as possible

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No content

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No content

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The Evolution of Cooperation

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Sucker’s Payoff

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Thank You

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Credits Source Code Anonymous Pixel Bug Illustrations Persa Zula The Evolution of Cooperation Robert Axelrod The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Theory 101

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katrina owen @kytrinyx jumpstart lab