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giginet/xcprofiler Λ ͍͡Γ౗͢ 2017.01.13 potatotips #36 @jpmarha_jp

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try! Swift Tokyo 2017 ͷͪ΄Ͳ $50 off discount code Λ͓஌Βͤ͠·͢

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giginet ͞Μ͕࡞ͬͨͷ ʹͳͥʁ

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Twitter ʮ͓͒ͬɺ͡Ό͋ԕྀͳ͘ʂʯ

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खॱ 1. Xcode Ͱ Other Swift Flags ʹ -Xfrontend -debug- time-function-bodies Λઃఆ 2. Xcode ͰϏϧυ 3. xcprofiler Λ࣮ߦ

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ίϚϯυ $ xcprofiler Usage: xcprofiler [product name or .xcactivitylog file] [options] --[no-]show-invalids Show invalid location results -o [ORDER] Sort order -l, --limit [LIMIT] Limit for display --threshold [THRESHOLD] Threshold of time to display(ms) -h, --help Show this message

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ϛεͬͨͷͰׂѪ ! +--------------------------------+------+-----------------------------------+----------+ | File | Line | Method name | Time(ms) | +--------------------------------+------+-----------------------------------+----------+ | Sssssssssssss.swift | 47 | @objc override func viewDidLoad() | 4072.2 | | Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.swift | 78 | @objc override func viewDidLoad() | 1064.4 | | Tttttttt.swift | 83 | @objc override func viewDidLoad() | 651.4 | +--------------------------------+------+-----------------------------------+----------+

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࢓૊Έ • DerivedData ͷ .xcactivitylog ϑΝΠϧ • ͨͩͦ͠ͷ··։͍ͯ΋ಡΊͳ͍ • ಡΊΔίϚϯυ͕͚͋ͬͨͲ๨Εͨ • ͪͳΈʹ Ruby ੡

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͍͡Γ౗ͯ͠ Contribution

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--threshold ௥Ճ • શ݅͡Ό͕͔͔࣌ؒΔ • ͋Δ࣌ؒʢmsʣҎ্ͷσʔλ͕΄͍͠ • ίϯτϦϏϡʔτνϟϯεʂ

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·ͱΊ • Ϗϧυ͕஗͍ͷ͸Έͳ͞Μ͝ଘ஌ • ܕਪ࿦͕஗͍ͷ΋άάΕ͹Θ͔Δ • ͜ͷΑ͏ͳπʔϧͰΑΓ໌֬ʹͳΔ • ࣍ͷεςοϓ -> ͳͥ஗͍ͷ͔ίϯύΠϥΛݟͯΈΑ͏ʁʁ

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Thanks! !