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HTML Cache Constitution 2017.03.17 社内勉強会 @nakamura_tsuyo4

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Agenda ➔ Nginx proxy cache ➔ Varnish ➔ Fastcgi cache ➔ memo

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Agenda ➔ Nginx proxy cache ➔ Varnish ➔ Fastcgi cache ➔ memo

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Nginx proxy cache LB Nginx (proxy cache) Nginx (proxy cache) Nginx+fastcgi Nginx+fastcgi

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Nginx proxy cache LB Nginx (proxy cache) Nginx (proxy cache) Nginx+fastcgi Nginx+fastcgi んーん

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Nginx proxy cache LB Nginx (proxy cache) Nginx (proxy cache) LB Nginx+fastcgi Nginx+fastcgi

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Nginx proxy cache LB Nginx (proxy cache) Nginx (proxy cache) LB Nginx+fastcgi Nginx+fastcgi 構成変更ありきだなぁー

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Agenda ➔ Nginx proxy cache ➔ Varnish ➔ Fastcgi cache ➔ memo

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Varnish LB Nginx+fastcgi Varnish LB Varnish plus? Varnish plus? Nginx+fastcgi

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Varnish LB Nginx+fastcgi Varnish LB Varnish plus? Varnish plus? Nginx+fastcgi VHA (VARNISH HIGH AVAILABILITY)

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Varnish LB varnish varnish Nginx+fastcgi Nginx+fastcgi varnish LB

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Varnish LB varnish varnish Nginx+fastcgi Nginx+fastcgi varnish LB Self-routing varnish cluster

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Varnish self-routing varnish cluster

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Varnish self-routing varnish cluster config

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Varnish self-routing varnish cluster config “ We leverage this director to do our content “ sharding by hashing on the URL and route “ the request to its destination:

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Agenda ➔ Nginx proxy cache ➔ Varnish ➔ Fastcgi cache ➔ memo

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FastCGI cache LB Nginx+fastcgi fastcgi_cache Nginx+fastcgi fastcgi_cache

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FastCGI cache LB Nginx+fastcgi fastcgi_cache Nginx+fastcgi fastcgi_cache 構成変更なく手軽かも

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Agenda ➔ Nginx proxy cache ➔ Varnish ➔ Fastcgi cache ➔ memo

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memo ● Cache自体はそれぞれのサーバに保存されるので deleteしたい時の考慮は必要 ○ Or 即時反映されなくても良い業務設計が必要 ● cacheすべきurlはcache serverのconfigでの管理になる ● Proxy_cache_lock , fastcgi_cache_lockは使った方がよさげ ○ 同時アクセス負荷がかかった時に結局死ぬと思ってる ● パフォーマンスのBenchmarkは未検証 ● First stepとしてfastcgi_cacheは良さげ ● リアルタイム性が必要なデータは当然あるので API開発はセット