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MapStore in Action Cleveland Metroparks Alessandro Cristofori - GeoSolutions Laura Schuch - Cleveland Metroparks Tom Kraft - Cleveland Metroparks Ryan Burley - GeoSolutions

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GeoSolutions ● Founded in 2006, offices in Italy & US ● Our core products ● Our offer Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions GeoNode

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Trusted by more than 200 clients • UN FAO (CIOK, FIGIS, NRL, FORESTRY, ESTG), UN WFP, World Bank, DLR, EUMETSAT, JRC, ARPAT, NATO CMRE, UNESCO, IGAD, UNEP, etc.. • BAYER, BASF, DigitalGlobe, MDA, TOPCON, SwissRE, e-GEOS, Halliburton, etc..

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Industries Smart Cities Space MetOcean Defense Natural Resources OpenData Utilities Research Emergency Response Government

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Associations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT

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What is MapStore?

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What is MapStore? It is a Product Complete GeoPortal with customizable look&feel

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What is MapStore? It is a Framework Build applications leveraging MapStore framework (and by developing your own plugins) covidtrackingmap

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MapStore Facts ● Create and share maps, charts, dashboards and geostories online ● Mobile first | Responsive ● Mapping engine agnostic ● OpenLayers|Leaflet|Cesium ● Leveraging React ecosystem ● Pluggable Look & Feel ● Consume data from many sources ● OSM, Bing, WFS, CSW, WMS, WMTS ● License is Simplified BSD ● Commercial friendly!

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Who uses MapStore? ● Halliburton ● Austrocontrol ● MapStand ● UN FAO ● EMSA ● World Bank (via GeoNode) ● Unesco (via GeoNode) ● EARTH-I ● Arno river basin authority ● Region of Tuscany (Hydrologic Service) ● Region of Tuscany (Urbanistic Department) ● LaMMa ● City of Munich ● City of Florence ● City of Genova ● City of Bozen ● City of Brussels ● GeoNode ● geOrchestra

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Who uses MapStore? MapStand

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Who uses MapStore? City of Brussels

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Who uses MapStore? Austrocontrol

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Who uses MapStore? Arno river basin authority

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Who uses MapStore? City of Genova

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Main Features

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MapStore Home Page Users can create and share contents with other users. They can browse their own contents and contents shared by other users using the Home page Optionally the creation of contents can be reserved only to administrators

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MapStore Basic Flow Add data Create a Resource Share Save and set permissions Thanks to resources like Maps, Dashboards, GeoStories and Contexts

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Maps The usual mapping interface and many tools available out-of-the-box: ● Timeline / Elevation tools ● Widgets (charts and tables) ● Compare tool ● Measure tool ● Annotations ● Visual Styler ● ... Compare Measure Widgets Timeline Annotations Visual Styler

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Dashboards • Charts, Maps, Tables and more that interact each other • Give life to more sophisticated visualizations!

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GeoStories • Tell compelling stories by mixing maps, videos, images, etc.. • Users can scroll and interact with a really cool visual impact and a high level of customization using an advanced web editor

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Application Contexts • MapStore allows to customize the viewer with tools (plugins) you need • Select standard MapStore plugin or develop and install your own • Maps inside MapStore can have specific tools reserved to particular use cases through App Contexts

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Users and groups management MapStore has an user/group management system and the possibility to integrate it with LDAP, GeoServer and GeoFence to provide advanced security and resource/data access privileges with high level of granularity set

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Downstream Project System Start from the standard MapStore and create your own project, replacing whatever you want, and keeping track only of your customizations (simplifying future updates). You can: ● Customize Look and Feel ● Create/replace pages ● Configure and create your own plugins ● Extend or replace the back-end with your own Well known projects like GeoNode and geOrchestra use this concept 🡪 More details here

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More Information ● Official Demo ● User Docs ● GitHub Repo ● Dev Docs ● Youtube Videos ● Mailing Lists ● MapStore Online training

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MapStore Features in detail

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Print plugin ○ Customizable printing templates (page format, text, logos) ○ Customizable legend ○ Ability to select the desired projection for printed maps ○ Multiple desired export formats other than PDF (eg. JPG, PNG) ○ Ability to print the Graticule on the map (new plugin!) Look at the plugin configuration /docs/api/plugins#plugins.Print

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Time data support ● The Timeline plugin supports both single time events and intervals with a start/end date.

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Map Widgets ● Chart widgets: ability to classify bar/pie using multiple attributes ● Data Infographics

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Geostories and Dashboards ● Map Widget switcher: ability to switch map widgets, keeping focus with connected widgets. ● Dashboards and GeoStories export/import.

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Data Editing ● Attribute table features snapping: Features geometries snapping enabled in edit mode ● Geometry and Attributes editing

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Google and Keycloak authentication with OpenID Connect ● OpenID integration: authentication providers supporting the protocol plug-in (Google, Keycloak, etc) Look at tions/users/openId/

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3D data support I Multiple Formats support: ● geoJSON ● 3D Tiles (3D Models) ● SHP ● Terrain data (DTM, DSM) ● Point Cloud (LIDAR)

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3D Data support II ● 3D data styling ability ● Query 3D data attributes, identify according to the camera orientation ● 3D data dimensions measurements (distance, area, point coordinates, height from terrain, angle, slope)

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3D Data support III ● Improved the 3D Map Options related to the globe in Settings: enable atmosphere, enable fog and enable depth test

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3D Features II Points Lines Polygons ● Styling properties Aligned the UI of the Styler for vector layers to the one used for WMS layer

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New with 2022.02 - Improved 3D data handling Identify for 3D Tiles and 3D vector layers! ● Enhanced the support for the Identify (click on map) in 3D mode according to the camera orientation

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Ongoing work - 3D Measurement Tool ● Measurement Tool supported in 3D viewer ● Supported measurements: distance, area, point coordinates, height from terrain, angle, slope

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MapStore v2022.02 releases timeline ● 2022.02.02 Released December 13th 2022 ● 2022.02.01 Released November 17th 2022 ● 2022.02.00 (Major) Released September 28th 2022 ● 2022.01.02 Released June 9th 2022 ● 2022.01.01 Released May 4th 2022 ● 2022.01.00 (Major) Released March 16h 2022

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New with 2022.02 - Side Toolbar ● Side Toolbar new design: ○ Faster access to MapStore tools ○ Allows concurrent use of multiple tools on the same map

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New with 2022.02 - Improved 3D data handling Improved the support for Terrain layers including a new dedicated layer type to support terrain provider layer for the 3D viewer Look at onfiguration/#terrain Now you can configure the preferred Terrain provider for each 3D map!

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New with 2022.02 - Improved 3D data handling ● Support to WFS layers and imported vector layers (GeoJSON, Shapefile…) in 3D mode ○ Visualization of 2D and 3D Geometries in 3D mode ○ Support to Identify Look at s/#styling-of-vector-layer ○ Support to Styling

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New with 2022.02 - Improved 3D data handling ● Improved 3D mode performances: applied Explicit Rendering strategy to avoid frames loading when the map is idle

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MapStore Dependencies ● A lot of dependencies updates across 2022.01 and 2022.02 series ○ Upgrade of Cesium to v1.90.0 ○ Upgrade of Postgres JDBC driver to 42.2.23 ○ Upgrade of Bootstrap to v3.4.1 ○ Support for build to npm 7 ○ Upgrade of Spring dependency to v5.3.18 and Spring Security to v5.3.10 ○ Minimum Tomcat version required is v8.5.69

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New with 2022.02 - Query params handling ● First implementation in v2022.01.01 series ○ Provided the ability to send query params using POST ● Enhanced in v2022.02.00 ○ Support to multiple embedded maps on the same web page via POST ● Enhanced in v2022.02.01 ○ Provided support for a simplified handling of query parameters ○ Support of query params for 3D mode More documentation available online at: Example 458,45.699&zoom=5&mapInfo=gs:us_states&mapInfoFilter=STATE_FIPS=30

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New with 2022.02 - Loading Time ● Further performance improvements from v2021.02 concerning the loading time of MapStore pages ○ Reduced the initial MapStore JS bundle size by lazy-loading needed lib dependencies ○ Modular Plugin: for a dynamic import of plugins and extensions only when needed 2022.01.02 2022.02.02 mapstore2.js 1.4 Mb mapstore2.js 2.6 Mb

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New with 2022.02 - Improved mobile widgets visualization ● Map widgets in mobile view: we improved the layout to visualize the widgets on small screens, similar a carousel visualization

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New with 2022.02 - More Improvements A lot of other minor enhancements to the existing MapStore capabilities will be included ● Ability to set domain sharding directly from the Catalog component ● 3D zoom via share URL now supports the camera orientation ● Client side customization for WMTS background layers attributions ● New Delete plugin for maps, geostories and dashboards ● URLs are automatically converted to hyperlinks in Attribute ● ...and much more

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Ongoing work

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Ongoing work - Map Views plugin ● A new plugin will allow to make different views inside the same map defining: description, position, navigation time, layers visibility and additional options for 3D viewer

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● 3D map viewer will allow following additional options: clip/mask of 3D Tiles and globe transparency Ongoing work - Map Views plugin

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Ongoing workVector/WFS Style editor enhancements for 3D viewer ● Leader line property to connect a marker, 3D model, icon or text to the terrain ● 3D Model as point symbolizer

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Ongoing work - Legend for vector layers ● Layer items in TOC will show the legend for WFS and vector layers is a style has been defined

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Ongoing work - R&D of 3D rendering and performances ● More work and evolutions expected for 3D: ○ Investigating on a different approach to speed up loading of Terrain tiles ○ Investigating on different loading request strategies and tiling for WFS and Vector layers ○ Investigating on alternative specifications that describes 3D Features to improve the MapStore capabilities and performances (3D Tiles version 1.1, Vector Tiles, CityGML, CityJSON, 3DCityDB, 3D GeoVolumes, COPC, GLTF, …)

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Ongoing work - Multiple chart support for single widgets ● In dashboards, it will be possible to configure multiple charts and switch between them directly in the widget.

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Ongoing work - WMTS configuration refactor ● Improving the WMTS layer configuration to manage tile matrix sets limits at layer level ● Keeping external sources property to centralize and reduce the size of map configuration ● Allowing configurability of tile matrix set inside layer options

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MapStore Online Documentation Check out the updated User and Developer guides of the release v2023.01.02 er-guide/home-page/ veloper-guide/requirements/

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That’s all folks! Questions?