Slide 59
Slide 59 text
Judging - When you have your mind full of judgements, you can’t listen to the opinions of others
To help, practice empathy
Patronizing - Don’t be that patronizing coworker, people are less likely to want to be around you.
Help can be provided with respect and treating others as equals
Topping - Taking over a conversation or being the person who as to “top” the other.
If you want to add to the conversation, add something to it, don’t just try to be the most interesting person in the room
Distraction - If you are distracted while in a conversation, people will notice.
Be honest if you have something taking away your concentration, and then try to remove it (aka. Put down your phone)
Word vomit - Speaking without a filter. This may hurt someones feelings
Pay attention to the words you choose