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Causal Inference Engine Programming AI with Kotlin @davilagrau

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1. Schedule AI paradigm programmed in Kotlin ➔ Introduction almo, open source and community ➔ Kotlin AI Java developers’ dream of a better programming language. ➔ Curve fitting vs Strong AI Machines with the sense of humans: mind over data ➔ Causal Inference Engine Answering the simplest question: Why?

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Introduction: a.l.m.o Opensource Dev Communities

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A few words about me... Andres-Leonardo Martinez-Ortiz a.k.a almo is a member of the Google Engineering team, leading Google Developer Relations worldwide. Based in Zurich, he drives the success of Google's developer products and the Open Web by creating a thriving ecosystem of developers. Nurturing developers experts and partners in large companies, startups, universities and enterprises, almo fosters open standards and Google technologies. almo is also a member of IEEE, ACM, Linux Foundation and Computer Society. @davilagrau almo

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Developers came together from all corners of the world to innovate, find connection, and solve problems*, using Internet and Open Source. *Octoverse 2020

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Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash Compartir Aprendiendo Aprender Enseñando Enseñar Aprendiendo

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Koltin AI?

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Why Kotlin? Easy learning curve Java interoperability Ecosystem support Educational resources: ● Kotlin Koans Multi platform The language of Android and server side, web or native applications Academically recognized Popular in the industry Multi paradigm Concurrent programming including corrutines and CSP Object oriented Higher order functions and Lambda functions

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Curve fitting vs Strong AI Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

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CSAT for computers, emperors and their new minds & Chinese rooms Thinking about intelligence: Philosophical foundations. Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

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Superintelligent AI May Be Impossible to Control. Not even possible to know if an AI is superintelligent. January 2021

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Counterfactuals Activities: imagining, retrospective, understanding. What if I have done… ? Why? Was X the cause? Y? What if X has not occurred? What if I acted differently? Intervention Activities: doing, intervening. What if I do… ? How? What would Y be if I do X? How can I make Y happen? Association Activities: seeing, observing. What if I see…? How are the variables related? How would seeing X change my belief of Y? The Ladder of Causation

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Causal Inference Engine Knowledge Assumptions Causal Model Testable Implication Query Can we answer? Back to 2 and 3 Estimand (Recipe) Data Statistical Estimation Estimate (Answer) 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 6 Yes No Inference Engine

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Representing Knowledge in a Uncertain World Bayesian networks vs causality inference Mind over data “Causation is a language with which one can talk efficiently about certain structures of relevance relationships.” (1988) “The words embarrass me today ” (2018)

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Causal Inference in Probability Trees Algorithms for Causal Reasoning in Probability Trees Genewein et al. (2020) DeepMind

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Definitions Algorithms for Causal Reasoning in Probability Trees Genewein et al. (2020) DeepMind

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Probability Trees Recursive definition Node n is a tuple n = (u,S,C) ● Id ● Statements list ● Transition list Transition list is a tuple (,) ∈ [0,1]xN ● transition probability ● Node m The root: ● Node without parents ● Statement “O=1” A leaf is a node with childs.

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Events and min-cuts An event is a collection of total realization i.e. path from the root to a leaf. Formally, an event is a cut δ(, ) where the true set and the false set contains all the nodes where the event becomes true and false respectively. Critical nodes are Markov Blanket: all variables bound within a path from the root to the critical nodes are exogenous downstream.

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Min-cuts Algorithms Bug: it should be V

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Causal Events Precedence Bug: it should be e Bug: it should be e Note: the event where Y=1 precedes Z=0 cannot be stated logically. It is a causal event requiring a probability tree.

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Causal Events Conditions Bug: it should be q Question: What is the probability of the event A given that the event B is true? Note: Downstream (prediction) or upstream (inference)

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Causal Events Interventions Question: What is the probability of the event A given that the event B was made true? Note: only downstream (prediction)

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Code AI Applications in Kotlin almo’s github repo

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Data Structure

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Tree Definition

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Initialization Root NodeID:01 Statement:[O,1] Transitions Statements:[(X, 0)] NodeID:01.0 P:0.4545 Statements:[(Y, 0)] NodeID:01.0.0 P:0.4000 Statements:[(Z, 0)] NodeID: P:0.5000 Statements:[(Z, 1)] NodeID: P:0.5000 Statements:[(Y, 1)] NodeID:01.0.1 P:0.6000 Statements:[(Z, 1)] NodeID: P:0.3333 Statements:[(Z, 0)] NodeID: P:0.6667 Statements:[(X, 1)] NodeID:01.1 P:0.5455 Statements:[(Z, 0)] NodeID:01.1.0 P:0.3333 Statements:[(Y, 0)] NodeID: P:0.5000 Statements:[(Y, 1)] NodeID: P:0.5000 Statements:[(Z, 1)] NodeID:01.1.1 P:0.6667 Statements:[(Y, 1)] NodeID: P:0.2000 Statements:[(Y, 0)] NodeID: P:0.8000

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Min-cuts Algorithms Remember: it should be V

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Causal Events Precedence Bug: it should be e Bug: it should be e

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Causal Events Conditions Bug: it should be q

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Causa Events Conditions Bug: it should be q

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Causal Events Interventions

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Causal Events Interventions

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Further details Please check the reference[1] for additional details and consideration. Interesting analysis of the application in machine learning can be found in the reference [2] The Causal Inference Engine is work in progress. You can find the code at http:/ / Update and tech news in my twitter timeline @davilagrau [1] Algorithms for Causal Reasoning in Probability Trees Genewein et al. (2020) DeepMind [2] Causality for Machine Learning B. Schölkopf (2019) DeepMind

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Causal Inference Engine Programming AI with Kotlin @davilagrau Thank you! @davilagrau almo