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Do you like debugging?

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Do You Have A Rubber Duck? The Power of Rubber Duck Debugging

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● A debugging technique in which you explain your code or problem to someone else or an inanimate object, like a rubber duck ● First introduced in the book ‘The Pragmatic Programmer’ by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas RUBBER DUCK DEBUGGING

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How does it work?

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Step 1: Be stuck on a bug

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Step 2: Obtain a rubber duck

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Step 3: Explain Your Problem or Code to the Duck

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Step 4: Have a Eureka! moment

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The Psychology Behind It ● Forces Articulation of the Problem ● Engages Multiple Cognitive Processes ● Breaks Down Complex Issues ● Eliminates Assumptions and Biases

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● When to use? ● Choosing the right rubber duck ● Creating a distraction free environment ● Be patient and persistent Practical Tips

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When to use?

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● The danger of explaining without listening. ● When not to use Rubber Duck Debugging. ● Finding a balance with other debugging techniques. Pitfalls

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So, do you have a rubber duck?